Acute GI Bleeding
Acute GI Bleeding
Acute GI Bleeding
• Pendarahan dpt terjadi disepanjang sal cerna
• Beberapa diantaranya: pada esofagus,
lambung dan duodenum, usus halus, usus
besar, dan organ yg berdekatan dg sal cerna.
• Perdarahan dpt juga karena penyakit organ
sistemik, medikasi, trauma lainnya.
Pendarahan Esofagus
• Penyebab:
– Pecah varises esofagus
– Esopagitis; ulkus esofagus;
tumor esofagus (jarang)
– Manuver yg meningkatkan
tekanan intra abd (muntah,
batuk, mengedan, dll)
menyebabkan Mallory-Weiss A Mallory-Weiss tear results from prolonged and forceful
tear (laserasi esofagogastrik vomiting, coughing or convulsions. Typically the mucous
membrane at the junction of the esophagus and the
junction, yg mengakibatkan stomach develops lacerations which bleed, evident by bright
red blood in vomitus, or bloody stools. It may occur as a
perdarahan masif). result of excessive alcohol ingestion. This is an acute
condition which usually resolves within 10 days without
special treatment.
Pendarahan Lambung & Duodenum
• Hematemisis & melena
• Umumnya disebabkan ulkus
duodenum & gaster/peptic
• Terjadi pd >85% ps peny kritis
Pendarahan Lambung & Duodenum
Pendarahan Lambung & Duodenum
Major Cause of Peptic Ulcer
• H.pylori
• Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
(tumors dari dalam pancreas
atau duodenum)
Pendarahan Lambung & Duodenum
Pendarahan Small Intestine
• Pendarahan diarea ini
hanya sebagian kecil saja
dari perdarahan GI
• Penyebab:
– Diverticulosis
– Arteriovenous
– Intussusception usus halus
Diverticulosis, pouches form
– Aklusi arteri mesenteric because of pressure on weak
superior akut walls of the colon. In diverticulitis,
these pouches may become
– Crohn disease inflamed.
Pendarahan Small Intestine
Causes Intussusception • Penyebab intussusception tdk
• Insiden meningkat sering pada
– Cystic fibrosis and dehydrated.
– Abdominal/intestinal
– Intestinal virus known as
– Upper respiratory tract infection,
including infection with
– Finished taking chemotherapy for
Pendarahan Small Intestine
• Crohn's disease: is a form of
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
• Usually affects the intestines, but may
occur anywhere from the mouth to the
end of the rectum (anus).
• The exact cause: unknown
• The condition is linked to a problem
with the body's immune system
• Normally, the immune system helps
protect the body, but with Crohn's
disease the immune system can't tell The inflammation of Crohn's disease is nearly
always found in the ileocecal region. The ileocecal
the difference between normal body region consists of the last few inches of the small
tissue and foreign substances. The intestine (the ileum), which moves digesting food to
result is an overactive immune response the beginning portion of the large intestine (the
cecum). However, Crohn's disease can occur
that leads to chronic inflammation. This anywhere along the digestive tract.
is called an autoimmune disorder.
Pendarahan Small Intestine
Superior mesenteric
artery occlusion
• Frontal view of the
superior mesenteric
artery (SMA) and its
branches. The large
vessel (blue) beside the
SMA is the
superior mesenteric vei
Large Intestine Bleeding
• Massive colonic bleeding
• Penyebab:
– Malformasi arteriovenous
colon asenden dan cecum
– IBD (ulcerative colitis, crohn
disease—mukosa intestine
– Benign/malignan neoplasm
– Malformasi kongenital
Urgen to emergent
History and risk factors:
• Sakit kritis, terutama akibat trauma berat, pembedahan,
penyakit CNS, burn
• Shock lama
• Organ failure
• Alkohol >>
• NSAIDs, steroid
• Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
• Penyakit saluran empedu, hati, pankreas
• Trauma tumpul/tajam
• Kanker dlm keluarga
• H. Pylori (>90% pasien dg ulkus duodenum, 70% ps dg gastric ulcer)
Manifestasi Klinis
• Bervariasi, tergantung pada:
– Banyaknya perdarahan
– Kecepatan perdarahan
– Efeknya pada KV dan sistem tbh lain
• Dewasa hilang 500 ml drh dlm 15 mnt, tidak menimbulkan gejala
• Kehilangan 1000 ml dlm 15 mnt: takikardia, hipotensi, mual, kelemahan,
• Perdarahan masif jika >30% dari total vol darah, atau perdarahan
membutuhkan tranfusi 6 unit dlm 24 jam
• Hematemisis, melena
• Nyeri ringan-berat karena ulseratif dan erosi
• Hipovolemic shock dan penurunan cardiac output menghakibatkan
iskemia berbagai organ (otak, ginjal)—penurunan LoC dan output urine
Pemeriksaan Fisik
Pada perdarahan aktif, tentukan
adanya shock: • Tampak adanya perdarahan.
