Chemical Bonds: Resi Pratiwi, M.PD

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Resi Pratiwi, M.Pd

Ayat-ayat yang berhubungan dengan
ikatan kimia
َ ‫َو ِمن ك ّـ ُِِّل َش ْى ٍء َخل َ ْقنَا َز ْو َجيْ ِن ل ََعَل ّـَّك ُْم تَ َذَك ّـَُّر‬
“Dan segala sesuatu kami jadikan berpasang-pasangan, supaya kamu mengingat kebesaran
Allah.”  [QS. Adz Dzariyaat (51):49].

‫ون‬ َّ‫ت ٱل ْأ َ ْر ُض َو ِم ْن أَن ُف ِس ِه ْم َو ِم ّـ‬

 َ ‫َما ل َا ي َ ْعل َُم‬ ُ ‫خل ََق ٱل ْأ َ ْز َٰو َج كَُلّـَّ َها ِم ّـََّما تُنۢ ِب‬
َ ‫ح َن ٱَل ّـَِّذى‬
َٰ ْ‫ُسب‬
¨Maha Suci Allah yang telah menciptakan pasangan-pasangan semuanya, baik dari apa yang
ditumbuhkan oleh bumi dan dari diri mereka maupun dari apa yang tidak mereka ketahui.¨[QS. Yaa Siin
ۭ‫َو ِم ْن َءايَٰ ِت ِهۦٓ أ َ ْن َخل ََقلَك ُم ِّ ّـِم ْن أَن ُف ِسك ُْم أ َ ْز َٰو ًجۭا ِلِّ ّـتَ ْسكُن ُ ٓوا۟ ِإل َيْ َها َو َج َع َلبَيْنَك ُم ّـََّم َو ّـََّد ًة‬
َ ‫مۢ يَتَ َفَكّـ َّ ُر‬
‫ون‬ ٍ ‫ت ِلِّ ّـ َق ْو‬
ۢ ٍ َٰ‫َو َر ْح َم ًة ۚ ِإ ّـََّن ِفى َٰذلِ َك َل َءاي‬

“Dan diantara tanda-tanda kekuasaanNya ialah Dia

menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu
sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram
kepadanya, dan dijadikanNya diantaramu rasa kasih dan
sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar
terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berpikir” (Ar-Ruum
Chemical Bonds
Contents A • Central theme in chemistry:
Why and How atoms attach
 Atoms or ions are held together
together in molecules or • This will help us understand
compounds by chemical how to:
bonds. 1. Predict the shapes of
 The type and number of molecules.
electrons in the outer 2. Predict properties of
electronic shells of atoms or substances.
ions are instrumental in how 3. Design and build molecules
atoms react with each other with particular sets of
to form stable chemical chemical and physical
bonds. properties.

Contents B
Bonding Models
Chemical Bonds?????
the force of attraction between any two “atoms” in a compound

Kinds of
chemical bond

Ionic Covalent Metallic Hydrogen

Bond formed between two ions by the transfer
Ionic Bond
Type of electronic
configuration of ionic • Species Without Valence Electrons
species • Species With 2 Valence Electrons
• Species With 8 Valence Electrons
• Species With 18 Valence Electrons
• Species With 18+2 Valence
• Species with various kinds of
valence electrons
Trends in Ion Formation
The most
stable type of
configuration of
Option A Option B
noble gases Factors affecting ion
formation are: stability
of the electron
configuration, ion
if the structure of ion Option C Option D charge, and ion size
configuration is more
stable, so the
tendency for ions to if more electrons are released
form complex ions will from atoms or ions, so the more
decrease energy is needed
Bond formed by the sharing of electrons
Type of Covalent Bonds

Single Double Triple Coordination

Covalent Covalent Covalent Covalent
Bond Bonds Bonds Bonds

• Two atoms share • Two atoms • Two atoms sharing • the formation of electron pairs
one pair of electrons sharing two three pairs of
pairs of does not originate from the
(2 electrons) electrons (6
electrons (4 electrons) two bound atoms, but only
• One atom may have comes from one atom
electrons) • Shorter and
more than one single • Shorter and stronger than • there are donor atoms and
bond stronger than single and double there are electron pair akseptor
single bond. bond. c atoms
Lewis Structure
H• •O• •H

•• ••
•O •O

•• ••
•O• •• ••
•• •• O
Polarity 01 In order for a molecule to be polar it
of must:
1.Have polar bonds.
Molecules Electronegativity difference—theory.
Bond dipole moments—measured.
2.Have an unsymmetrical shape.
Vector addition.

