Global 8D Guidance 全球8D指导

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8D Guidance

Global 8D Guidance
8D Guidance
Objectives 目的

 To understand the structured problem solving technique of 8D

了解 8D 中的结构化解决问题技巧

 Apply 8D techniques on real life problems

在实际生活问题中运用 8D 技巧

 Apply 8D approach for your product quality problem – depending

which firewall criteria have been set
在产品质量问题方面运用 8D 方法——取决于执行的防火墙标

8D Guidance
History 历史

 U.S. Government first standardized the 8D process during the Second World War (Military Standard 1520 :
Corrective action and disposition system for nonconforming material)
美国政府最先在二战期间将 8D 流程标准化( 1520 军队标准:不合格品之矫正措施和配置系统)

 Popularized by the Ford Motor Company in the 1960’s and 1970’s and 8D has become the standard in the
Automotive industry
1960 及 1970 年代,该 8D 标准由福特汽车公司倡导推行,并成为汽车行业内标准

 In the late 1990’s, Ford developed a revised version of the 8D process, officially titled “Global 8D”(G8D) which is
the current global standard for the Automotive industry
在 1990 年代,福特发展了一套 8D 流程修改版,正式命名为“全球 8D”(G8D), 如今已经成为全球汽车行业的标准。
8D Guidance
Why 8D? 为何选择 8D?

 Structured Problem Solving 结构化解决问题

 Assists in the facilitation of a timely and complete problem solving resolution – not only on product quality problems

 Ensures that problem solving, decision making and planning are data driven.

 Ensures that the actual problem is being resolved rather than masking the effects.

 Structured to prevent reoccurring problems

8D Guidance
Why 8D? 为何选择 8D?

 Developed to prevent: 为了避免:

 Incorrectly describing the problem. 错误描述问题。
 Hurrying problem solving process. 仓促的问题解决流程。
 Poor team participation. 不良的团队参入。
 No logical process. 无逻辑的流程。
 Misidentifying a possible cause as a root cause. 误将可能因素认定
 Not implementing permanent corrective actions. 未实施永久纠正措
 Lack of recorded information 缺乏记录信息。
8D Guidance
When 8D used? 何时使用 8D ?

 Cause of a problem is unknown 当问题原因不明时

 The resolution of the problem is beyond the capabilities of one

person 当仅靠一人之力无法解决问题时

 The symptoms are sufficiently complex to warrant a team effort


 When criteria from BG to enter into 8D process are fulfilled (if

applicable) 当 BG 标准进入 8D 流程被履行时(若可行)
8D Guidance
Problem solving steps 问题解决步骤

 1. What is the problem? 问题是什么?

 Clarify the problem 澄清问题点

 2. Choose the right problem solving tool 选择合适的问题解决工具

 Choose the appropriate tool which can help to solve the problem 选

 3. Use the tool and stick to chosen way of working 使用此工具、

 Use the tool on the right way 正确使用此工具
8D Guidance

Improvement levels

Re-active 主动地

Level 1
Level 0 Level 2
Continuous Improvement
Problem Solving 解决问题 Breakthrough 突破
8D Guidance
G8D Process( 全球 8D 流程)
Past 过去 Present 现在 Future 未来
Decision Making /
Problem Solving / Concerns Analysis Planning and
Analysis 关注点分析
Problem Prevention
问题解决 / 分 计划及问题预防

D1Establish Team 建立小组

Describe The
Problem D2
D3 Containment (Interim) Action(s)
Root Cause
Analysis D4 Permanent
D5 D6 Action(s)
Corrective Action(s)
选择 / 验证 Prevent
the Team D8 D7 Recurrence
祝贺小组 避免再次发生
8D Guidance
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 0

D0: Prepare for 8D process 准备 8D 流程

 Initial start of the process in response to a customer symptom

 Describe the symptom 描述问题征兆

 Symptom = A quantifiable event or effect, experienced by the customer, that may indicate the existence of one or more
problems 问题征兆 = 可计量的事件或效果,是客户所经历过,可能暗示存在的一个或者多个问题。
 A symptom is what the customer is seeing or feeling 征兆是客户正在所见或者所感受到的。
 The information provided by the customer is the symptom of the concern and is not the problem 客户提供信息是对问题征兆的

