Why did you start smoking?
Reasons why people start to smoke
• On a dare to show that you are not timid or afraid.
• To fit with the crowd (all my friends do it)
• To appear sophisticated or cool
• To be grown-up
• To assert your independence
• As a sign of protest, rebellion, or to defy authority
• Free samples from friends or advertisers
Reasons why people start to smoke
• Influences from people you respect and admire
– Parents or relatives smoked
– Images of famous actors, movie stars, or role models
– Baseball players who use chewing tobacco
– Famous scientists
(Einstein is the prototype of intellectual smokers.
He looks so proud with a pipe in his mouth.)
• Portrayals by cigarette advertisements
• To try to lose weight
• To calm your nerves
• As a kind of "air freshener" when using the toilet
Why do you smoke now?
Has smoking helped you
achieve your goals?
Has smoking made you
smarter, or cooler, or sexier?
Some of the reasons why people smoke
• No particular reason, but the cigarettes are handy
• To reduce a feeling of anxiety or nervousness
• To calm down when upset or angry
• To socialize with other smokers
• When feeling restless
• As relaxation
• To take a break from work
• While having coffee or tea
• When having a drink with friends
Some of the reasons why people smoke
• To satisfy an urge to smoke
• After a meal
• After sex
• To pass the time while waiting for someone.
• When driving in the car
• When feeling depressed
• When drinking beer, wine, or liquor
• To celebrate something
• To think about a difficult problem
Did you know that…
• Smoking kills an estimated _NUMBER____
people each year in the Philippines.
• It is a major cause of illness and premature
• On average, persistent smokers die 10 years
younger than non-smokers.
Who smokes?
• 80% of smokers start smoking before age 21
• 100% of humans start out life as non
smokers...if you were a non-smoker once, you
can become a non-smoker again
• 11% of youths aged 12-17 have smoked
• One in five high school seniors smoke daily,
and 70% have tried cigarettes
• 3000 teenagers start smoking each day
Tobacco contains
over 4, 000
chemicals, many of
which are harmful
Some harmful chemicals in tobacco:
• Benzene - solvent used in fuel and chemical manufacture
• Formaldehyde - highly poisonous, colourless liquid used to
preserve dead bodies
• Ammonia - chemical found in cleaning fluids. Used in cigarettes
to increase the delivery of nicotine
• Hydrogen cyanide - poisonous gas used in the manufacture of
plastics, dyes, and pesticides. Often used as a fumigant to kill rats
• Cadmium - extremely poisonous metal found in batteries
• Acetone - solvent found in nail polish remover
• Arsenic - ingredient in rat poison
Three main components of inhaled smoke
• Nicotine
• Carbon monoxide
• Tar
Effects of Nicotine
• It reaches the brain within 10 seconds after
smoke is inhaled.
• Acts as both a stimulant and depressant on your
• It increases your bowel activity, saliva, and
bronchial secretions.
• It stimulates the nervous system and may cause
tremors in the inexperienced user, or even
convulsions with high doses.
Effects of Nicotine (2)
• After stimulation, there's a phase that
depresses the muscles in your airways.
• As a euphoric agent, nicotine causes
relaxation from stressful situations.
Effects of Nicotine (3)
• Causes sweating, nausea, and diarrhea.
• It elevates the blood level of glucose (blood
sugar) and increases insulin production.
• It tends to enhance platelet aggregation,
which may lead to blood clots.
Effects of Nicotine (4)
• It temporarily stimulates memory and
• People who use tobacco frequently depend on
it to help them accomplish certain tasks at
specific levels of performance.
• It tends to be an appetite suppressant.
Carbon monoxide
• A poisonous gas found in car fumes, which
reduces the amount of oxygen carried in the
• It binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells,
preventing affected cells from carrying a full
load of oxygen
• cancer-causing chemicals, collectively known
as "tar"
Health Risks
• Blood clots, which may lead to aneurysms and strokes
• Cancer (especially in the lung, mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney,
pancreas, and cervix)
• Coronary artery disease including angina and heart attacks
• Decreased ability to taste and smell
• Delayed wound healing
• High blood pressure
• Lung problems such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis
• Pregnancy-related problems, including miscarriage, premature labor, low
birth weight, and risk for sudden infant death syndrome
• Tooth and gum diseases
Lung Cancer
Gum disease/Mouth cancer
Cosmetic issues
• Cigarette smoke leaves an unpleasant smell
• Nicotine stains on fingers
• Wrinkles
• Teeth are discolored
Social issues
• Lose contact with non-smoking friends
• Second-hand smoke is dangerous to those
around the smoker
• Cigarette smoke bothers other people
• Littering when cigarette butts are discarded
Financial issues
• Smoking takes up a large portion of household
budget in low income household
– deprive essential expenditures
• Smoking has long-term negative effect on
– high medical expenditures
• Smoking has negative effect on health
– premature death/ low mortality
How quickly can a room go up in flames?
4 minutes, 45 seconds 31
Second-hand smoke
• Those who are regularly around the smoke of
others (secondhand smoke) have a higher risk
– Coronary artery disease
– Lung cancer
– Sudden and severe reactions, including those
involving the eye, nose, throat, and lower
respiratory tract
Second-hand smoke
• Infants and children that are exposed regularly
to secondhand smoke are at risk of:
– Asthma
– Infections, including virus-caused upper
respiratory infections, ear infections, and
– Lungs that do not work as well (poor lung
– Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)