• Takikardia
• Auskultasi abd: bising usus hipoaktif
• Hipotensi
• Palpasi abd: epigastric tenderness;
• Akral dingin dan diaporetik teraba massa (indikasi tumor)
• Nadi perifer menurun • Jaundice
• CRT >2dtk • Vascular spider
• Pucat • Acites
• Sianosis • Hepatosplenomegali
• Gelisah • Digital rectal exam: utk mengetahui
• Confusion bekuan drh dlm feses
• Penurunan output urine • Stool melena
VS & Pengukuran Hemodinamik
• HR, BP indikator cepat status hipovolemik
• Sistolic BP <100 mmHg dg HR >100x/mnt pd ps yg
sebelumnya normal menandakan kekurangan vol darah
sekitar 20%/>
• Penurunan sistolik BP >10 mmHg atau peningkatan HR
10x/mnt indikasi kehilangan darah sedikitnya 1000 ml
pada dewasa.
• Pengukuran hemodinamik: penurunan PAP & CO ,
penurunan SVR
• Peningkatan RR
Diagnostic study (1)
Diagnostic test: AGD:
• Hb, Ht serial (diawal Ht mendekati • Asidosis, penurunan pH dan
normal, kemudian turun dramatis bicarbonat, hipoksemia
krn mobilisasi cairan ekstravaskuler • EKG: iskemia jantung krn
ke intravaskuler. hipoperfusi, depresi/inversi gel T
• Leukositosis pada jam-jam
• Akurat utk menentukan sumber
Pemeriksaan Kimia:
upper GI bleeding
• Hipokloremia; hipokalemia;
• Dilakukan 12 jam setelah pasien
peningkatan BUN
• Hiperglikemia ringan, kompensasi
tbh thd stimulus stresful
• Kadar amonia meningkat pd ps dg
peny hati
Diagnostic study (2)
• Visualisasi melalui anus ke rectum dan colon sigmoid.
Dapat dilakukan pengambilan spesimen biopsi
• X-ray abd: udara bebas dibawah diafragma—
perforasi; mengetahui status pulmo
Angiografi: jika perdarahan cepat dan diduga dari
arteri/vena besar. Dapat dilakukan terapeutic
Manajemen Kolaboratif
Pemberian cairan-elektrolit:
• 2 iv line berlubang besar (14/16)
• Resusitasi cairan cepat
• Kristaloid terlebih dahulu, selanjutnya dapat coloid atau produk darah
• Monitor kadar elektrolit, terutama pd ps dg peny hati/ginjal
Bantuan respiratori:
• Th/ oksigen—nasal canule/face mask
• Pulse oximetry monitoring
• Ventilasi mekanik jika hipoksemia persisten dan muncul tanda respiratory failure
Bantuan nutrisi:
• Jika hemodinamik stabil, perlu dipertimbangkan pemberian nutrisi
• TPN bagi pasien yg NPO utk beberapa hari-minggu
• Enteral/oral feeding dimulai bila tidak ada lagi perdarahan GI & fungsi bowel kebali
Left ventricular stroke work index (LVSWI) SVI x (MAP-PAWP) x 0.136 40-75 g/m2/beat
Right ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI) SVI x (MPAP-RAP) x 0.136 4-8 g/m2/beat