 D0 Initial step assessing questions D0 第一步分拆问题

 Is the cause unknown ? 问题原因未知吗?
 Is the resolution of the problem beyond the capabilities of one person ? 此问题的解决靠一人之力无法完成吗?
 Are the symptoms sufficiently complex to warrant a team effort ? 所有问题征兆足够复杂需要团队协作吗?
 Use a firewall to select the most important problems (if too many 8Ds)
 使用防火墙来选择最重要的问题(如果太多 8Ds)
– Is a safety risk identified ? 安全风险确认了吗?
– Is a business impact is identified ? 业务影响确认了吗?
– Products from first launch and/or fast feedback complaint? 是首发或者快速反馈投诉产品?
– Will the new 8D duplicate an existing 8D 新 8D 会复制现有 8D 吗?
8D Guidance
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 1

D0: Prepare for 8D process 准备 8D 流程

 Emergency Response Action (ERA) required ? 要求的应急措施( ERA )?
 ERA = Action taken to isolate and protect customers from a symptom before an 8D
is initiated ERA= 在 8D 实施前,对处于症结中的客户进行隔离及保护的措施。
 An ERA may include: ERA 包括:
– Increasing inspection in house, suppliers and at customer (use of toolbox) 增加
– Recalling all stock / pipeline 召回所有库存或运输
– Recall of customer product 召回客户产品
– Stop the production 停止生产
– Send another date code 发送另外的生产日期编码。
 The ERA should not introduce a secondary concern. ERA 不应引入次级问题。

 8D-Problem Solving Report: 8D- 问题解决报告

 General Complaint Information (= Set common language)
一般投诉信息( = 设置共同语言)
8D Guidance
D0: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 2

 Emergency Response Action: 应急措施

 Are emergency response actions necessary? 应急措施有必要吗?
 Is a service action required as part of the emergency response? 服务性措施是否需要作为应急措施的一部分?
 How was the emergency response action verified (internally)? 应急措施是如何验证的(内部)?
 How was the emergency response action validated (externally)? 应急措施是如何验证的(外部)?

 Other 其他
 Will the new 8D duplicate an existing 8D? – reopen the existing one 新的 8D 会复制已有的 8D 吗?—从新开设
现有的 8D 。

 Common Tasks 常规任务

 Have all changes been documented (e.g., FMEA, control plan, process flow)? 是否所有变更都文件化?(例
如: FMEA, 控制方案、流程程序)
 Do we have the right team composition to proceed to the next step? 我们是否有合适的小组构成能进行下一步
 Have we collected & reviewed the data (facts and figures)? 我是是否收集 & 核实数据(事实描述及数字)?
 Have we determined if a service action is required? 是否已经决定是不是需要服务性措施?
8D Guidance
D1: Establish the team 组建团队 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8
8D Guidance
D1: Establish the team 组建团队 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 4

 Team: 团队
 The role of the team members is to provide the technical input in the form of information, knowledge and
 The team members may vary throughout the life of the investigation
 Keep team as small and effective as possible 尽可能让团队精简和有效
 Champion 主席 :
– Ownership of the problem 问题的所有者
– Authority to implement actions (ERA, ICA, PCA and Prevent)
实施措施的权威( ERA,ICA, PCA 及预防)
– Provides necessary support and leadership for the team’s recommendations and actions 为团队的建
 Team Leader 组长
– Sets Team objectives and tasks, summarizes Team’s opinions, directs the use of a methodology,
focuses on meeting purpose and agenda and coordinates efforts with the Champion 同主席一起制定

 8D-Problem Solving Report: 8D 问题解决报告:

 1. Team 小组
8D Guidance
D1: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 5

 Warm up: 热身
 What have you done to make the room user-friendly? 你如何做来使会议室易于使用?
 When and where will the team meet? 小组何时何地见面?
 What has been done to help team members build their relationships with each other? 如何做来帮助小
 What has been done to help team members focus on the team’s activity? 如何做来帮助小组成员关注
 Has the purpose of the meeting been defined? 会议的目的是否定义?
 Has the team been informed of the agenda for the meeting? 是否已经通知小组会议议程?

 Membership: 成员关系
 Are the people affected by the problem represented? 人们是否被代表的问题所影响?
 How is the 8D customer’s viewpoint represented? 8D 客户观点代表什么?
 Does each person have a reason for being on the team? 是否每个人有理由存在于团队?
 Is the team large enough to include all necessary input but small enough to act effectively? 团队是否足
 Does the team membership reflect the problem’s current status? 人员关系是否反映问题的当前状态?
 Do the team members agree on membership? 团队人员是否认同相互的成员关系?
 Are resources dedicated to the team members 所有资源取决于团队成员。
8D Guidance
D1: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 6

 Product/ Process Knowledge : 产品 / 流程知识

 What special skills or experience will the team require in order to function effectively? 为让团队有效工作,团队需获得什么
 Did this problem passed the selection criteria in the firewall for 8Ds 问题是否通过 8Ds 内防火墙的选择标准?

