Gulf Final
Gulf Final
Gulf Final
thE land
Oil in Dubai
It could have been a curse.
Resource curse:
“the tendency of countries with high levels of natural
resources to exhibit worse economic and political
(Morrison, 2008)
Dubai and Economic Time-line
2007- The Gulf emirate of Dubai
2006- Oil revenues in Dubai dropped to announced it had bought the Queen
7% of GDP as economic development Elizabeth 2.
expanded to transport, tourism and
business. 2005- It was reported that Dubai
Holding, bought 21,000 rental
apartments in the US Sunbelt for $1
2002- Started creating a world-class billion.
financial centre as part of its
diversification into service industries
before running out of oil and gas. 2002- Started $5.5 billion Palm Island
resort project.
2002- The $4.9 billion Dubai Land
tourist city
So what did they do...
“Our infrastructure has expanded to
become one of the best in the world,
....... We are also witnessing the
continued excellence of the
logistics, retail, trade and tourism
sectors, which power the dynamics
of Dubai’s economy, and reiterate
their legacy as the chief engines and
enablers of growth.”
Shaikh Ahmed,
Chairman of the Dubai Economic Sector
Into the following sectors:
Travel and Tourism
In 2010, there were nearly 15 million visitors to Dubai and