Multi-Business Company Website by Slidesgo
Multi-Business Company Website by Slidesgo
Multi-Business Company Website by Slidesgo
Here is where your presentation begins
Contents of this template
Here’s what you’ll find in this Slidesgo template:
1. A slide structure based on a multi-business presentation, which you can easily adapt to your needs. For more info on
how to edit the template, please visit Slidesgo School or read our FAQs.
2. An assortment of graphic resources that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the alternative
resources slide.
3. A thanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given.
4. A resources slide, where you’ll find links to all the elements used in the template.
5. Instructions for use.
6. Final slides with:
● The fonts and colors used in the template.
● A selection of illustrations. You can also customize and animate them as you wish with the online editor. Visit
Storyset to find more.
● More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited.
● Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process, education, help
& support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork.
You can delete this slide when you’re done editing the presentation.
Table of contents
Them Us
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun and the name and is the second
smallest one of them all— planet from the Sun. It’s
it’s only a bit larger than hot and has a poisonous
the Moon atmosphere
Our company
Here you can give a brief description
of the topic you want to talk about.
For example, if you want to talk about
Mercury, you could say that it’s the
smallest planet in the entire Solar
What we are working on
About the
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
Web company
Do you know what helps you make your point
Lists like this one:
● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!
Positioning Usability
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun and the name and is the second
smallest of them all—it’s planet from the Sun. It’s
only a bit larger than the hot and has a poisonous
Moon atmosphere
Future projects
Username Menu
Jupiter is the
Venus is the second
biggest planet of
planet from the Sun
them all
Answers Setting
Saturn is a gas giant
Despite being red,
and has several
Mars is a cold place
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
24h 37m 23s
Is Jupiter's rotation period
Earths fit in the Sun’s mass
386,000 km
Is the distance between the Earth and the
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
Our numbers
Interface Functional
It’s the biggest
Venus is the second JAVA PHP
planet in the Solar
planet from the Sun
Orders 17%
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Increase 40%
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then
paste the new one here. For more info, click here
This is a map
Venus Mars
Despite being red,
Venus has very
Mars is actually
high temperatures
Saturn Neptune
It’s composed of
It’s the farthest
hydrogen and
planet from the Sun
Project timeline
Mercury Mars
It’s the closest Mars is actually a
planet to the Sun very cold place
It’s composed of
hydrogen and
Project table
01 Visual design
Venus is the second
HTML 02 planet from the Sun
Mars is actually a very
cold place 03 CSS
Neptune is the farthest
Java Script 04 planet from the Sun
Saturn is a gas giant
and has several rings 05 UX
Saturn is made of
hydrogen and helium
Business web steps
Programming Design
15% 10%
25% 15%
28% 25%
78% 64%
32% 50%
22 - 30 years 25 - 40 years
Monthly calendar
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Presentation Deadline
Saturn is made of The Earth is the 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
hydrogen and planet where we
helium live 27 28 29 30
User comments
Timmy Jimmy
Here you can talk a bit
about this person
[email protected]
+91 620 421 838
For more information about editing slides, please read our FAQs or visit Slidesgo School: and
Fonts & colors used
This presentation has been made using the following fonts:
Darker Grotesque
#5352ee #7882f3 #9ea6ff #d2d6ff #a1c3ff #ffc3d0 #81eeeb #3ae4df #f1f0ff #ffffffff
Create your Story with our illustrated concepts. Choose the style you like the most, edit its colors, pick the
background and layers you want to show and bring them to life with the animator panel! It will boost your
presentation. Check out How it Works.
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2