Lecture 23 Angular - Directives - Templates
Lecture 23 Angular - Directives - Templates
Lecture 23 Angular - Directives - Templates
Lecture 23
Angular Concepts
Custom attributes that enhance HTML syntax and are used
to attach behaviors to specific elements on the page.
Angular lets you extend HTML with new attributes called
◦ Angular has a set of built-in directives which offers functionality
to your applications.
◦ Angular also lets you define your own directives.
◦ Angular directives are extended HTML attributes with the prefix
◦ Directives are components without a view. They are components
without a template.
Directives in Angular is a js class, which is declared as @directive.
We have 3 directives in Angular.
We typically associate directives to existing
elements by use attribute selectors, like so:
<elemenent aDirective></element>
Built-in Directives
◦ Structural
◦ Attribute
Custom Directives
This is a new tag in HTML which is specifically
designed to hold template code.
◦ It can sit under the body element but any content
inside it is not shown in the browser.
<ng-template [ngIf]='condition'>
<p>I am the content to show</p>
• * is the Syntax sugar for ng-Template
• When we prepend a directive with * we are telling it
to use the element it’s attached to as the template.
Structural Directives
The structural directives allow us to change the DOM structure
in a view by adding or removing elements.
We will explore built-in structural directives, ngIf, ngFor, and
Normally we have * with structural directives specially with
ngFor and ngIf
◦ We use ngNonBindable when we want tell Angular not to compile, or bind, a
particular section of our page.
<div>To render the name variable we use this syntax <pre ngNonBindable>{{ name }}</pre>
Built-in Structural Directives
◦ The ngFor is a repeater directive, it's used for displaying a list
of items.
◦ We use ngFor mostly with arrays in JavaScript, but it will work
with any iterable object in JavaScript.
◦ The ngFor directive is similar to the for...in statement in
JavaScript.Here is a quick example:
public frameworks: string[] = ['Angular', 'React', 'Ember'];
◦ The framework is an array of frontend framework names.
Here is how we can display all of them using ngFor:
<li *ngFor="let framework of frameworks">
Built-in Structural Directives
◦ Index
Sometimes we also want to get the index of the item in the
array we are iterating over.
<li *ngFor="let person of people; let i = index">
{{ i + 1 }} - {{ person.name }}
◦ Grouping
<ul *ngFor="let group of peopleByCountry">
<li>{{ group.country }}</li>
<li *ngFor="let person of group.people">
{{ person.name }}
Structural Directives
◦ The ngIf directive is used for adding or removing elements from
DOM dynamically:
◦ <element *ngIf="condition"> content </element>
◦ If the condition is true, Angular will add content to DOM, if the
condition is false it will physically remove that content from DOM:
<div *ngIf="isReady">
<h1>Structural Directives</h1>
<p>They lets us modify DOM structure</p>
The asterisk (*) symbol before ngIf is a must.
Built-in Structural Directives
◦ Conditionally instantiate one template from a set of choices,
depending on the value of a selection expression.
◦ ngSwitch will have multiple templates, depending on the
value passed, it will render one template. This directive is
similar to the switch() statement in JavaScript:
<div [ngSwitch]="selectedCar">
<template [ngSwitchCase]="'Bugatti'">I am Bugatti</template>
<template [ngSwitchCase]="'Mustang'">I am Mustang</template>
<template [ngSwitchCase]="'Ferrari'">I am Ferrari</template>
<template ngSwitchDefault>I am somebody else</template>
Attribute Directives
◦ The ngStyle directive is used when we need to apply multiple
inline styles dynamically to an element.
◦ In the template:
<p [ngStyle]="getInlineStyles(framework)">{{framework}}</p>
◦ In the Component class:
getInlineStyles(framework) {
let styles = {
'color': framework.length > 3 ? 'red' : 'green',
'text-decoration': framework.length > 3 ? 'underline' : 'none'
return styles;
Attribute Directives
◦ The ngClass directive is used when we need to apply multiple classes
dynamically. The code for Styles is as follows:
.red {
color: red;
text-decoration: underline;
.bolder {
font-weight: bold;
In the Component class:
geClasses(framework) {
let classes = {
red: framework.length > 3,
bolder: framework.length > 4
return classes;
In the template:
<p [ngClass]="geClasses(framework)">{{framework}}</p>
Pipes are used to transform data, when we only need that
data transformed in a template.
We use a pipe with the | syntax in the template {{ 1234.56 |
currency : 'USD’ }}. You can create chain.
Pipes provided by Angular
◦ CurrencyPipe: Format input with defined currenct
◦ DatePipe: Format input to date pattern {{dateval|date:’shortTime’}}
◦ DecimalPipe: Transformation of decimals{{3.1234|number:’3.1-2’}}
◦ JsonPipe:javascript to json {{jsonval|json}}
◦ LowerCasePipe: String to lower {{ 'ASIM' | lowercase }}
◦ UpperCasePipe: String to Upper {{ 'ASIM’ | uppercase }}
◦ PercentPipe: number to percent {{ 0.123456 | percent: '2.1-2' }}
◦ SlicePipe: returns a slice of an array. {{ [1,2,3,4,5,6] | slice:1:3 }}
◦ AsyncPipe:This pipe accepts an observable or a promise and lets us render
the output of an observable or promise without having to call then or
Dependency injection:
A way to supply dependencies (services most of the time) to
classes (other services or components).
The DI framework in Angular consists of 4 concepts working
◦ This uniquely identifies something that we want injected. A dependency of
our code.
◦ The actual code we want injected.
◦ This is a map between a token and a list of dependencies.
◦ This is a function which when passed a token returns a dependency (or a
list of dependencies) == Summary
◦ Injector resolves a token into a dependency.
◦ It is normally handled by Angular.
let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
let emailService = injector.get("EmailService");
Here emailservice is a token
Code for src/book-store.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Book } from './book';
import { BOOKS } from './mock-books';
export class BookStoreService {
booksList: Book[] = BOOKS;
getBooks () {
return this.booksList;
getBook (isbn: number) {
var selectedBook = this.booksList
.filter(book => book.isbn === isbn);
return selectedBook[0];
deleteBook (isbn: number) {
this.booksList = this.booksList
.filter(book => book.isbn !== isbn);
return this.booksList;
Builtin Service
Angular has about 30 built-in services.
◦ The $location service has methods which return information
about the location of the current web page.Same as
◦ The $http service is one of the most common used services in
Angular applications. The service makes a request to the server,
and lets your application handle the response.
◦ The $timeout service is Angular' version of the
window.setTimeout function.
The http client is a service that you can inject into your
classes in Angular.
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
class MyClass {
constructor(private http: Http) {
Adding to main @NgModule({imports: [HttpModule]})
when the url is / and the SearchComponent shown when the url is
Import and define in routing file. Will display while coding
This directive tells Angular where it should insert each of those
out numbers.
The observable will become hot and start pushing numbers
onto it’s first stream, when it gets it’s first subscriber, like so:
let obs = Rx.Observable
.interval(1000) .take(3);
obs.subscribe(value => console.log("Subscriber: " + value));