How To Do An Interview-1

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How to do a

Job Interview & Self

7th Semester English STIE/STTK Budi Pertiwi

1. BERI SALAM/SAPAAN ; “Hi, everyone. Good morning”,”Hello everybody,

good evening”, “Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. Good afternoon everyone”
2. UTARAKAN MAKSUD ANDA ; “Let me introduce myself”, “I would like to
introduce myself”, “Allow me to introduce myself”, “I’m here to introduce
4. SAMPAIKAN SALAM PENUTUP ; “It is a pleasure to meet you”, “Nice to
meet you”, “Thank you for your attention”, “Thank you very much”, “This is
the end of my self-introduction”
Self Introduction for Job Interview
 Good morning. My name is Febri Dwi Cahya Gumilar. You can call me
Febri. I am now 22 years old. I completed my bachelor of Civil
Engineering from Indonesia Islam University. In university I was the
assistant lecturer in my department for 2 years and the chief of Student
Executive Board for a year.
 My name is Haris. I am 24 years old. I have done my bachelor degree in
International Relation from Universitas Indonesia last year. I apply for
assistant manager position. I believe i am proper for this position
because I have a good skill at operating Besides, I am fluent in english,
japanese, and french which i think can support me in my work.
 My name is Raka. I am 26 years old. I apply for the secretary position in this office. I
have 2 years experience as secretary. I have a fair language skill in english, german
and korean. I resigned from my previous job because i have to follow my husband
who transfered to work in this city. I have good skill in operating ms word and

 First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me an opportunity to introduce myself.
My name is Joko Tingkir. I have graduated from University of Ahmad Dahlan two
years ago. I have won many trophies for my university, one of them was when I won
the speech contest in Yogyakarta. I have a huge passion in Linguistics and
educational world. That is the main reason why I apply this job as an English tutor in
this institute. If I am welcomed to be a part of this institute, I will do my best to teach
and educate the students here. In my spare time, I like to publish some informational
posts in my personal website. If you would like to visit my personal website, you can
check it in my curriculum vitae. I am fluent in both active and passive English. That’s
all about me sir/mam. Thank you.
 My name is Rahmat Yani Hidayat. My nickname is Rahmat. I am 23
years old. I am graduated from Amikom University in Information
Engineering . This is my ambition to work as the Process Engineer in
the big company since I was in Senior High School.

 My name is Susi Susanti. I am 24 years old. I am a fresh graduate. I

read in newspaper that your company need a receptionist. I also have
read the requirement and I think I can fulfill all the requirement
assigned by this company. I love to meet new people so I choose this
job. In order to support my work, I did 3 months public relation and
computer skill course. I believe this job is perfect for me than the other
Job Interview
 1. Okay, Please introduce yourself briefly? (Baiklah, Tolong
perkenalkan diri anda secara singkat ?)

 You : My name is Rahman, I am twenty five years old. I have

graduated from Gadjah Mada University, majoring in Computer
Science. I can speak English very well, even though I am not
Majoring in English and My Activity right now is Writing on my
Personal English Blog, I am also active in several activities that
related to my background.
 2. What department do you apply and why do you interested on it?
(Posisi apa yang anda lamar dan kenapa anda tertarik melamar
posisi itu ?)
 You : I want to apply for the System Analyst position, I interested
working on that position because that is my passion and I am also
love working with computers since I was a kid.

 3. Why did you leave your previous job? (Kenapa anda

meninggalkan pekerjaan anda yang sebelumnya ?)
 You : I leave my previous job because I want more challenge and
new experiences.
 4. What if in this new place you feel the same as you did in your last
work/office? (Bagaimana jika rasanya bekerja di tempat barumu
sama saja bekerja di kantor lamamu ?)
 You : It is okay for me, because I think it will be different from my
previous job, also as I mention before, I love to gain new experience.

 5. When were you most satisfied in your work? (Kapan anda merasa

sangat puas dengan pekerjaan anda ?)
 You : It’s When I completed my job properly and on time, also when I
get a job that related to my passion.
 6. What are your strengths, please specify each of three? (Apa
kekuatan anda ? tolong jelaskan tiga). 
 You : My strengths are, I love to learn new things, I have a good
analytical thinking and I like to pursue my target.

 7. What are your weakness, please specify each of three? (Apa

kelemahan anda ? tolong jelaskan tiga).
 You : My weakness are, I often to lose focus when I have too
many distractions, next I am a perfectionist, so sometimes I took a
long time to finish a job, because I want to finish it perfectly, and
the last is I am easily to get bored.
 8. Why should we hire you? (Kenapa kami harus memperkerjakan anda ?)
 You : Because I have very good experiences in this field, even this field is my
own passion, so I have a very strong spirit for this field.

 9. How much salary do you want in every month? (Berapa gaji yang anda
inginkan setiap bulannya ?)
 You : I am expecting my salary is two and half million rupiahs per month.

 10. Do you have any strategies to increase our business income? (Apakah anda
memiliki strategi untuk menambah pemasukan bisnis kami ?)
 You : Yes, I have some great ideas to increase the income, such as create a new
flavor for your product or by doing a new type of promotion.
 11. What course did you attend? (Kursus apa yang sudah
anda hadiri ?)
 You : I have been Attended many courses of this field, one of them
is the national course about programming and programming
analyze that held in Jakarta 1 month ago.

 12. Could you mention any computer software that you expert in it?
(Bisakah anda menyebutkan program komputer apa yang anda
kuasai ?)
 You : Besides of programming, I am also an expert of Microsoft
Office dan also an expert for design software, like Adobe Photoshop
and Corel Draw.
 13. Can you work with a team and under pressure? (Bisakah anda
bekerja dalam tim dan dalam tekanan ?)
 You : Yes I can, I also don’t think it’s a pressure because it’s the
responsibility of my work and it’s also a great change to improve
the quality of myself.
 14. What do you know about our company? (Apa yang anda
ketahui tentang perusahaan kami ?)
 You : Yes, your company is a company that engaged in digital
 15. Why do you want to work in our company? (Kenapa anda
ingin bekerja di perusahaan kami ?)
 You : Because your company have a good reputation and of course
to get the great experience to work in here.
 16. What are your goals? (Apa tujuan anda ?)
 You : To become a better person and more professional.
 17. What can you do for us that other candidates cannot offer? (Apa
yang dapat anda lakukan untuk kami tapi tidak dapat dilakukan oleh
kandidat yang lain ?)
 18. Do you have any ambitions in your life that you want to archive?
(Apakah anda mempunyai suatu ambisi didalam hidup anda yang
ingin di simpan ?)
 19. Do you have working experience in this position? (Apakah anda
memiliki pengalaman kerja pada posisi ini ?)
 20. Do you have questions about this job? (Apakah anda punya
pertanyaan tentang pekerjaan ini ?)
Thanks …

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