Theorems On Rectangle, Rhombus, and Square

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In the table, write AT in the second column if you guess that the
statement is “always true”, ST if it’s “sometimes true”, and NT if it’s
“never true”

My guess is… I was…
(AT, ST, or NT) (R or W)

1. A rectangle is a parallelogram
2. A rhombus is a square.
3. A parallelogram is a rectangle.
4. A rhombus is a parallelogram.
5. A rectangle is a rhombus.
In the table, write AT in the second column if you guess that the
statement is “always true”, ST if it’s “sometimes true”, and NT if it’s
“never true”

My guess is… I was…
(AT, ST, or NT) (R or W)

6. A square is a rhombus.
7. A rhombus is a rectangle.
8. A parallelogram is a rhombus.
9. A square is a parallelogram.
10. A square is a rectangle.
“I Wanna Know!”
TELL”“I Wanna Know!”

 In your group of 4, you will be assigned a

particular task to accomplish and answer.
 There will be worksheets that will be given
to you. You have to follow the procedures
indicated in your activity worksheets.
TELL”“I Wanna Know!”

Materials Needed:

bond paper, protractor,

ruler, and pencil
“I am your Guide”
“Let’s Deepen!”
ACTIVITY 1:I Wanna Know!”
ACTIVITY 1:I Wanna Know!”

1. What did you find on the measure of ∠OHE and

2. What can you say about the four angles of the figure?
3. What did you find on the measure of diagonals?
4. Does quadrilateral HOPE appear to be a
parallelogram? Why?
5. What specific parallelogram does it represent?
Let’s Analyze:

What theorems can you form related to

a. based on its angle
b. based on its diagonal

Find the relationship of properties of parallelogram

and rectangle. Write it in a Venn Diagram.
“Let’s Capsulize”

1. Is a parallelogram a rectangle?
2. Is a rectangle a parallelogram?

Justify/ defend your answer by applying the

properties/characteristics of parallelogram and
5 Justification is valid and able to apply logically the properties and
theorems on rhombus.
4 Justification is valid and was able to apply properties and
theorems on rhombus.
3 Justification shows some understanding of the properties and
theorems of rhombus but not clearly stated.
2 Justification shows misconceptions in the properties and
theorems of rhombus and not able to defend it properly.
1 Justification shows severe misconceptions in the properties and
theorems of rhombus.
ACTIVITY 2:I Wanna Know More!”
ACTIVITY 2:I Wanna Know More!”

1. Compare the measures of ∠NIC and ∠NIE. What did you
2. What does do to ∠NIC? Why?
3. Compare the measures of ∠INE and ∠INC. What did you
4. What does do to ∠INE? Why?
5. Compare the measures of ∠NRE and ∠CRE. What did
you observe?
6. What angle pair do ∠NRE and ∠CRE form? Why?
7. How are diagonals and related to each other?
Let’s Analyze:

What theorems can you form related to

> based on its diagonals
ACTIVITY: Especially For You!
ACTIVITY: Especially For You!

 1. What is the measure of ∠GDL?

a. If ∠GDL is a right angle, can you consider square a rectangle? Justify
2. What can you say about the lengths of and ?
a. If and have the same measures, can you consider a square a
rectangle? Justify it.
3. What can you say about the measures of ∠GCO and ∠OCL ?
a. If and meet to form right angles, can you consider a square a
rhombus? Justify it.
4. What can you say about the measures of ∠GDO and ∠ODL and ∠GOD
and ∠LOD as another pair?
a. If divides opposite angles equally, can you consider a square a
rhombus? Justify it.
Let’s Analyze:

Based on your findings, what is the

most special among the kinds of

THEOREM 1: If a parallelogram has one

right angle, then it has four right angles and
the parallelogram is a rectangle.

THEOREM 2: The diagonals of a rectangle

are congruent.

THEOREM 3: The diagonals of a rhombus

are perpendicular.

THEOREM 4: Each diagonal of a rhombus

bisects opposite angles.

The square is the most special

parallelogram because all the properties of
parallelograms and the theorems on
rectangles and rhombuses are true to all
How will you describe the
theorems related to
rectangle, square, and
Let’s Generalize!

APPLICATION: “Name the Parallelogram”

Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus Square

1. All sides are congruent

2. Opposite sides are parallel

3. Opposite sides are congruent

4. Opposite angles are congruent

5. Opposite angles are

APPLICATION: “Name the Parallelogram”

Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus Square

6. Diagonals are congruent

7. Diagonals bisect each other
8. Diagonals bisect opposite
9. Diagonals are perpendicular to
each other
10. A diagonal divides a
quadrilateral into two congruent
In the table, write AT in the second column if you guess that the
statement is “always true”, ST if it’s “sometimes true”, and NT if it’s
“never true”

1. A rectangle is a parallelogram
2. A rhombus is a square.
3. A parallelogram is a rectangle.
4. A rhombus is a parallelogram.
5. A rectangle is a rhombus.
In the table, write AT in the second column if you guess that the
statement is “always true”, ST if it’s “sometimes true”, and NT if it’s
“never true”

6. A square is a rhombus.
7. A rhombus is a rectangle.
8. A parallelogram is a rhombus.
9. A square is a parallelogram.
10. A square is a rectangle.

Bring the following tomorrow.

Short bond paper

Adhesive tape
Pairs of scissors
“I Wanna Know More!

1. Draw a rhombus that is not necessarily a square. Since a rhombus is also
a parallelogram, you may use a protractor to draw your rhombus. Name
the rhombus NICE. (Note: Clarify how rhombus can be drawn based on its
definition, “Parallelogram whose all of sides are congruent.”
2. Draw diagonals and intersecting at R.
3. Use a protractor to measure the angles given in the table below.

Angle ∠NIC ∠NIE ∠IN ∠INC ∠NR ∠CR

“I Wanna Know More!

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