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The Effect of Different Type Drying Methods on Chemical

and Microbiology of Goat Milk Powder Kefir

Arif Rahman (190310014 )

Bella Puspita K (190310029)
Febriawan ( 190310017 )
Febi prasetyo (190310035 )
Ido galih saputra (190310011)
Kefir is a fermented product made from several raw materials such as cow's milk, goat's milk, buffalo milk,
seeds and fruits, added with kefir grains as a starter containing LAB and yeast bound to a polysaccharide
matrix (O'Brien). et al., 2016). Kefir is also known as a probiotic drink, in general kefir is made by
pasteurizing milk and then inoculated with kefir seeds (kefir seeds) which contain LAB
(Lactobacilli,Laktokokus, Lactobacillus kefir, Lactobacillus parakefir, Lactobacillus kefiranofirgum,
bakteri Lactobacillus dan Lactobacillus kefiranofacien).
Materials and methods
21 liters of fresh goat's milk and 1 kg of kefir grains purchased at Omah Kefir Ungaran, 0.1 N

NaOH solution, H 2 SO 4, selenium, NaOH, phenolphthalein, MRSA medium, PDA (Potato

Dextrose Agar), MRMB, physiological NaCl, ether, aquadest, and aluminum foil. Cabinet
dryer (NCD-5, Dongguan Naser Machinery CO., LTD., China), freeze dryer(2018.11.16,
ShunDi food., Ltd, Shanghai, China), and spray dryer (OLT-SD8000B, Ollital Technology,
Fujian, China), kjeldahl flasks, crushing apparatus, distillation apparatus, soxhlet apparatus,
furnaces, autoclaves (Hirayama, Japan), and incubators (Memmert, Germany).
Materials and methods
freeze drying
Freeze drying is a drying method that has advantages in maintaining the quality of drying products (Emami
et al., 2018)

spray drying
converting liquid products into dry powder products using a spray system with hot media which causes
evaporation and turns into powder.

drying cabinet
Cabinet dryers use hot air in an enclosed space. Vacuum dryers use a pump for blowing air while tray
dryers utilize the heat flowing over the surface (DeedsJournal of Applied Food Technology 7(1): 19-2420
et al., 2017).
Results and Discussion
Treatments Total acid (%)
Total Acid that can be Titrated

The drying method did not show a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the
Cabinet drying 0,785+0,071
total acidity of goat milk kefir powder. The average total acid score in the
cabinet drying treatment was 0.785%, the freeze drying treatment was
Freeze drying 0,785 ± 0,071 0.785% and the spray drying treatment was 0.78%. Based on Table 1, it is
known that the average total acid in each drying treatment ranged from

Spray drying 0,78 ± 0,0067 0.78% to 0.785%. This shows that the total acid obtained in goat milk
kefir powder with different drying methods has reached the standard set
for total acid kefir.
Total Protein Content
Treatments Total
protein(%) the different types of drying methods had no significant effect (p> 0.05) on the total protein
Cabinet drying 27,56 ± 1,51 content of goat milk kefir powder. The average total protein content in goat milk kefir
powder produced is quite high. The higher the total microbe contained in goat's milk kefir,
Freeze drying 25.97 ± 4.95
the higher the protein content in kefir due to the microbial constituents (Hanum 2016).
Spray drying 1,66 ± 4,73 Water content

drying method had a significant effect (p <0.05) on the moisture content of powdered goat's
Treatments Water content milk kefir. The average score of moisture content in the cabinet drying treatment was
17.86%, the freeze drying treatment was 8.37%, and the spray drying treatment was 7.75%.
Cabinet drying 27,56 ± 1,51
This may be influenced by the use of temperature used when drying with an inlet
Freeze drying 8,37 ± 1,009 temperature of 125°C in spray drying which causes a high reduction in moisture content, as
stated by Quek et al.
Spray drying 7.75 ± 3.671
Next Total Ash Content
Treatments Total Ash significant effect on the total ash content of goat milk kefir powder from all
(%) drying methods has a. The average results of the total ash content of goat
Cabinet drying 30,37 ± 5,96 milk kefir powder in these three drying methods did not meet the standards.
Freeze drying method produces total ash content with the lowest mean
Freeze drying 5,59 ± 0,785
Spray drying 58,98 ± 61,90
Total Fat Content

Treatments Total Fat drying method had no significant effect on fat content in goat's milk.
Content (%)
Drying treatment with cabinet drying method produces high fat content or
Cabinet drying 37,17 ± 7,99
exceeds the standard which can be influenced by drying temperature and
Freeze drying 37,17 ± 7,99 length of drying time. Drying with the spray drying method produces low
or below standard fat content because it takes a longer time to complete the
Spray drying 1.026 ± 0.09
process which allows the lipase enzyme to break down more fat so that
there is a decrease in fat content.
Next Total Lactic Acid Bacteria
Treatments Total Lactic
Acid Bacteria The lowest number of bacteria was found in kefir powder by cupboard
(CFU / ml)
drying method. This is due to the high drying temperature reaching 50 °
Cabinet drying -
C for 24 hours causing a decrease in the number of live lactic acid
Freeze drying 7.14x10 5
bacteria. The highest total LAB yield was found in kefir powder by
Spray drying 2.25x10 2 freeze drying method.

Total Yeast
Treatments Total Yeast
(CFU / ml) Total yeast had no significant effect of total yeast in powdered goat's
Cabinet drying 4.87x10 6 milk kefir between drying methods. The highest total yield from yeast to

Freeze drying 2.88x10 5 the lowest was found in cabinet drying, freeze drying and spray drying
Spray drying 1,33x10 4
Different types of drying methods specifically affect the moisture content, total
ash content, total LAB and yeast kefir powdered goat milk. The best treatment
of the drying method is spray drying. It can achieve maximum shelf life
Pros & Conc
◦ Abstract writing is very clear and can contain what is in the journal and objectives.
◦ Using research methods that are complete and easy to understand.

◦ There are only two small tables that represent all the research conducted.
◦ in the conclusion does not include the maximum shelf life in detail
Thank you

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