Diabetes Mellitus: Apt. Lelly Winduhani M.Farm - Klin
Diabetes Mellitus: Apt. Lelly Winduhani M.Farm - Klin
Diabetes Mellitus: Apt. Lelly Winduhani M.Farm - Klin
Sulfonilurea Inhibitor
He althy e ating , we ig ht c o ntro l, inc re as e d phys ic al ac tivity & diabe te s e duc atio n
Mo no -
the rapy Me tfo rmin
Effic ac y * hig h
Hypo ris k lo w ris k
We ig ht ne utral/lo s s
S ide e ffe c ts GI / lac tic ac ido s is
Co s ts lo w
intolerance or If HbA1c target not ac hie v e d afte r ~3 m onths of m ono therap y , p roc e e d to 2-d rug c om binatio n (ord er not meant to d enote
any s p e cific p refe re nce - choic e d ep e nde nt on a v arie ty of patient- & d is eas e-s pecific factors ):
contraindication Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin
+ + + + + +
Dual S ulfo nylure a Thiazo lidine - DPP-4 S GLT2 GLP-1 re c e pto r Ins ulin (bas al)
the rapy † dio ne inhibito r inhibito r ag o nis t
Effic ac y * hig h hig h inte rme diate inte rme diate hig h hig hes t
Hypo ris k mo de rate ris k lo w ris k low ris k lo w ris k low ris k hig h ris k
HbA1c We ig ht g ain g ain ne utral lo s s los s gain
≥9% S ide e ffe c ts hypo g lyc e mia e de ma, HF, fx s rare GU, de hydratio n GI hypo glyc emia
Co s ts low lo w hig h hig h hig h variable
If HbA1c target not ac hie ve d afte r ~3 m o nths of dual the rapy , proc e e d to 3-drug co m bination (order not meant to deno te
any s p e cific p refe re nce - choic e d ep e nde nt on a v arie ty of patient- & d is eas e-s pecific factors ):
Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin Me tfo rmin
+ + + + + +
Triple S ulfo nylure a Thiazo lidine -
dio ne
Inhibito r
Inhibito r
GLP-1 re c e pto r
ago nis t
Ins ulin (bas al)
the rapy + + + + + +
4. Neuropati
Neuropati perifer
- gejala : parestesia, numbness, pain
- perbaiki pengendalian glukosa
- dosis rendah trisiklik antidepresan , anti konvulsan (fenitoin, gabapentin,
karbamazepin), topical capsaicin), Obat-obat NSAID
5. Gastroparesis
- metoklopramid, domperidon, eritromisin,cisaprid
- diare - doksisiklin, metronidazol
- konstipasi – laksan, stool softener
bergerak ke pengemasan dalam
membran plasma granula berlapis
Insulin melintasi
eksositosis lamina basalis sel