Chemical Bonds: Resi Pratiwi, M.PD
Chemical Bonds: Resi Pratiwi, M.PD
Chemical Bonds: Resi Pratiwi, M.PD
Contents B
Bonding Models
Chemical Bonds?????
the force of attraction between any two “atoms” in a compound
Kinds of
chemical bond
• Two atoms share • Two atoms • Two atoms sharing • the formation of electron pairs
one pair of electrons sharing two three pairs of
pairs of does not originate from the
(2 electrons) electrons (6
electrons (4 electrons) two bound atoms, but only
• One atom may have comes from one atom
electrons) • Shorter and
more than one single • Shorter and stronger than • there are donor atoms and
bond stronger than single and double there are electron pair akseptor
single bond. bond. c atoms
Lewis Structure
H• •O• •H
•• ••
•O •O
•• ••
•O• •• ••
•• •• O
Polarity 01 In order for a molecule to be polar it
of must:
1.Have polar bonds.
Molecules Electronegativity difference—theory.
Bond dipole moments—measured.
2.Have an unsymmetrical shape.
Vector addition.
Polarity effects the
intermolecular forces of
Molecule Polarity
The O—C bond is polar. The bonding electrons are pulled equally toward both O
ends of the molecule. The net result is a nonpolar molecule.
Molecule Polarity
Hidorgen London
Bond Force
a type of inter-molecular or
inter-dipole-pulling force that
occurs between two partial
electric charges with opposite
Formal Charge
1 2 3
A set of overlapping
orbitals has a The greater the orbital
01 02
maximum of two overlap, the stronger
Option Option
electrons that must (more stable) the
have opposite spins. bond.
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There is a
The valence atomic 03 04
Option Option
hybridization of atomic
orbitals in a molecule orbitals to form
are different from molecular
those in isolated orbitals.
Hybrid Orbitals
Key Points
The number of hybrid orbitals obtained equals the number of atomic orbitals
The type of hybrid orbitals obtained varies with the types of atomic orbitals mixed.
orbitals on
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