Polarity effects the
intermolecular forces of
Molecule Polarity

The O—C bond is polar. The bonding electrons are pulled equally toward both O
ends of the molecule. The net result is a nonpolar molecule.
Molecule Polarity

The H—O bond is polar. Both sets of bonding

electrons are pulled toward the O end of the
molecule. The net result is a polar molecule.
Intermolecular Forces
• This difference in electronegativity
• The London force (also called the
causes an atom to split into two
charges (dipoles), one end having a London dispersion force or simply
positive charge and the other end the dispersion force) is an attractive
having a negative charge. force between atoms and molecules.
• The dipole-dipole force is the force • The London force is also part of the
Dipol intermolecular force that occurs
acting between polar molecules, that
is, between molecules which have a Forces between polar molecules with
dipole moment. nonpolar molecules, as well as
between polar and polar molecules.

Hidorgen London
Bond Force

a type of inter-molecular or
inter-dipole-pulling force that
occurs between two partial
electric charges with opposite
Formal Charge

• hypothetical charge of covalent bonding

atoms in a molecule or polyatomic ion if the
bonding pair of electrons is considered to be
equally attracted by two bonding atoms.
• the formal charge (QF) of atoms can be
calculated if the lewis structure of the
polyatomic molecule or ion has been written
• QF = EV – NM = EV – NEB – ½ NEI

1 2 3

Polyatomic molecules resonance can resonance can cause

and ions can have stabilize polyatomic the bonds involved in
more than one Lewis molecules and ions resonance to have
structure the same bond order
and bond length

• One Lewis structure cannot

accurately depict a molecule
such as ozone.
• We use multiple structures, +
resonance structures, to -
describe the molecule.
Just as green is a synthesis of blue and

…ozone is a synthesis of these two

resonance structures.

It is not jumping between the two.

Basic Principle
• A view of chemical • A covalent bond forms
VALENCE bonding in which bonds
arise from the overlap of
when the orbitals of two
atoms overlap and the

BOND atomic orbitals on two

atoms to give a bonding
overlap region, which is
between the nuclei, is
orbital of electrons occupied by a pair of
THEORY localized between the
bonded atoms
• (The two wave functions
• RULE: Realize that are in phase so the
Valence Bond Theory and amplitude increases
all the others don't explain between the nuclei.)

A set of overlapping
orbitals has a The greater the orbital
01 02
maximum of two overlap, the stronger
Option Option
electrons that must (more stable) the
have opposite spins. bond.
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There is a
The valence atomic 03 04
Option Option
hybridization of atomic
orbitals in a molecule orbitals to form
are different from molecular
those in isolated orbitals.
Hybrid Orbitals

Key Points

The number of hybrid orbitals obtained equals the number of atomic orbitals
The type of hybrid orbitals obtained varies with the types of atomic orbitals mixed.

Types of Hybrid Orbitals

sp sp2 sp3 sp3d sp3d2

Figure 11.2 The sp hybrid orbitals in gaseous BeCl2.

orbitals on

You have to know

how to draw this
energy hybrid

orbital box diagrams

Figure 11.2 The sp hybrid orbitals in gaseous BeCl2(continued).

orbital box diagrams with orbital contours

Figure 11.3 The sp2 hybrid orbitals in BF3.

You have to know how to

draw this energy hybrid

Note the three sigma bonds formed

between B and each F.
Figure 11.4 The sp3 hybrid orbitals in CH4.

You have to know how to draw this energy

hybrid formation.
Figure 11.5 The sp3 hybrid orbitals in NH3.

You have to know how to draw this energy

hybrid formation.
Figure 11.5 continued The sp3 hybrid orbitals in H2O.

You have to know how to draw this

energy hybrid formation.
Figure 11.6 The sp3d hybrid orbitals in PCl5.

You have to know how to

draw this energy hybrid
Figure 11.7 The sp3d2 hybrid orbitals in SF6.

You have to know how to draw this energy hybrid

Figure 11.8
The conceptual steps from molecular formula to the hybrid orbitals used in

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Molecular shape and
Molecular Lewis e- group arrangement
Hybrid orbitals
formula structure

Figure 10.1 Figure 10.12 Table 11.1

• A method to predict the shapes of
molecules from their electronic structures
(Lewis structures do not depict shape)
• Postulate: the structure around a given
atom is determined principally by
minimizing electron pair repulsion.
• The bonding and nonbonding pairs should
be positioned as far apart as possible.

Basic principle: each group of valence

electrons around a central
Valence Shell atom is located as far away as possible
from the others in order to

Electron Pair minimize repulsions

AXmEn symbolism: A = central atom, X

Repulsion = surrounding atoms,
E = non-bonding electrons (usually a
(VSEPR Model) lone pair)

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