Moon Phase Scavenger Hunt: By: Elizabeth Hawkins
Moon Phase Scavenger Hunt: By: Elizabeth Hawkins
Moon Phase Scavenger Hunt: By: Elizabeth Hawkins
Scavenger Hunt
By: Elizabeth Hawkins
Moon Phase Scavenger Hunt
1. Read the question.
2. Click on the correct answer.
3. If you get the wrong answer, you will be directed to
try again. Click to be redirected to the question.
3. If you get the right answer, you will be directed to
go to the next question.
Click to continue.
Go to the moon website. First click on
Background Information and read the
information. Then, click the green play button
and watch the model of the moon rotate around
the earth. After you understand how the sun,
moon and earth’s positions change the
appearance of the moon, answer the following
When the moon is between the earth and the sun
the moon’s phase is a/an:
a. 1st quarter moon
b. Waxing gibbous moon
Go to the Lunar Phases Challenge and click on
the OK button to begin. Drag the correct
moon phase from the bottom of the challenge
to the missing phase in the calendar. Follow
the directions and complete Levels 1, 2 and 3.
When you have completed all 3 Levels click
on the Ribbon, fill in your name and print the
certificate. Leave your printed copy in the
printer and it will be collected and put in your
Read the following facts about the moon
and then take the moon quiz. Once you
finish with a page, don’t forget to click the
The Moon
The moon is a cold and dry and the surface is
strewn with rocks and dust. It has no
atmosphere and is only about 1/4 of the earth’s
size. The same side of the moon always faces
the Earth. The moon revolves around the
Earth in about one month. It rotates around its
own axis in the same amount of time. On the
moon, the sky always appears black, even on
the bright side.
The surface of the moon is scarred
by millions of craters, caused by
asteroids, comets, and meteorites.
There have
been many missions to the moon.
NASA's Appollo Mission sent Neil
Armstrong and "Buzz“ Aldrin to
the moon for the first time on July
20, 1969. Neil Armstrong was the
first person to set foot on the moon.
His first words when he stepped
onto the lunar surface were, "That's
Moon Quiz
1. Is the Moon bigger or smaller than the
Bigger Smaller
2. The Moon's surface is scarred by millions
of _______?
Oceans Craters
3. Does the same side of the Moon always
face the Earth?
No Yes
4. Does the Moon have an atmosphere?
No Yes
5. Who was the first person to walk on the
Neil Armstrong John Glenn
6. About how long does it take the Moon to
revolve around the Earth?
A month A year
7. On the Moon, would the sky look blue or
Blue Black