 Operating Procedures and Working Relationships : 操作步骤 & 工作关系:

 Have the team’s goals and membership roles been clarified? 团队小组目标及关系角色是否理清?
 Does the team has sufficient decision-making authority to accomplish its goals? 团队内是否有足够的可做决策的权威来实
 How will the team’s information be communicated internally and externally? 团队对内及对外的信息是如何交流沟通的?
 Do all members agree with and understand the team’s goals? 是否所有成员同意并且理解小组目标?

 Roles : 角色
 Has the initialisation been signed off by Management (PlantMgr, R&DMgr) ? 初始化方案是否由管理层(总经理或 R&D 经
 Has the designated Champion of the team been identified? 任命的团队主席确认了吗?
 Has the Team Leader been identified? 团队组长确认了吗?
 Are team members’ roles and responsibilities clear? 所有团队成员角色及职责清楚了吗?
 Is a facilitator needed to coach the process and manage team consensus? 主持者 / 服务者需要来指导流程和管理团队共识
 Are functional department leaders aware of the roles and expectation incl. resources for the 8D team members ?
(Escalation if not present) 职能部门领导者意识到 8D 小组成员的角色和期望(含资源)吗?(若无则需扩充)
8D Guidance
D2: Describe the problem 描述问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 7

"The formulation of a
problem is the most essential
 Purpose: 目的 part of problem solving."
Describe the customer problem by 通过以下描述客户问题: ­ALBERT EINSTEIN
 Identifying ‘what is wrong with what’ 确认什么的什么出现问题?
 Detailing the problem in quantifiable terms 用可量化术语详细描述问题
 ‘Where and how’ is it found 发现问题的地点及方式
 What’s the customer requirement and what’s the engineering definition 客户要求以及工程定

 Problem Statement: 问题描述

 A simple, concise statement which identifies the object and the defect for which the cause is
unknown. (Look from customer perspective) 用简单、简洁描述来确认原因未知的主体及缺陷
 Does the customer agrees with the problem description. 客户同意对于问题的描述吗?
 The problem statement is derived by using the process question “What is wrong with What?” 问
8D Guidance
D2: Describe the problem 描述问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 8

 Problem Description Is the output of a process used to amplify the Problem Statement in
terms of what, where, when, how big (IS/IS NOT method) 问题描述是一流程的输出,通
过什么事件、什么地点、时间、程度等术语来扩大问题(是 / 不是方法)
 Where is the defect seen? Is it only seen at one customer or one customer plant or
only on one pin of the device or only with certain customer options or products? 哪
 What time frame did it start? Date code and customer traceability? 发生的时间范
围 ? 日期编码和客户可追溯性?
 How big is it (ppm, number of failures, …) 有多大范围(不合格率,失效数量)?

 Confirm the problem statement and description with the customer 与客户确认问题声明及

 Execute safety risk assessment if needed 如有需要,执行安全风险评估。

8D Guidance
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 9

Oh,oh The problem is like an 问题就像

The Symptom as
the customer
recognizes it 客

The Problem
could be bigger

But why did this happen ?

8D Guidance
D2: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 0

 Symptom: 问题征兆
 Can the Symptom be subdivided? 问题征兆是否可细分?

 Problem Statement : 问题陈述

 Has a specific Problem Statement been defined (object and defect)? 具体问题
 What’s wrong with what? 什么的什么出现问题?
 How big is it since when? 从何时发生,有多严重?

 Tip for ending problem description: 结束问题描述的提示:

 Analyses is requiring multi-disciplinary approach 分析需要运用多方论证方法。
 Ends when you start guessing, depends on available information/products/ circumstances
在开始猜疑时结束问题描述,取决于已有的信息 / 产品 / 情况。
 Did we narrow down the problem to facts? 我们已经将问题缩小到事实了吗?
8D Guidance
D2: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 1

 Problem Description : 问题描述

 Has an Is/ Is-Not Analysis been done 是 / 否分析完成了吗 ?
(what, where, when, how big)? ( 什么问题、哪里发生、何时、严重程度 )?
 When has this problem appeared before? 问题此前什么时候出现过 ?
 Where in this process does this problem first appear? 此问题在该流程中哪个地方第
一次出现 ?
 What, if any, pattern(s) can be recognized in this problem? 此问题应该被认为是哪种
模式(如果有) ?
 Are similar components and/ or parts showing the same problem? (to be able to also
contain the problem for them) 类似模块或者部件也出现相同问题吗 ? ( 能够包含模
 Has the current process flow been identified? Is there enough information to contain
the problem. 当前的流程工序已经确认过吗?是否有足够信息可作出短期对策?
 Do we have physical evidence (samples) of the problem? 我们是否有此问题的物证
8D Guidance
D2: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 2

