Presentation On Certificate of Deposits: Treasury Management
Presentation On Certificate of Deposits: Treasury Management
Presentation On Certificate of Deposits: Treasury Management
Certificate of Deposits
Treasury Management
Presented by:
Anubhav Kathuria
Gopal Krishan 09BS0002792
Certificate of Deposits
Introduced in India on 27th March, 1989
Certificates of Deposit (CDs) is a negotiable money
market instrument and issued in dematerialized
form or as a Usance Promissory Note, for funds
deposited at a bank or other eligible financial
institution for a specified time period.
The Tambe Working Group: 1982 opposed launch of
CDs on grounds of FIs not supporting the instrument
and absence of secondary market for the same
The Vaghul Working Group: Recommended setup of a
discount house and align the short term instruments
rates with that of other rates in financial system of the
1988: Discount and Finance House of India (DFHI)
was setup and fixed deposits with short term of 15 to 45
days were abolished
Bulk mobilization of resources as part
of effective fund management
Aggregate Amount
• Banks can issue as per requirements
From 7 days to 1 year; if issued by Bank
• Banks have to maintain appropriate SLR and CRR on the issue
price of CDs
No Lock-in period
Other Requirements
Banks cannot buy back their own issued CDs
Eurodollar CDs
Yankee CDs
A three month CD is issued on 6th September 1999 and
matures on 6th December 1999, it has a Face Value of
£ 20,000,000 and a coupon of 5.45%. What are the
total maturity proceeds?
P = [(1+ DR/100 )x N/M) ] x 100
P = Proceeds
DR = Discount Rate
N = Total Period in a year (12 months or 365 days)
M = Maturity period
Master circulars on issue of Certificate of Deposits,
2004, 2006 and 2008
Financial Markets and Institutions by Dr. S.
Gurusamy, Chapter 6, Certificate of Deposits (CD)
Indian Money Market- An Introduction
The Money Markets Handbook