The document discusses various types of image copies that can be created in DB2 including full image copies, incremental image copies, and inline copies created during LOAD or REORG operations. It covers the phases, syntax, options, and parallelism of the COPY utility. Features like CHANGELIMIT, CHECKPAGE, REPORTONLY, SHRLEVEL CHANGE, COPYTOCOPY, FILTERDDN, and MERGECOPY are described. Hands-on practice is suggested to create a tablespace, take full and incremental copies, and recover using logpoint.
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The document discusses various types of image copies that can be created in DB2 including full image copies, incremental image copies, and inline copies created during LOAD or REORG operations. It covers the phases, syntax, options, and parallelism of the COPY utility. Features like CHANGELIMIT, CHECKPAGE, REPORTONLY, SHRLEVEL CHANGE, COPYTOCOPY, FILTERDDN, and MERGECOPY are described. Hands-on practice is suggested to create a tablespace, take full and incremental copies, and recover using logpoint.
The document discusses various types of image copies that can be created in DB2 including full image copies, incremental image copies, and inline copies created during LOAD or REORG operations. It covers the phases, syntax, options, and parallelism of the COPY utility. Features like CHANGELIMIT, CHECKPAGE, REPORTONLY, SHRLEVEL CHANGE, COPYTOCOPY, FILTERDDN, and MERGECOPY are described. Hands-on practice is suggested to create a tablespace, take full and incremental copies, and recover using logpoint.
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The document discusses various types of image copies that can be created in DB2 including full image copies, incremental image copies, and inline copies created during LOAD or REORG operations. It covers the phases, syntax, options, and parallelism of the COPY utility. Features like CHANGELIMIT, CHECKPAGE, REPORTONLY, SHRLEVEL CHANGE, COPYTOCOPY, FILTERDDN, and MERGECOPY are described. Hands-on practice is suggested to create a tablespace, take full and incremental copies, and recover using logpoint.
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Presented by Swapan Banerjee
Can create 4 image copies of the following objetcs Table space Table space partition Data set of a linear table space Index space Index space partition Types Full Image Copy of all pages in a table space, partition , dataset , or index space
Incremental Image copy is a copy of only
pages that have been modified since the last use of the COPY utility. Inline copy with LOAD/REORG Load Replace/Load Resume No : The discarded rows are left as the inline copy is done during reload phase.
Reorg Shrlevel change : The image copies
have incremental copies added to the end during each log iteration . Phases UTILINIT : Initialization and setup REPORT : Reporting for CHANGELIMIT option COPY : Copying phase UTILTERM : Cleanup process Syntax COPY Tablespace < tablespace-name> COPYDDN( local-primary-copy ,local- secondary-copy) RECOVERDDN( rem-pri-copy , rem- sec-copy ) Index <index-name> COPYDDN(loc-prim-copy, loc-sec-copy) RECOVERYDDN(rem-prim-copy, rem- sec-copy) Copy parallelism Objective is to reduce elapsed time . Keyword PARALLEL n has to be specified .
Number of threads needed when
PARALLEL is used = ( n * 2 +1 ) , where n is the number of objects processed in parallel ,regrdaless of number of objects in the list . CHANGELIMIT The triggering of COPY if the condition is satisfied . COPY table space < Tb Name > CHANGELIMIT ( 0 , 25 ) SHRLEVEL REFERENCE COPYDDN ( local ddn ) Return Code in CHANGELIMIT RC1 if the utility does not take an image copy RC2 if an incremental copy is taken RC3 if full copy is taken RC8 if a broken page is encountered CHECKPAGE Checks the Integrity of data pages mostly due to hardware errors COPY TABLESPACE <name > CHCKPAGE FULL YES ‘no’ option creates incremental copy COPYDDN ( copyddn ) REPORTONLY DB2 will only execute REPORT phase of the utility reporting Total number of pages Empty pages in segmented Table space Number of changed pages Percentage of changed pages Type of image copy required SHRLEVEL CHANGE Allows full read/write during copy process Should NOT be used in RECOVER TOCOPY as it may contain uncommitted data COPYTOCOPY A single copy during LOAD/REORG is taken and later additional copies can be made using this , asynchronously from the original , and record the copy in SYSCOPY . This increases data availability. COPYTOCOPY does not check recoverability of an object COPYTOCOPY Options FROMLASTCOPY FROMLASTFULLCOPY FROMLASTINCRCOPY FROMCOPY dsn CONCURRENT Copy Full Image copies using DFSMS concurrent copy . Syscopy has image copy recorded with ICTYPE=F , and STYPE= C Following can’t be run on copies made by DFSMS concurrent copy DSN1COMP , DSN1COPY, DSN1PRNT FILTERDDN Use FILTERDDN Keyword to copy a list of tables spaces using concurrent COPY to a single image copy output dataset , instead of one image copy data set for each table space in the list. All the table spaces are processed with a single DFDSS DUMP . MERGECOPY The MERGECOPY online utility merges Image Copies produced by the COPY utility or inline copies produced by the LOAD or REORG utilities. It can merge several incremental copies of a table space to make one incremental copy. It can also merge incremental copies with a full Image Copy to make a new full Image Copy. MERGECOPY operates on the Image Copy data sets of a table space, and not on the table space itself. PRACTICE SESSION Create your own Table space and Table Populate with data Take a full Image copy Take two incremental copies Take a quiesce Recover to LOGPOINT Hands-on The detailed practice document has been provided . Understand the various aspects of it , and also refer to JCL syntax in the PDS A367123.TEST.JCL .
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