Refresher & New User Training - 2005

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Refresher & New User Training -2005

     This brief presentation is intended for all radiation

users, including those Authorized Users (AUs) and lab
 Radiation safety program at the UA has
been operating under:
– Arkansas Radioactive Material Licenses:
ARK-064-INC-01-96, and ARK-711-BP-RA-
01-99 (SRCC)
– Arkansas Particle Accelerator License, ARK-
Mission of a Radiation Safety Program

•to assist researchers in keeping radiation exposures

to a minimum
•to assist the institution in complying with state and
federal regulations concerning radioactive materials
•to provide instruction to workers regarding the safe
use of radioactivity
UA Radiation Protection - Chain of
•State/Federal oversight of radioactivity
•UA administration (Chancellor, Provost)
•Radiation safety committees
•Radiation Safety Officer
•Authorized Radiation Users
•Individual laboratory workers
Contacting Radiation Safety at UA
•Location – 521 S. Razorback Road
•Phone - 575-3379
•Radiation Safety Officer – Maksudur Sarder
•Emergency number - 911 on the UA campus
telephone system
Radiation and Radioactivity
•Radiation is energy in transit, either as particles
or, electromagnetic waves

•Radioactivity is the characteristic of various

materials to emit ionizing radiation
  Types of Ionizing Radiation
•X-ray -- photon from the electron shell

•Gamma ray -- photon from the nucleus

•Alpha particle -- a helium nucleus

•Beta particle -- an electron or positron

Sources of Ionizing Radiation
•cosmic rays and naturally-occurring radioactive
elements (natural background)

•medical x-rays and nuclear medicine studies

•man-made radioactive materials and radiation

Units of Radiation Measurement:
It is useful for radiation workers to be familiar with the units of
radiation exposure, amount, dose and dose equivalent.  These
units take two forms:
•Classical - e.g. curie, rad, rem
•System International (S.I.) - e.g. becquerel, gray, sievert
Summary of Radiation Units

Units of exposure roentgen

curie (classical) and becquerel
Units of quantity
Units of absorbed dose rad (classical) and gray (S.I.)
rem (classical) and sievert
Units of effective dose
Dose Units

•The rad (or, gray) is a unit for measuring the

absorbed energy from radiation

•The rem (or, sivert) is a unit of measuring the

biological damage caused by that radiation
Radiation Units:
Background radiation

•The average person in the United States receives

about 360 mrem/yr (whole body equivalent dose)

•This dose is mostly from natural sources of

Typical Annual Radiation Exposures to a
Resident of the U.S.
Source mrem
Inhaled (radon & its progeny 200
Other internal (K-40) 39
Terrestrial 28
Cosmic 27
Cosmogenic 1
Medical X-ray 60
Total ~ 360
Radiation Bioeffects
There are two types of radiation bioeffects - deterministic and stochastic.

•Severity increases with radiation dose
•Threshold: 50-100 rem
•Dose and dose rate dependent
•Cataract induction
•Epilation (hair loss)
•Erythema (skin reddening)
•Blood changes
Radiation Bioeffects
•Probability of occurrence increases with radiation dose
•Threshold: 10 rem, but regulatory models assume no threshold
•Cancer induction
•Genetic mutations
•Developmental abnormalities
Deterministic Radiation Effect Thresholds


Testis 15
Temporary sterility
GI 35
Bone marrow 50
Blood cell depression
Skin 200
Reversible skin effects
Ovaries 250 - 600
Permanent sterility
GI 300
Skin 300 - 500
Temporary hair loss
Testis 350
Permanent sterility
Skin 500 - 600
Skin erythema
Thresholds for acute, low LET dose