 Review of Problem Description : 回顾问题描述

 Has the Problem Description been reviewed for completeness with the
customer and affected parties? 是否与客户或受影响方就问题描述进行完
整回顾 ?
 Should this problem be reviewed with the Champion and executive
management (in case of a red alert)? 应该就此问题与主席和执行管理讨
论吗(以防红色警告) ?
 Should financial reserves be set aside? 财政后备应该驳回吗 ?
 Should any moral, social or legal obligations related to this problem be
considered? 应该同时考虑此问题的道德,社会或者法律义务吗 ?

 Common Tasks : 常规任务

 Do we have the right team composition to proceed to the next step? 我们是否有合适的团队
构成来进行下一步骤 ?
 Did we review the data (facts and figures)? 我们回顾了数据(事实及数字)吗 ?
8D Guidance
D3: Interim Containment Action D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 3

 The purpose of D3 is to define, verify and implement one or more interim Containment Actions
(ICAs) to isolate the effects of the problem from the customer until Permanent Corrective Actions
(PCA) are implemented, validated and verified D3 旨在明确、验证和实施一种或多种临时遏制措
施( ICAs ),在实施、确认和验证永久纠正措施( PCA )前隔离客户问题带来的影响

 ERA v ICA 应急措施 V 临时遏制措施

 More robust plan of action to isolate your customer from the problem 更加强有力的措施以将问题与客
 There may be the same actions undertaken as in the ERA with additional actions 可能会同应急措施实

 Verification: 验证
Proof before implementation that the action 在实施以下措施之前证明
 will do what is intended 将按照计划进行
 does not introduce a new problem 不会引入新的问题

 Validation: 确认
 Ongoing evidence that the action is doing what was intended without introducing a new problem 有秩
 Follows successful verification and implementation 遵循成功的验证和实施
8D Guidance
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 4

D3: Interim Containment Action


 8D-Problem Solving Report: 解决问题报告

 3. Containment action(s) 遏制措施(一种或多种)
– Include specific traceability marking if needed 如果需要可以包括明确
8D Guidance
D3: Supporting Questions 辅助问题
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8

 Before ICA (interim Containment Action) Implementation 在 ICA (临时遏制措施)实施前

 Are ICA’s required?
 Is a service action required as part of the ICA?
 What can we learn from the ERA that will help in the selection of the ’best’ ICA?
 Based on consultation with the 8D customer and Champion, have criteria been established for
ICA selection?
基于对 8D 客户和主席的咨询,是否建立了选择临时遏制措施的标准?
 Based on the criteria established, does the ICA provide the best balance of benefits and risks?
 How does this choice satisfy the following conditions?
– The ICA protects the customer 100 percent by the effect.
临时遏制措施保护客户 100% 不受影响。
– The ICA is verified.
– The ICA is cost-effective and easy to implement.
8D Guidance
D3: Supporting Questions 辅助问题
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8

 Planning 计划
 Have the appropriate departments been involved in the planning of this decision?
(e.g. logistics)
 Have plans, including action steps, been identified (who needs to do what by when)?
 Has a validation method been defined?
 Does the customer have any concern with this ICA
(is a customer approval required)?
 Have we identified what could go wrong with our plan and have preventive and
contingency actions been considered?
 Are implementation resources adequate?
8D Guidance
D3: Supporting Questions 辅助问题
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8

 Post Implementation : 实施后:

 Does the validation data indicate that the customer is adequately being protected?
 Can the ICA effectiveness be improved or at least maintained?

 Common Tasks : 常规任务:

 Have all changes been documented (e.g., FMEA, control plan, process flow)?
 Do we have the right team composition to proceed to the next step?
 Did we review the new data (facts and figures),
 Have we determined if a service action is required?
8D Guidance
D4: Root Cause Definition
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8

 Isolate and verify the Root Cause by testing each possible cause against the problem description and
test data. 根据问题描述和测试数据测试每种可能的原因,以隔离和验证根本原因

 Isolate and verify the place (Escape Point) in the process (control system) where the effect of the Root
Cause should have been detected and contained 隔离和验证过程(控制系统)中应该会发现和包含根

 Process helps to identify root causes: 帮助识别根本原因的方法

 Brain storming 头脑风暴
 CPA sheet CPA 表格
 Cause and Effect diagrams (Fishbone Diagram or Ishikawa Diagram)
 Root Cause Analysis 根本原因分析
– Comparative Analysis 对比分析
– Logical testing 逻辑测试
– Analytical, multivariate statistics 分析、多元统计
 Verify: make the failure come and go 验证:使失败即来即去

