Memory: Nafasya IP
Memory: Nafasya IP
Memory: Nafasya IP
Nafasya IP
A) Encoding
Enter information into memory
B) Storage
Save memory Over time
C) Retrieval
Take information from storage
8. Explist Memory: Conscious
information collection
- Epocodic memory ENCODING
Information about information about
where, when, and process
what happenswhen
in life
- Semantic memory someone's
information enters into
knowledge of the world
memory storage
▪︎Selective Attention
Affecting the Encoding Process
▪︎Level of processing in encoding
- Shallow level, analytistic about sensory
stimulation of physical
- Middle level, labeling on stimuli
- The deepest level, processing semantically
according to its meaning
Processing at each level
- Add a distinctiveness in memory code
Can improve memory
- Sensory memory: keep Information from the
world in its original sensory form in an instant
- Epocodic memory
Information about information about
where, when, and what happens in life
- Interference
- Retroactive Interference New
- Proactive Interference
-Decay Theory
-Motivated Forgetting
Memory dysfunction Because of physiological
factors, namely because of the chemical
process, aging and process of brain and
nerve cell degeneration
- Amnesia retroged
- Anterograde Amnesia
- Alzheimer
- Corsakoff Syndrome
Improve MEMORY
- Rehearsel (Repetition)
- Chain System
connect item items imaginer
with a well known location