A minimum dose (threshold dose) is required before deterministic

bioeffects begin to appear in the exposed population.  These
effects are not observed at lower doses
Stochastic Radiation Effects
•incidence begins to increase in populations acutely exposed
to more than 10 rem
•continues to increase with increasing dose
•nominal risk 0.0001/rem for high dose and dose rate
Genetic Effects
•more than 100 rem of low-dose rate, low LET radiation
needed to double the incidence of genetic defects in humans
•no human hereditary effects seen at gonadal doses less than
50 rem
In Utero Irradiation
•developmental and other effects begin to increase at 10 rem
•assessment of radiation risk should be limited to dose
estimates near and above 10 rem (10,000 mrem)
Occupational Exposure Limits
•The amount of radiation dose a worker can receive in one
year is limited by Federal Law (Title 10, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 20)

•You are entitled to regular reports of your occupational

exposure at University of Arkansas
Annual Occupational Dose Limits - 10 CFR 20
•Total effective dose equivalent to whole body:  5 rem (5,000

•Lens of eye: 15 rem (15,000 mrem)

•Sum of deep-dose and committed dose equivalents to all

other tissues and extremities: 50 rem (50,000 mrem)
ALARA Principle:

•UA radiation safety activities strive to keep all radiation doses

associated with University activities well below the regulatory
limits and As Low As Reasonable Achievable (ALARA)

•ALARA (as low as reasonable achievable) limits are 10% of

these:  500 mrem deep, 1500 mrem eye and 5000 mrem
shallow extremity
Where can lab radiation sources be found?
On a campus as large and complex as UA's, radiation sources
can pop up anywhere.  From a standpoint of controlling inventory
and security, it is important to know where sources can be hiding:

•liquid scintillation counter external "quench" sources

•gas chromatographs

•soil moisture gauges

•materials thickness gauges

•smoke detectors

•static electricity dissipation units

Protection of the Public
Due to the large number of potential radiation sources on campus,
the general public and non-radiation workers at UA must be
advised of their presence.  This is accomplished through the use
of official signs that are posted in areas where radioactive
materials are in use. Dose limits for member of public is 100
mrem/year. No dosimetry badge required.
Isotope Ordering, Receiving
and Delivery
 Before placing your order know your
license limit
 Contact RSO (e-mail, phone or fax) get
your approval
 Place an order
 Receiving and delivery by RSO
 Maintain all records for RSO/state audits
Lab Personnel Training
 Make a list of all radiation users or non-
users but directly involved with radiation
 Radiation training history
 Training schedule for new users and refresh
for others
 Maintain all records for RSO/state audits
 AU responsible for staff training
Radiation signage

> 5 mrem/hour > 100 mrem/hour


> 500 rem/hour Depends on radionuclide: > 10 mCi
H-3, 1 mCi S-35, 0.1 mCi P-32,
0.001 mCi I-125
Notice to Employees
Radioactive Materials Security
Each year, radioactive materials are stolen from campus labs
across the country - often by people who are unaware of what
they are stealing.  Federal and state laws are clear on this
matter:  radioactive materials that are not actively in use shall be
locked up.  Radioactive materials shall not be left unattended on
lab bench tops.  Unauthorized personnel must be excluded from
labs -- by the police, if necessary.
Types of Radiation Exposure
•External - from gamma photons, x-rays or high-energy beta
particles emitted from a source outside the body

•Internal - from sources inside the body, which presumably

came to be there following ingestion or inhalation of
Some "Don'ts" for Avoiding Internal Exposure
Radionuclides that represent trivial external hazards, such as
carbon-14 or tritium, can become significant internal hazards if

Do Not Ever:
•pipette radioactive materials by mouth suction
•smoke in the labs
•eat or drink in the labs
•apply cosmetics in the labs
•leave radioactive materials unattended

In general, keep your hands away from your mouth, eyes and
other mucosal surfaces.
Protection Against Internal Exposure
•Pathways of contamination:
•Inhalation, ingestion, wound, through skin

•awareness of the hazard

•good laboratory technique

•use of personal protective equipment (ppe) such as

gloves, lab coats and fume hoods

•proper and timely performance of surveys for radioactive

Personal Protective Equipment

Lab Coat


Protective Gloves


  Fume Hood      

Protection Against External Exposure
The three important factors in protecting against external
exposure are:
• time,
•distance and

