The Health Care Delivery System
The Health Care Delivery System
The Health Care Delivery System
Government Sectors
Non Government Sectors
Private Sectors
Social Disintegration
Global and Country Health Trend
Shifts in demographic and epidemiological trends in
New technologies of health care, communication and
Existing and emerging environmental hazard
Health reforms
in Alma Ata, Russia (USSR) The Alma Ata Declaration stated that
PHC was the key to attain the “health for all” goal
October 19, 1979 – Letter of Instruction (LOI) 949, the legal
Increasing cost of medical care
development activities
Definition of Primary Health Care
essential health care made universally accessible to
An improved state of health and quality of life for all
other disease.
Reduction in morbidity and mortality rates especially among
underserved sectors.
Improvement in Basic Sanitation
Maximizing the contribution of the other sectors for the social
Community Participation
heart and soul of PHC
3.People are the center, object and subject of
Thus, the success of any undertaking that aims at serving the people
is dependent on people’s participation at all levels of decision-
making; planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating. Any
undertaking must also be based on the people’s needs and
problems (PCF, 1990)
Part of the people’s participation is the partnership between the
community and the agencies found in the community; social
mobilization and decentralization.
In general, health work should start from where the people are and
building on what they have. Example: Scheduling of Barangay
Health Workers in the health center
Barriers of Community Involvement
8. Decentralization
This ensures empowerment and that empowerment
can only be facilitated if the administrative
structure provides local level political structures
with more substantive responsibilities for
development initiators. This also facilities proper
allocation of budgetary resources.
Major Strategies of Primary Health Care
1. Elevating Health to a Comprehensive and Sustained National
2. Promoting and Supporting Community Managed Health Care
3. Increasing Efficiencies in the Health Sector
4. Advancing Essential National Health Research
6. Analytical/Critical thinker
decides on what has been analyzed
7. Tactful
brings about issues in smooth subtle manner
8. Knowledgeable
able to impart relevant, updated and sufficient input
9. Open
invitesideas, suggestions, criticisms
involves people in decision making
14. Flexible
able to cope with different situations
Functions of a Health Worker
Functions of a Health Worker
1. Community Health Service Provider
Carries out health services contributing to the promotion of
health, prevention of illness, early treatment of illness and
appraises health needs and hazards (existing or potential)
2. Facilitator
helps plan a comprehensive health program with the people
continuing guidance and supervisory assistance
functions of a Health Worker.
3. Health Counselor
provides health counseling including emotional support to
individuals, family, group and community
4. Co-researcher
Provides the community with stimulation necessary for a wider
or more complex study or problems.
Enforce community to do prompt and intelligent reporting of
epidemiologic investigation of disease.
suggest areas hat need research (by creating dissatisfaction)
participate in planning for the study in formulating procedures
Assist in the collection of data
Helps interpret findings collectively
Act on the result of the research
5. Member of a Team
in operating within the team, one must be willing to
listen as well as to contribute, to teach as well as to
learn, to lead as well as to follow, to share as well as
to work under it
helps make multiple services which the family receives
in the course of health care, coordinated, continuous
and comprehensive as possible
consults with and refers to appropriate personnel for
any other community services
6. Health Educator
Health education is an accepted activity at all levels of public
works. A health educator is the one who improves the health of
the people by employing various methods of scientific
procedures to stimulate, arouse and guide people to healthful
ways of living. She takes into consideration these aspects of
health education:
information – provision of knowledge
education – change in knowledge, attitude and skills
communication – exchange of information
Primary (heath Secondary (early Tertiary (limitation of
promotion and specific diagnosis and disability and
protection) treatment) rehabilitation)
There shall be created rural health units of two classes: one of category one or senior rural health
unit consisting of one municipal health officer as head of the unit, one public health nurse, one mid-
wife and one sanitary inspector; another of category two or junior rural health unit consisting of one
physician or public health nurse as head of the unit and one midwife or sanitary inspector. Each
municipality or group of municipal districts having a population of not less than five thousand shall
have a rural health unit of category one: Provided, however, that a municipality with more than
thirty-five thousand inhabitants shall have an additional rural health unit of category two. If the
public service so demands, the Director of Health, upon approval of the Secretary of the Department
of Health, can regroup neighboring barrios and assign to each group a rural health unit of whatever
category the circumstances warrant.cralaw
RA 1891 – Strengthen Health Services
> An Act strengthening health and dental services in the rural
areas, and providing funds therefor".
> There shall be created rural health units of eight different
categories or staff of personnel corresponding to eight
population groups of municipalities to be served based on a
more equitable and scientific distribution on the ratio of
personnel to population:
Category I, consisting of one midwife and one sanitary
inspector, to be allotted to a municipality of Group I with
population up to Category II, consisting of one public health
nurse and one midwife or one sanitary inspector, to be
allotted to a municipality of Group II with population from
two thousand to five thousandtwo thousand.
Category III, consisting of one municipal health officer, as head
of the unit, one public health nurse, one midwife and one
sanitary inspector, to be allotted to a municipality of Group III
with population from five thousand to ten thousand.
Category IV, consisting of one municipal health officer, as head
of the unit, one public health nurse, two midwives and one
sanitary inspector, to be allotted to a municipality of Group IV
with population from ten thousand to twenty thousand.
Category V, consisting of one municipal health officer, a head of
the unit, two public health nurses, two midwives and one
sanitary inspector, to be allotted to a municipality of Group V
with population from twenty thousand to thirty thousand.
Category VI, consisting of two municipal health officers, two
public health nurses, two midwives and two sanitary
inspectors, to be allotted to a municipality of Group VI with
population from thirty thousand to forty thousand
Category VII, consisting of two municipal health
officers, two public health nurses, three midwives and
three sanitary inspectors, to be allotted to a
municipality of Group VII with population from forty
thousand to fifty thousand;
Category VIII, consisting of two municipal health
officers, four public health nurses, four midwives and
three sanitary inspectors, to be allotted to a
municipality of Group VIII with population from fifty
thousand and over.
PD 568 – Restructuring HCDS
Role of Public Health midwives has been expanded after the
implementation of the Restructed Health Care Delivery System
Deployment of midwives to improve rural situation (1 PHMid =
5,000 pop.; 1 PHNurse = 10,000 pop; 1 RHPhysician = 20,000
RA 7160 – LGU Code
otherwise known as the Local Government Code was enacted
into law, transferring control and responsibility of delivering
basic services to the hands of local government units (LGU).
It aimed to enhance provision of services in the grass roots
level as well as improve the efficiency in resource allocation.