Market Integration
Market Integration
Market Integration
Market Integration is
a situation in which separate
markets for the
same product become one single
Free Trade
- a government-instituted prevention
of exports to a certain country.
Official ban on
trade or other commercial activity.
Economic Sanctions
- Also, funds are lent only to members of the IMF, usually when
private capital is unavailable at reasonable terms .
International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD
-Lends money to a government for the purpose
of developing that country’s economic
infrastructure such as roads and power
generating facilities
- Also, funds are lent only to members of the
IMF, usually when private capital is unavailable
at reasonable terms.
- Generally, bank loans are made to cover only
import needs in foreign convertible
currencies and must be repaid in those
currencies at long-term rates.
International Development
Association (IDA)