 Attention points 注意事项

 Has the root-cause analysis gone far enough (do we need to know why this root cause happened )? 根源分析
 Is there more than one potential root cause? 是否不止一个潜在根本原因?
 Does a control system exist to detect the escape point? 是否已有控制系统来发现疏漏点?
8D Guidance
D4: Supporting Questions 辅助问题
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8

 General : 一般问题
 What sources of information have been used to develop the potential root-cause list? 使用了哪

 Potential Root Cause (2) : 潜在根本原因( 2 )

 Does each item, on potential root-cause list, account for all known data?
 Has each item been verified and are the effects to the problem clear (make the effect come and
go)? (DOE’s) 是否每一项都已验证且对问题的影响都已明确(使影响即来即去)?( DOE’s )
 How did you determine the percentage of contribution? (PARETO)
如何决定贡献比例?( PARETO )
 Combined, do the items on the potential root-cause list account for 100% of the problem?
结合起来,现在根源列表上的项目是否能 100% 解释问题?
 Has the team considered and reviewed with the Champion the benefit of developing a separate
problem description (and, by definition, a separate 8D) for each potential root cause?
份独立的 8D )的益处?
 If not all root causes have been found, has the team considered and reviewed with the
Champion the benefit of alternate problem-solving methods?
8D Guidance
D4: Supporting Questions 辅助问题
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8

 Root Cause : 根本原因

 Is there a root cause ? (a single verified reason that accounts for the problem) 有无根本原因?
 What factor(s) has changed to create this problem? 哪些因素发生了变化导致
 What data is available? 有哪些可用数据?
 How did we verify this root cause? (PARETO) 如何验证该根本原因?( PARETO )
 Does this root cause explain all the facts compiled at D2? 该根本原因是否能解释 D2 中编译的
 Has the root-cause analysis gone far enough ? Do we understand the relation between the root
cause and the problem? 根源分析是否足够深入?我们是否理解根本原因和问题之间的关联?

 Escape Point : 疏漏点:

 Does a control system exist to detect the problem? 是否已有控制系统来发现问题?
 Has the current control system been identified? 当前控制系统是否确认?
 Does this control system represent a change from the original design? 该控制系统能否呈现原始
 Has it been verified that the control system is capable of detecting the problem? 该控制系统是
 Is the identified control point closest to the root cause/ potential root cause? 已识别的控制点是
 Is there a need to improve the control system? 有无需要改善控制系统?
8D Guidance
D4: Supporting Questions 辅助问题
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8

 Common Tasks : 常规任务

 Have all changes been documented (e.g., FMEA, control plan, process
 Do we have the right team composition to proceed to the next step?
 Did we review the new data (facts and figures)?
 Have we determined if a service action is required?
 Review to judge upon „quality“ of the content and GO/NO-GO decision to
move ahead 讨论来判断内容的“质量”和进行或不进行决定来推进
8D Guidance
D5: Choose and Verify Corrective Actions D4 D5 D6 D7 2

(for root cause and escape point) 选择和验证纠正措施(从根源到疏漏点)

 Select the best permanent corrective action to remove the root cause 精选最佳永久性纠
 Select the best permanent corrective action to address the escape point 精选最佳永久性
 Verify that both decisions will be successful when implemented 当执行后验证两个决定将
 Avoid undesirable effects : Verify that the action correct the root cause and does not
create another issue 避免不良的影响 : 验证措施纠正问题根源并且不会引起其他问题

 Attention points: 注意点

 What evidence (proof) do we have that this will resolve the problem at the root-
cause level? 我们有什么证据可以证明问题在根本原因的层次被解决?
 Have we overlooked better choices? 我们是否忽视了更好的选择?
 Can our customer live with this resolution? 我们的客户是否可以接受解决方案?
 What departments will need to be involved in the planning and implementation of
this decision? 那些部门将会参与计划和执行这个决定?
8D Guidance
D5: Choose and Verify Corrective Actions D4 D5 D6 D7 3

(for root cause and escape point) 选择和验证纠正措施(从根源到疏漏点)

8D Guidance
D5: Supporting Questions (辅助问题) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 4 D8

 Before PCA (Permanent Corrective Action) Decision : 决定永久性纠正措施之前:

 What criteria have been established for choosing a PCA for the root cause and escape point? Does the Champion agree
with these criteria? 在为根本原因或者疏漏点选择永久性纠正措施时候建立了什么标准?
 Is a service action required as part of the PCA? 服务措施是否需要作为永久性纠正措施的一部分?
 What choices have been considered for the PCA’s? 有什么选择曾被考虑为永久性纠正措施?
 Have we overlooked better choices? 我们是否有忽视了更好的选择?
 What features and benefits would the perfect choice offer? How can we preserve these benefits? 最佳选择有那些特征和
 Do we have the right experience on this team to make this decision? 我们的团队对于作出这个决定是否有很好的经验?
 What risks are associated with this PCA and how should they be addressed? 这个永久性纠正措施有什么风险 , 我们如何
 Does the Champion agree with the PCA selections? 是否同意永久性纠正措施的选择?