•Judicious use of a combination of these factors can

minimize radiation exposure. 
The total exposure received is the product of the exposure rate
(determined in part by the amount of radioactive material present)
and the exposure time.  Work quickly (but safely) to minimize the
exposure time.
Radiation exposure obeys an inverse-square law.  That is, if you
double your distance from a radiation source, you reduce the
exposure rate by a factor of four.  Work at a maximum
comfortable distance and use long tongs or forceps to reduce
finger exposure.
Low-energy beta emitters (<250 keV), such as C-14 and H-3, are
stopped in a few centimeters of air and require no shielding.  High-
energy betas (>250 keV) like P-32 require several millimeters of
plastic to stop.  Avoid using bare lead to shield P-32, since
secondary x-rays (Brehmstrahlung) are produced.
Laboratory Survey
Areas Condition Frequency

Unsealed Use area Use 200Ci/operation After each

source or more operation

Use Weekly

No use No survey required

Storage area Any use In conjunction with

(source, waste) use area survey

0 Monthly
Sealed Leak test Quarterly or
source Every 6 months
Storage survey Monthly
What if my survey result is above the action level
Action level: 2 X Background (UA policy)

• Meter reading at Non-RAM area
• Unused wipes (Blank)
• Swipe samples taken from Non-RAM area

> 2x Background
Decontaminate & Document

>> 2x Background & can not decontaminate

by yourself ---> Call the RSO
- Wipe with cleaning agent
- Water & mild soap
Survey the area again

Keep records
Initial counts
Action taken
Counts after cleanup
Dosimetry Badges
Personnel dosimeters (film badges) are issued by the Radiation
Safety Division to document your occupational exposure. 
Depending on what you work with, you may or may not need one.
•Labs using H-3, C-14, P-33, S-35 and/or Ca-45:  no
monitoring required
•Labs using P-32:  a finger ring dosimeter is required
•Labs using Cr-51, I-125, I-131, other gamma emitters and/or
analytical x-ray equipment:  whole body dosimeter is required
Obtaining a Dosimeter
•Order one (contact RSO/AU)
•Obtain and complete a "Personnel Dosimeter Request and
Radiation Exposure History" form
If you have had previous employment involving radiation
exposure, you must complete a release form.
Lost Dosimeter
•see radiation safety contact person
•obtain and complete “ Certificate of Lost badge” form
•another dosimeter will be ordered
•yearly average dose will be assigned to your record
Pregnant Female
•state regulatory limit to the embryo/fetus is 500 mrem for
entire gestation period

•if pregnant, a confidential reproductive health consultation is


•a fetal dosimetry badge will be ordered, if necessary

How to Correctly Wear Your Badge
Whole body badges should be worn between the neck and the

Ring badges can be worn on any finger.  The badge should be on

the inside of your palm, facing the radioactive work.
Gamma rays (such as from I-125, Na-22 or Cr-51) require lead or
tungsten as a shielding material.  Neutrons are not effectively
shielded by lead; they require high-proton materials such as
water, paraffin or concrete.  High energy (>250 keV) betas (e.g.
from P-32) should be shielded by Plexiglas to minimize
Bremstrahlung X-rays.  
Radiation Detection Instruments
A radiation field or contamination can be detected by a number of

Geiger Counter ("GM detector"):  very sensitive instrument used

to detect surface contamination

Ionization Chamber:  used to measure higher-exposure fields

(milliroentgens per hour and above).  Can be used as fixed-
position "area monitors", or portable survey instruments.
Radiation Detection Instruments
Liquid scintillation/gamma counters:  used to quantify surface
contamination assessed by "wipe" tests (example H-3 and C-14 )
  Contamination Control
The internal hazard from radioactive materials can be minimized
by good lab techniques and proper performance of surveys.
Good Laboratory Techniques

