BNS Pregnancy Diagnosis of Mare
BNS Pregnancy Diagnosis of Mare
BNS Pregnancy Diagnosis of Mare
DR. B.N.Suthar
Department Of Gynaecology and
Veterinary College
SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar
Mare Anatomy
Left Ovary
Cervix Vagina
Ovaries Left Uterine
Uterine Body
Normal uterus
External signs of pregnancy
The rectum of mare is drier than that of
the cow and required frequent liberal
Trauma to rectum is more easily produced
and has more serious results.
Locate the ovary: Bean shaped below the lumbar
Pass the hand down for the utero-ovarian
Cup the uterus between finger and thumb
Palpate the cranial border, ventral and dorsal
portion of the uterus
Uterus is pliable, soft , flat and flaccid
Another method :
-The mare’s uterus is ‘T’ Shaped, with two short -Insert the
hand 45 to 50 cm into the rectum at 20to30 0 downward
- Close the figure , flex them and withdrawn the arm
- Band of tissue can be felt running through the palm of the
hand from left to right.
- This is either a body of the uterus or small colon
- If colon, slide out of the hand and withdrawn the arm little
-Uterus:will curve upward towards the ovaries
Uterine changes
Palpation of Chorionic or Blastodermic vesicle
Distended bladder
ID placental
Re-evaluate, 40 days
Monitor Placental
function & fetal growth
Ultrasound Examination
Diagnostic ultrasound plays a pivotal
role in the reproductive management
of the mare and no deleterious effects
of ultrasonography have been
reported in man nor in the equine.
A thorough understanding of normal
ultrasonographic anatomy is vital for
veterinarians involved in broodmare
Principles of diagnostic ultrasound
• Diagnostic ultrasound utilises sound frequencies between 2 and
10 MHz.
• Ultrasound is produced by application of an alternating voltage to
piezoelectric crystals which change in size and produce a pressure or
ultrasound wave. Returning echoes deform the same crystals which
generate a surface voltage.
• Most diagnostic ultrasound machines use the principle of brightness
modulation (B-mode) where the returning echoes are displayed as
dots, the brightness of which is proportional to their amplitude.
• Real-time B-mode ultrasound is a dynamic imaging system where
information is continually updated and displayed on a monitor.
• Ultrasound is attenuated within tissues and attenuation is related to
the density of the tissue, the heterogeneity of the tissue and the
number and type of echo interfaces.
• Bright (specular) echoes are produced when a large proportion of
the beam is reflected back to the transducer; these echoes are
displayed as white areas on the ultrasound machine screen.
• No echoes are produced when the sound is transmitted and not
reflected; these areas are displayed as black on the ultrasound
machine screen.
Progesterone assay
By radioimmunoassay(RIA) or ELISA at 20
days after service to determine whether
conception possible occurred.
Plasma progesterone
Progesterone concentrations in plasma can be measured by radio-
immunoassay, in which samples are sent to a laboratory and results
take two or more days to obtain. Alternatively the enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests can be used in a veterinary practice
laboratory giving the results more rapidly.
At 17 to 22 days post-ovulation, pregnant mares should have
progesterone levels above 2 ng/ml . However an incorrect diagnosis of
pregnancy can occur in cases of:
1. prolonged luteal phase,
2. early embryonic death or
3. mares with a short luteal phase.
Not all mares with high progesterone concentrations are pregnant and
high progesterone levels only indicate that luteal tissue is present
in the ovary. In addition, mis-timing of samples will give wrong
· Some pregnant mares may have low progesterone concentrations
for periods of time.
· There is a marked random variation in circulating serum
progesterone concentrations throughout the day. This makes
interpretation of single samples difficult if not impossible.
Mare immunologic pregnancy test
Most widely used test in the USA
Reliability : Between 40-120 days
It is a hemaggutination inhibition test
PMSG inhibit the agglutination of sheep
erythrocyte coated with PMSG in the
presence of PMSG antiserum from rabbit.
A.Z.Test ( Ascheim-Zondek test)