The Role of The Midwife
The Role of The Midwife
The Role of The Midwife
Alvio Nitha Tri Kumala | BOB0201808 | Kenanga | DIII Midwifery
Definition of midwife
Midwife is a woman who graduated from midwifery education recognized by the
government and professional organizations in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and
has the competence and qualifications to be registered, certified and or legally licensed to
practice midwifery. (according to IBI)
According to WHO, a midwife is a person who has been regularly recognized in the
midwifery education program as legally recognized, where he or she has been placed
and has completed midwifery education and has obtained qualifications and is registered,
legalized and licensed to practice midwifery.
Midwife role chart
the role of the midwife
Implementation of
midwifery care and Role as Manager Role as Educator Role as
services ( Peran sebagai ( Peran sebagai Researcher/Invertigator
(Pelaksanaan Asuhan pengelolah ) pendidik ) ( Peran sebagai peneliti /
dan Pelayanan investor
• Independent task
Develop basic health services
( Tugas mandiri ) As an educator
( Mengembangkan pelayanan ( Peran sebagai pendidik )
• Collaboration tasks
dasar Kesehatan ) Train and guide leaders
( Tugas kolaborasi )
Participate in the team
• Organizer's duties ( Melatih bimbingan leader )
( Berpartisipasi dalam tim )
(Tugas penyelenggara )
Implementation of midwifery care and services
• Independent Task
The midwife's independent tasks, namely:
1. Establish midwifery management for each midwifery care provided
2. Provide basic premarital services to adolescents and women by involving them as clients
3. Provide midwifery care to clients during normal pregnancy
4. Provide midwifery care to clients during labor by involving the client/family
5. Provide midwifery care for newborns
6. Provide midwifery care to clients during the puerperium by involving the client/family
7. Provide midwifery care to women of childbearing age who need family planning services
8. Provide midwifery care for women with reproductive system disorders and women in the climacteric and menopause
9. Provide midwifery care for infants and toddlers by involving the family
• Collaboration tasks
Midwife collaboration (collaboration) tasks, namely
a. Implement midwifery management in every midwifery care according to the collaboration
function by involving clients and families, including:
1. Assessing problems related to complications and emergency conditions that require collaborative
2. Determine the diagnosis, prognosis, and priority of emergencies that require collaborative action.
3. Planning actions in accordance with emergency priorities and the results of collaboration and
collaboration with clients.
Organizer's duties
Implement midwifery management in every midwifery care in accordance with the function of
client and family involvement.
1. Provide midwifery care through consultation and referral in cases of high-risk pregnancies
and emergencies
2. Provide midwifery care through consultation and referrals during labor with certain
complications by involving clients and families
3. Provide midwifery care through consultation and referral to mothers during the puerperium
accompanied by certain complications and emergencies by involving clients and families
4. Provide midwifery care for newborns with certain disorders and emergencies that require
consultation and referral by involving the family
5. Provide midwifery care to children under five with certain disorders and emergencies that
require consultation and referral by involving the client or family
Role as
As a midwife, it is very important to provide maximum service. The demands of a
midwife are very heavy and have a high risk, especially for mothers and children.
Therefore, a midwife is obliged to carry out duties according to predetermined
procedures, both counseling and others according to the midwifery profession.