 Verification (验证) :
 What evidence (proof) do we have that this will resolve the problem at the root-cause level? 我们有什么证据可以证明问题
 Did our verification methods make allowances for variations in the frequency (or patterns) created by the cause? 我们的验
 Which metrics did we measure during the verification step? Do these indicators support a sound verification? 在证实阶段
我们采用的量度指标?这些指示信号可以支持一个很好的证明 ?
8D Guidance
D5: Supporting Questions ( 辅助问题) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 5

 After PCA Decision : 决定永久性纠正措施之后:

 What are the possibilities that this choice, once implemented, will create other troubles? (FMEA executed?) 一旦
这个选择被执行有什么可能性?会不会引起其他麻烦?( FMEA 有执行?)
 Can our customer live with this solution? 我们的客户可以接受这个解决方案?
 Will our containment continue to be effective until our choice of PCA can be implemented? 我们的牵制会持续发
 What resources will be required to PCA implementation? Do we have these resources? 执行永久性纠正措施需要
什么资源?我们有这些资源吗 ?
 What disciplines will need to be involved in the planning and implementation of this PCA? 计划和执行永久性纠正
 Have actions been considered that will improve the ICA prior to PCA implementation? 在永久性纠正措施之前有没

 Common Tasks (常规任务) :

 Have all changes been documented (e.g., FMEA, control plan, process flow)? 所有变更都被纳入文件?(例如
FMEA, 控制计划 , 流程图)
 Do we have the right team composition to proceed to the next step? 我们是否有正确的团队组织去实行下一步?
 Did we review the new data (facts and figures)? 我们是否有复查新的数据(事实和数据)?
 Have we determined if service actions are required? 我们决定有服务措施的需求 ?
8D Guidance
D6: Implement and Validate D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 6

Permanent Corrective Actions 实施并验证永久纠正措施

 Plan and implement the selected Permanent Corrective Actions 计划和实施经过
 Define implementation plan (responsibilities assigned, timing established,
required support determined) 定义执行计划(职责分配,建立时间,确定

 Remove the Interim Containment Action 去掉临时措施

 Monitor the long-term results 监控长期结果(确认)

 Watch the internal process to validate if the ppm or defect is not present in the
measurement indicator 内部检测验证 PPM 或者瑕疵不存在于计量体系
8D Guidance
D6: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 7

 Planning : 计划
 What disciplines are needed to implement the PCA’s? 那些符合的行为需要执行到 PCA ?
 What customer and/ or supplier involvement is needed? 需要那些涉及其中的客户和供应商?
 Who will do the planning for the customer? For the supplier? 谁为客户制定计划?为供应商制定
 Has an action plan been defined (responsibilities assigned, timing established required support
determined)? 是否有明确执行的计划? (职责分配,建立时间,确定所需支持)
 Do we have the necessary resources to implement this plan? What is needed? 我们是否有执行
 At what point(s) is this plan vulnerable to things-gone-wrong? What can be done to prevent
these? 计划中有那些点是容易导致出现错误?如何避免?
 How do we monitor completion of the plan? 我们如何监控计划完成?
 When will the ICA be removed? (€€€!) 什么时候会去除临时措施?
 How will we communicate this plan to the stakeholders? What training will be required? 如果将
 What data (facts and figures) will be used to validate the outcome of the PCA’s (both short-term
and long-term)? 那些事实或者数据用于使 PCA( 长期或者短期 ) 的结果生效?
8D Guidance
D6: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 8

 Validation (确认) :
 Has the ICA been discontinued? 临时措施中断了吗?
 Has the unwanted effect been totally eliminated? 那些不必要的影响完全去掉了?
 How can we conclusively prove this? 如何确凿地证明?
 How are we continuing to monitor long-term results? 我们如何持续监控长期结果?
 What is the metric? 量度标准是什么?
 How much of the customer problem went away? 100%? Is this the best way to prove that the root cause is
eliminated? 客户的问题解决了多少? 100% ?这是最好的方法去证明根源已经被去除 ?
 How did we confirm the findings with the customer? 我们如何跟客户确认调查结果?
 Have all systems, practices, procedures, documents, etc. been updated?
Do they accurately reflect what the PCA is about? 整个系统,实践,程序,文件等等是否被更新?是否准确反映
PCA 的内容?

