Gate-Level Minimization: Module 3: K Map 2,3,4 Variables NAND/NOR Mano Chapter 3
Gate-Level Minimization: Module 3: K Map 2,3,4 Variables NAND/NOR Mano Chapter 3
Gate-Level Minimization: Module 3: K Map 2,3,4 Variables NAND/NOR Mano Chapter 3
Five-Variable Map
x y xy x y
1 if only x is one or if only y is 1
XNOR ( x y ) xy xy
1 if both inputs are 1 or both inputs are 0
Some identities of XOR
x0 x
x 1 x'
x x 0
x x' 1
x y ' x' y ( x y )'
XOR Implementations
Odd Funct’on
N variable XOR function is odd function defined as
The logical sum of the 2n/2 minterms whose binary numerical values have an odd number
of 1’s. If n=3, 4 minterms have odd number of 1’s.
Logic Diagram of odd and even
Parity Generation