Smart Note Taker
Smart Note Taker
Smart Note Taker
Bachelors of Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Submitted By:
Karishma Vaidya
Since, JAVA applet is suitable for both the drawings and strings, all
these applications can be put together by developing a single
JAVA applet program.
Applet is a function of java which for example, is a kind of
container (file) which contains a set of programs made in java.
In the current market there are many similar products that are
trying to convert handwritten documents into digital typed
In these products, optical sensors are being widely used to perceive
the motion.
Treats in the Market
Companies had succeeded to make similar products and put
them in the market .
Putting a newly invented, innovative product in the market is not
The prices in the market must be well observed for similar products.
Companies had succeeded to make similar products and put them in the
market. Putting a newly invented, innovative product in the market is not easy.
The prices in the market must be well observed for similar products.
• The system will try to improve a pen, which helps people get rid of
typing problems on computer by the technology, which converts
your handwriting to text format on your PC.
• The device takes a practical extent since it offers high mobility.
• the price of innovation will be reasonable for the sectors that can
use it effectively in their business or lessons.
Thank You..!!