 Common Tasks (常规任务) :

 Have all changes been documented (e.g., FMEA, control plan, process flow)? 所有这些变更是否有文件规范?
(例如 FMEA, 控制计划,流程图)?
 Do we have the right team composition to proceed to the next step? 我们是否有正确的团队组成去继续下一步?
 Did we review the new data (facts and figures)? 我们有回顾新数据(适合和数据)?
 Have we determined if a service action is required? 我们决定是否有服务的需要?
8D Guidance
D7: Prevent Recurrence 避免重现 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 9

 Actions taken to prevent the present problem, similar problems and systemic problems from occurring again 采取行动
 Modify the necessary systems including policies, practices and procedures to prevent recurrence of this problem and
similar ones 调整必要的系统包括政策,实践和程序避免再次发生此问题和类似的问题
 Make recommendations for systemic improvements, as necessary 如果有必要,建议系统的改进
 Important to understand the lessons learnt from the investigation. Can the changes be implemented into other
processes/products 明白到从调查中吸取教训是很重要的,这个改变是否可以执行到其他程序 / 产品
 In case of re-opening the existing 8D – is this problem extensively tackled and fixed ? 万一重开目前的 8D ,这个问题
 Attention points 注意点
 What management policy, system or procedure allowed this problem to occur or escape? 什么管理政策,系统
 What needs to be done differently to prevent recurrence of the root cause and the escape? 需要不同地做什么
 What practices need standardization? 什么做法需要标准化?
 Have the practices been standardized? 做法都被规范了吗?
 What progress check points have been defined to assess system improvements? 那些进度检查点被定义为评定
 What data has been submitted to the Lessons Learned database? 什么数据会被传送到经验教训数据库 ?
8D Guidance
D7: Supporting Questions (辅助问题) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 0

 Problem History (问题的历史) :

 How and where did this problem enter our process? 这个问题是怎样和在哪里进入我
 Why did the problem occur there and how did it escape?
(Why was it not detected? – reoccurrence issues after closing of 8D) 为什么问题会
在那里发生和怎样流出的?(为什么没有被察觉? 8D 结束后再次发生的问题)
 Did confusion or lack of knowledge contribute to the creation of this root cause? Did
it contribute to the escape? (是否有混淆或者认识不足导致问题根源发生?或者导
 What policies, approaches, methods, procedures and/or systems allowed this
problem to occur and escape? (那些政策,方法,程序和 / 或者系统使得这个问题
 Have the affected parties been identified? 受到影响的各方是否被确认?
8D Guidance
D7: Supporting Questions (辅助问题) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 1

 Preventive Actions (this problem and similar problems): 预防措施(问题和类似的问题)

 What needs to be done differently to prevent recurrence of the root cause? Or the escape?需要不同地做什么去避免问题根源重复出现和流出?
 Is there a need for a process improvement approach (i.e. Re-engineering,…) 是否需要执行改进的方法(例如重新设计等等)
 Who is best able to design improvements in any of the systems, policies, methods and/ or procedures that resulted in this root cause and escape? 谁最有能
力去为任何导致问题根源或者流出的系统,政策,方法和 / 或者程序设计改善(措施)
 What is the best way to perform a trial run with these improvements? 最好的改善措施的试行方法是什么?
 What practices need standardization? 那些做法需要标准化?
 What plans have been drafted to coordinate Preventive Actions and standardize the practices – who, what and when? 草拟了什么计划去协调预防性措施和规
 Does the Champion agree with the identified Preventive Actions and plans? 支持者是否同意支持预防措施和计划?
 How will these new practices be communicated to the stakeholders? 怎样将这些新的做法联系到利益相关者
 What progress check points have been defined to assess and review the system improvements 什么进度检查点已经被定义为用于评估和复查系统改进?
8D Guidance
D7: Supporting Questions 辅助问题 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 2

 Systemic Prevent Recommendations 系统的预防建议 :