•liberal use of absorbent paper

•proper use of lab coats and protective gloves

•careful planning:  arrange work area and apparatus to avoid

touching contaminated surfaces and spreading contamination
to "clean" surfaces
Surveying Contamination
•use GM detector to survey hands, feet, clothing and lab floors
and countertops
•perform "wipe" tests to quantify removable contamination: 
wipe 100 square centimeters of a surface with dry filter paper
and measure disintegrations per minute (dpm) in a scintillation
•Spills of Radioactive Material
1.Notify other persons in the area of the spill.
2. Evacuate if spill is of a volatile material.
3. Immediately remove contaminated shoes or clothing.
4. Mark the spill area and limit access to avoid the inadvertent
spread of contamination.
5. Flush contaminated skin thoroughly with water.
6. Notify the Radiation Safety Division.
Segregating Radioactive Waste
There are two ways to separate radioactive waste:  by half-life and
by physical form.  Half-life categories:
•< 30 days (example: P-32)
•30 - 90 days (example: S-35)
•> 90 days (example: C-14)
Waste Management
 Our Waste site:
– Geology building, PAD, Chemistry Building
 RAM Waste Management
By isotope /By half life – long-lived/short-lived
By type – Dry (gloves, absorption paper, tubes …etc
Liquid (sample/equipment washes…etc)
LSC (vials/cocktail)

Remove Lead ! Separate bags for source vials !

Record keeping – isotope, responsible individual,

estimated activity, close date,
other hazard information,
pick up date
RAM Waste Pick Up
1. Go to EH&S website and download pick-up request

2. Fill out the form

3. Send filled form to

RSO, EH&S PHPL or 5-6474 (fax)

4. The RSO or EH&S staff will pick up waste and

leave a copy of your request form

5. Keep the copy for your record

Special Provisions
No sharps in the waste barrels!
Sharps must go into a sharps container.  Sharps include, but are
not limited to, needles, razor blades and broken glass.  Needles
that are capped are not acceptable in the dry waste barrel.
Lead Pigs

No lead pigs in the waste barrels!

•Lead pigs must be recycled
•Costs $.20/lb with Environmental Programs
•fill out an IR form and call the rad waste pickup line (575-
•You can also pay to ship the lead pigs back to the company
you got them from
Note:  contaminated lead must be cleaned prior to
recycling it.  
What you have to do if you put radioactive
waste in regular trash!
Always dispose of radioactive materials properly.
Injuries Involving Radioactive Material
•For serious injuries, call 911
•Notify the Radiation Safety Division
•Wash minor wounds thoroughly with water
•If something contaminated with human
blood or body fluids caused the wound, call

575-3379 (Blood and Body Fluids Exposure
•For minor injuries, seek care from
Employee Occupational Health and
Wellness (EOHW) or the Emergency
•Notify Radiation Safety of any accidental
ingestion, inhalation or absorption of any
quantity of radioactive material
Radioactive Spills
Small spills
•Follow AU's written spill procedure
Major spills
•Notify other persons in the area
                      •Evacuate if it is a volatile material
•Mark the spill area and limit access to avoid
the inadvertent spread of contamination
•Remove contaminated shoes or clothing
•Flush contaminated skin thoroughly with
•Notify the Radiation Safety Division
Escalated Enforcement
•ADH inspectors "encouraged" better oversight of campus
radiation-related activities:
•improved Lab Audit Program
•instituted improved and simplified measures to document
findings and ensure compliance
•Repeat violations will prompt escalated enforcement
"Documenting findings" includes sending you written or
electronic correspondence that reviews areas of non-compliance
discovered in your lab during an audit.  AUs should respond
promptly to these communications, outlining corrective actions you
will take to prevent recurrences.  Radiation Safety will perform
extensive reviews of deficiencies and responses.
Questions/Comments about Radioactive
Waste Disposal
Contact Maksudur Sarder or. Leldon King.
•phone number: 575-3379
•Cell phone: 263-2572
•email:  [email protected]

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