DNA Structure

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Nitrogenous Bases
Molecular basis of DNA Structure
• Polynucleotide chain – sugar phosphate back bone
having nitrogenous base attached to it.
• Phosphodiester Bond – the backbone of DNA
• Nucleotide has three elements – phosphate,
pentose sugar, nitrogenous base
• Pairing between Nitrogenous base is not chemical….
• Base Stacking – Allows millions of base pairs lie one
above the other
Chargaff Rule
• Erwin Chargaff “A pairs with T & C pairs with G
• C – G bond stronger than A – T (amount of heat
required to separate the DNA strand increases with
increase in G + C )
• Base composition – % of G + C in terms of % of total
differs among species but is constant in all cells of an
organism and within a species.
Human being – A 29.8, T- 31.8, G-20.2, C -18.2, G+C-
• A+ G = C + T that is purines = pyrimidines
Evaluate yourself
1. The base sequence for complete set of
chromosomes --------
2. Nucleotide is made of --------, ----------- & -------
3. Phosphodiester bond is the bond between ----
4. Purines and pyrimidines are ------------
5. Number of hydrogen bond between adenine and
thyamine -----------
6. Arrangement of base pairs in DNA ---------
7. The base composition for a species remains --------
1. Genome
2. Pentose sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous
3. Pentose sugar & phosphate group
4. Nitrogenous bases
5. 2
6. Base stacking
7. constant
Watson Crick Model
The Double Helix Structure
• Right hand twisted helix
• Each turn measures 34 Å
• Bases are spaced at 3.4 Å
• Ten base pairs in each helical strand
• Bases are perpendicular to the sugar
phosphate backbone but stacked parallel to
each other
• Grooves - The major & the minor groove,
provide binding site for the proteins.
•Read from 5’ to 3’ direction.
Labels  indicate  free carbon on
sugar phosphate backbone ( 5’
has terminal PO4 & 3’ has free
•DNA Length measured in base
pair  (BP) units
•1kb = 1000bp
Shortest human DNA 4.6x107
•Sugar lie above and below the
plane containing  the base pair
Some facts…..
• DNA is a very dynamic molecule
• Satisfy the criteria for genetic material
- can make a copy of itself
- should code for life
- allow for changes in progeny
Points to ponder…..

• An important part of understanding biology is

learning its language. 
• Biologists, like many scientists, use technical
terms in order to be precise about reference.
• Getting a grasp on this terminology makes a
great deal of the biological literature
accessible to the non-specialist
Terms learnt so far…..
• Genome • Helix
• Nucleotide • Groove
• Nitrogenous bases • Progeny
• Purines & pyrimidines • Reverse and forward
• Base Pair strand
• Base stacking • 5’ & 3’
• Single strand
• Double strand

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