 What management policy, system or procedure allowed this problem to occur or escape? 什么管理政策,系统
 Are these practices beyond the scope of the current Champion? 这些做法远离目前目标的范围?
 Who has responsibility for these practices? 谁为这些做法负责?
 Do we need to change cultural aspects? Who will take care? 我们需要改变文化因素?谁负责?
 Does the current Champion agree with the structural preventative recommendations of the team? 目前目标符合
 Lessons Learned 经验教训 :
 What data has been submitted to the Lessons Learned database? 哪些数据被传送到经验教训数据库?
 Has the CPA sheet(s) been updated accordantly ? CPA 表格是否有同步更新?
 Common Tasks 常规任务 :
 Have all changes been documented (e.g., FMEA, control plan, process flow)? 所有这些变更是否有文件规范?
(例如 FMEA, 控制计划,流程图)?
 Do we have the right team composition to proceed to the next step? 我们是否有正确的团队组成去继续下一步?
 Did we review the new data (facts and figures)? 我们有回顾新数据(适合和数据)?
 Have we determined if a further service action is required? 我们决定是否有进一步服务的需要?
8D Guidance
D8: Recognize Team D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 3

and Individual Contributions 认识团队和个人的贡献

 Complete and archive the documentation 完善和归档文件
 Sincerely recognize both Team and Individual Contributions,
and celebrate 真诚地认识和赞美团队和个人的贡献
 In case of reoccurrence (closed 8D) invite original team and discuss why root cause was not
completely recognized and fixed 万一 8D 调查结束后,问题再次发生,邀请原来的团队商讨为什么问
 Document lessons learned and share with relevant people 将经验教训做成文件并且跟相关人员分享
 8D completed, team closure, sign-off by Management8D 调查完成,团队解散,由管理层签字结束
 8D-Problem Solving Report: ( 8D 问题解决报告)
 Closing 8D 8D 调查结束
 Review and approval 复查和审核
 Filing of the report 填写报告
8D Guidance
D8: Supporting Questions (辅助问题) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 4

 Recognition Planning 识别规划 :

 Is there a complete list of all team members, current and past? 有完整的团队成员名单,包括现在的人员和曾经参与
 Were there significant contributions by individual team members? What were they? 有没有每个团队人员的签名,他
 Are there opportunities to provide recognition from Leader to team, Team Member to Team Member, Team to
Leader, Champion to Team? 有提供互相认识的机会 ? 从领导者到团队,团队成员之间,协助者到团队?
 What alternatives do exist to communicate the recognition-message? 有什么其他方案存在可以联系到可识别信号?
 Are there any non-team members whose contributions to the 8D process justify inclusion at recognition session
(party)? 有哪些非团队成员在识别会议上证明 8D 过程的效力?
 Recognition implementation 识别的实现 :
 Are all current and past team members being recognized? 全部团队人员包括现在和过去的都有被识别?
 Do the results achieved by the team justify some publicity (e.g., company newsletter)? 结果是否从团队证实一些公
 8D is intended to be positive for the people. What are the chances that it might backfire to teams and/ or individuals
and turn into a negative? 8D 调查意在给人们正面的信息,有哪些机会可能会给团队和 / 或个人造成事与愿违的结
8D Guidance
D8: Supporting Questions (辅助问题) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 5

 Lessons Learned (经验教训) :

 What have you learned as individuals and as a team?
About yourselves? About problem-solving? About teamwork? 作为个人和团队你从中学习到什么?关于
 How did the organization benefit by the completion of this 8D? 组织对于完成 8D 调查有什么帮助?
 Review each 8D objective. What was done well? 回顾每个 8D 任务,有什么做得好的地方?
 Any best practices in the 8D process to be shared in the organization? 在 8D 过程中有哪些好的做法可
 Are there any changes to the business practices that should be considered, based on the learning in
this 8D? 从这次 8D 调查中,哪些经营手法的改变值得考虑?
8D Guidance
Version 版 Description of change compared to previous version
本 对以往版本修改的描述
1.0 2010-06-10 Original version
2.0 2012-04-07 no content changes. New version published in order to change meta data in the SharePoint
3.0 2013-07-04 review of document finalized by September 2013. Expiry date extended to 1 Oct 2013.

4.0 2013-10-08 Review of 8D guidance and 8D template. No content changes. Expiry date extended to 08 Oct 2014. (See CR 41)
5.0 2014-08-01 Content reviewed to the new approach (Linked to 8D improvement project)
Major changes : Firewall added / Reoccurrence better analyzed / Reviewed coherence with new 8D template (V4.0)
6.0 2015-09-18 Editorial changes to reflect LEAN organization model 2.0 e.g. process ownership, valid/expiry date

德国博世 (BOSCH) 8D 报告模版

博世 (BOSCH)8D 评估表

国际著名飞机公司 8D 报告

Seagate 8D training material

泰科电子 8D 报告范例:样板烧焦缺料 8D 案例范本报告

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