Social Problem: Unequal Opportunity, Racism, and Malnutrition Are Examples of
Social Problem: Unequal Opportunity, Racism, and Malnutrition Are Examples of
Social Problem: Unequal Opportunity, Racism, and Malnutrition Are Examples of
This component lies at the heart of the social constructionist view of social problems
(Rubington & Weinberg, 2010).
the social constructionist view holds that negative conditions and behaviors exist.
Social constructionism- a theory of knowledge in sociology and communication theory
that examines the development of jointly constructed understandings of the world that
form the basis for shared assumptions about reality
Many of these problems are considered sufficiently negative to acquire the
status of a social problem; some do not receive this consideration and thus
do not become a social problem;
However, some become considered a social problem only if citizens,
policymakers, or other parties call attention to the condition or behavior.
The history of attention given to rape and sexual assault in Pakistan before
and after the 2010 provides an example of this latter situation.
These acts of sexual violence against women have probably occurred from
the beginning of humanity and certainly were very common in Pakistan till
2010 but after that legal policymakers received little attention in academic
literature and the news media.
It in fact globally was highlighted when the contemporary women’s
movement began in the late 1970s.
It soon focused on rape and sexual assault as serious crimes and as
manifestations of women’s inequality.
Rape and sexual assault eventually attracted public consciousness,
and peoples’ views of these crimes began to change, and legal
policymakers began to give them more attention.
It led sexual violence against women to a social problem.
The social constructionist view raises an interesting question:
When is a social problem a social problem?
According to some sociologists who adopt this view, negative
conditions and behaviors are not a social problem unless they are
recognized as such by policymakers, large numbers of lay citizens, or
other segments of our society.
Others would say that negative conditions and behaviors should
be considered a social problem even if they receive little or no
attention; this group of sociologists would thus say that rape and
sexual assault was a social problem even before the 2010.
Perception matters at least as much as reality, and sometimes more
Social constructionism thus emphasizes that citizens, interest groups,
policymakers, and other parties often compete to influence popular
perceptions of many types of conditions and behaviors.
They try to influence news media coverage and popular views of the
nature and extent of any negative consequences that may be
occurring, the reasons underlying the condition or behavior in
question, and possible solutions to the problem.
Social constructionism’s emphasis on perception has a provocative
Just as a condition or behavior may not be considered a social
problem even if there is strong basis for this perception.
Sociological Imagination and Social Problems
C. Wright Mills idea of sociological imagination, the means by which the relation
between self and society can be understood.
Sociological imagination is an ability to see the context which shapes your
individual decision making, as well as the decisions made by others.
But the reason why it's useful is because it allows us to better identify and
question various aspects of society, as opposed to passively living within it.
Crime, poverty, lack of medical care, violence, drug abuse, and many other
behaviors or situations that we commonly think of as social problems- rarely
exist in isolation.
Social problems, personal choices and powerful social forces
The Natural History of a Social Problem