1 (Iliad)

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Iliad - Book 20
By –
Sayma Islam Jarin
Id: 191030017

Faculty –
Theodore Sourav Palma
Lecturer, Department of English, NDUB
Olympian Gods in

Zeus summoned Themis to

call Gods to counsil. Later
on, Answering to the God of
earthquake, Zeus commaned
Gods to help either sides.
 Achaean’s side
Detested Trojan with
all her heart

Poseidon Athena
But still proposed to Always with Hera’s
save Aeneas from side, more like an
crushed by Achilles underling servant

Hermes and
Achaean’s side

Athena Poseidon Hera

Trojan’s side

01 02 03
Aphrodite Apollo and Leto and
and Artemis Ares River
Trojan’s side

Ares Apollo Aphrodite

Moving forward, in this book-

Achilles on the battle

Blissful Gods were
rousing both sides

Apollo influenced

03 Aeneas to fight with

Moving forward, in this book-

Aeneas did not want to
go first, was afraid.

Apollo encouraged him

05 more

Hera and Poseidon

06 acts like betting on

Achillies or Aenes…
Moving forward, in this book-
Poseidon retrain Hera to settle

07 down until Ares or Apollo

intervene directly

In the Fortress – Poseidon,

08 Hera…On brows of sunlight hill

– Apollo, Ares…

09 Aeneas come face to

face with Achilles
The dual between

Achilles Aenes
First asked what prize Troy Gave a detailed family
promised Aenes, saying if God did history
not interven, Aenes would have
been dead long ago
Hera did not quite like the
idea though did not say
much, Poseidon took mercy
upon Aenes and saved him
(WHY? HOW) from going
down to House of Death
Achilles began killing Trojan leaders

●Iphition (skull split in half),

●Demoleon (stabbed temple),
●Hippodamas (soar shafted), and
●Polydorus(spear went through and out of his navel)
The dual between two Heros

Achilles Hector
He was excited to kill Even though Apollo
Hector -‘truimphed to warned him not to fight
himself’ - as Hector with Achillies, Hector
killed his cherished was enraged to see
comrade Polydorus get killed
Book 20 ends
Raged, bloodthirsty
Achilles killing more
Trojan leaders
in a goresome way…
Achilles rage
looks like
The earth ran black with blood,

under Achilles’s chariot splashed with blood,

Blood on the handrails sweeping round the car,

sprays of blood shooting up from the stallions hoofs,

Bloody filth splattering both strong arms

Achilles storming on with brandished spear
❖ Stabbed Dryops right through his neck,
❖ Smashed Demuchus’ knee,
❖ Slammed both Laogonus and Dardanus,
❖ Even though Tros begged to spear him, Achilles slit
open his liver,
❖ Reared and jammed Mulius’s ear, jutting out the ear,
❖ Split Agenor’s head,
❖ Split Deucalion’s elbow-tendon’s grip,
❖ Pierced Rhigmu’s belly,
For your Zeal to hear my

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including

icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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