Girls Who Code Case Presentation
Girls Who Code Case Presentation
Girls Who Code Case Presentation
Goals -> educate enough women to fill half of the entry-level tech positions in the U.S. by 2027
Current Scenario
• The gender gap in the U.S. tech industry had increased since 1990
• Number of female computer science majors peaked in 1984 at 37%, then began to decline
• “Brogrammer” - toxic work environment - deterred women from entering tech - gender-based
discrimination, including sexual harassment, insults from male co-workers, exclusion from
networking and office social events, and pay imbalances
• Girls expressed high levels of interest in STEM at age 11, their interest in math and science
declined by age 15
• Female engineering students who changed majors often cited poor grades as a motivating
factor, when in reality, they typically had comparable, if not better, grades than men who stayed
Building Girls Who Code
Summer Immersion 0 Change girls’ self-perceptions of their math and
In 2012, GWC launched its first 1
science abilities, and encourage more girls to pursue
seven-week summer immersion STEM fields
program serving 20 girls [ NY ].
focused on creating a fun, social
02 Developed its own curriculum, which included skills-
served rising 11th and 12th graders, expanded to five
U.S. cities by 2013, and 17 U.S. cities by 2019. based lessons and incorporated discussions of female
application-based and free of charge tech role models
GWC prioritized applicants ( commitment, interest &
similar values)
Targeting families in subsidized housing to personally
Clubs recruit girls from low-income communities
free, volunteer-run afterschool
programs hosted at libraries,
schools, and community center.
Most clubs held 60-minute sessions once a week, 04 GWC
also created advanced lessons for girls who
and were geared toward middle/high school girls.
had attended clubs for several years and needed
followed a Standard Club (15-week) or Mini Club
more challenging material
(10-week) curriculum
Who are its customers?
Nebulas Protostars White Dwarfs
Urban/Rural Urban/Rural Urban Urban
Age 9-15Yrs 15-19Yrs >19Yrs
Programs for segment GWC Clubs Summer Immersion Program College loops program
GWC Campus Alumni Network
Income Low Medium/High Medium/High
Exposed to Gender
Personality traits Open to experiences, Stereotypes, anxiety towards Ambitious
Develop interest & positive Convince to pursue Majors Entry Level Jobs, Paid
Desired Goal view for maths and science in STEM, Make them meet internships, Networking
female role models. opportunities
Percentage 29.33% 44% 26.6%
Metrics for GWC
Agenda Explanation Metric
T hey assume that their 'Reach' is directly proportional to S ocial Media – Views, Shares, Subscribers
Engagement the change that they want to bring, I.e. bridging the Book Sales, people using hashtag for campaigns
gender gap in technology.
Due to stereotypes low number of girls pick STEM and Change in Percentage of Women graduating in CS
Overcoming Stereotypes even lower number of girls Change in Percentage of Women working tech role at
top companies
Even though they are a social enterprise, they need to 1. Total Fund raised
Finances focus on profitability in order to pay volunteers and run 2. Total Expenses
Aditi Prasad, Founder - Indian Girls Code An Image from the event "Hour of Code" by ROBOTIX
Balancing Messaging and Activity for GWC
1.Selective Funding : GWC need to choose 3.Use of Pressure Groups: GWC should
investors/ collaborators very wisely to not associate use its prominence amongst the power/
with entities which are against GWC's vision. There industrial groups to propagate its agenda in
should be provisions for contract dissolutions/exit schools and in social initiatives e.g., Girls Scout,
strategies if anything comes up during the contract Law passed by State of Washington
Internship opportunities with Social Impact Firms: Social Cops, Dalberg, FSG,
- Saujani believed that many girls did not pursue coding because they could not connect how coding could be leveraged for social impact
- Applying computing and coding to real societal problems can help change the world, which can be a powerful hook for girls who code
- Firm such as Social Cops & are using technology extensively and provide an opportunity to see real on-ground impact
Parenting coaching Institutes: WOW Parenting, HLS India, Mindful Parenting Program
- As a parent, the encouragement doesn’t end after seeing the initial spark in your daughter- parents need to stay involved
- Parenting sessions provide platforms for parents to discuss and find strategies for everyday concerns
To p i c s f o r F u t u r e D i s c u s s i o n s
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