Measures of Emotional Intelligence
Measures of Emotional Intelligence
Measures of Emotional Intelligence
Abilities Based
• Assesses actual emotional ability the same way an IQ test measures cognitive ability.
• IQ test - solve cognitive problems whereas this test - solve emotional problems.
• It doesn’t ask your opinion or perception of yourself or others.
The Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-i 2.0) and the EQ-360
• The EQ-i 2.0 is a self-report measure designed to measure a
number of constructs related to EI.
• The EQ 360 assessment provides a more in-depth analysis by
having those who work with the person being assessed provide
information as well.
• Most widely used and reliable trait-based EI test
• Measures both emotional and social competencies for a well-
rounded picture of people’s emotional intelligence and
opportunities for development.
Behaviour Based
These tools assume emotional intelligence is a skill which can be learned, and can change in the moment.
Competencies measures
The Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory - 360 feedback
• Provides insight on how well someone demonstrates
emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour from the
those who see the person in action every day.
• Results are both internally benchmarked and
benchmarked against global norms.
• Results come with Development Tips workbooks
detailing how participants can improve their emotional
intelligence, relationships and success at work
Competence Based
These tools measure a person’s emotional intelligence competencies against expected levels.
12 Emotional Competencies