Clve Lesson 1
Clve Lesson 1
Clve Lesson 1
#1 #2 #3
“God is Love.”
(Jn. 4:8)
3 Attributes of God
#1 #2 #3
There is nothing “Is anything too
that we should hard for the
be afraid of Lord?”
(all-powerful) -Gen. 18:14
3 Attributes of God
#1 God is powerful!
Omnipotent God’s presence is everywhere at the
same time.
God is always near you.
God’s power is unlimited.
We can trust him to help us
(all-powerful) God is able to do far more than we could ever ask for
or imagine. He does everything by his power that is
working in us.
3 Attributes of God
Omniscient “The eyes of the Lord
He knows are in every place,
everything beholding the evil and
including our the good. Not only
does god see all, no
(all-knowing) thoughts one can hide from
-Proverbs 15:3
3 Attributes of God
Omniscient “omnis” – “all”
“scientia” - “knowledge”
Omniscient Christians believe this all-knowing
power goes beyond what we can
imagine as humans. God knows if
someone loses a single hair, and
knows people's thoughts before they
speak them.
3 Attributes of God
Omnipresen He is present
t even when we are
“ Can any hide himself in
secret places that I shall
at the tallest not see him?, said the
mountain or Lord. Do I not fill heaven
and earth?”
(all-present) deepest ocean. Jeremiah 23:24
3 Attributes of God
The term omnipresent refers to the belief that
Omnipresen God is everywhere. Christians believe that God
is present everywhere in the world, at all
t times. The idea of an all-present God is
mentioned in the Bible:
Because God is omnipresent, you and
Omnipresen I are never alone. Jesus Christ
t promises to be with us always and
everywhere (Read Matthew 28:18-
20). The Holy Spirit indwells
everyone who is a true Christian
(all-present) (Read Romans 8:9).
But, why did God revealed himself?
- The visual reflection and writing will also consider the following questions:
(These will serve as your guide questions in making your visual reflection
1. How have I experienced God inviting me to live in communion with him? To what
extent have I faithfully responded to this invitation? How have I struggled to know
God or to accept God’s Revelation?
2. In what ways have I come to know God through human reason? In what ways, or
through what experiences, have I come to know God through the natural world?
3. How have I come to know God through Sacred Scripture? For example, what Scripture
(Bible) stories/verses have been most meaningful to me? In what ways have I come to
know God these?
5 4 3 2
Comprehension of • Coherent, insightful, and • Sometimes inconsistent • Not always coherent or • Limited or no relevant
enduring understandings clear demonstration of but clear demonstration of clear demonstration of demonstration of enduring
of the topic enduring understandings enduring understandings enduring understandings understandings
Substance and creativity • Not only substantive and • Substantive and creative • Lacking in substance and • Lacking in substance and
of presentation creative but also thought creativity creativity
(*2) provoking and insightful
Format of presentation •Professionally presented •Well-presented and well •Generally well presented • Disorganized and not
(*.5) and well organized organized but some disorganized well presented •
Spelling, Punctuation, •There are no spelling, •There are 1-3 spelling, •There are 4-5 spelling, •There are more than 5
and Grammar punctuation, or grammar punctuation, or grammar punctuation, and grammar spelling, punctuation, and
(*.5) errors. errors. errors. grammar errors.