Origins of WTO: Chapter 5 Knutson, Penn and Flinchbaugh

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Origins of WTO

• General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

– Established in 1947 as a forum to reduce trade barriers
• WTO replaced GATT in 1995 as legal and institutional
foundation of multilateral trade relations
– Designed to strengthen the trade rules by providing a
stronger set of institutions for resolving disputes and
enforcing agreements
• Negotiations take place in “rounds”
– There have been 9 to date
– Begins with an agreement among members on agenda
– Most recent completed round was Uruguay Round
– Currently on Doha Round

Chapter 5 Knutson, Penn and Flinchbaugh

Three Basic Principles
• Once a tariff concession is agreed to, it
cannot be raised
• MFN, any advantage given to one country
must be given to all
• Imported goods treated the same as
domestic goods in terms of regulation and
Three Pillars of URAA
• Market access: Convert
import quotas to tariff or
TRQ and reduce over time
• Domestic support: Reduce
domestic support by 20%
from 1986-89 level
– AMS = Aggregate measure of
support = total of red and
amber box (trade distorting
• Limits on value and volume
of export subsidies from
1986-89 level
Loop Holes in URAA
• Precautionary principle: WTO requires that S&PS decisions
be based on science. This principle allows restrictions when
scientific evidence is deemed to be insufficient. Requires
seeking evidence over reasonable time period.

• TRQ evading on individual products so that no imports


• Safeguards permit imposition of higher tariffs if there is a

surge in imports above specified levels

• Multi functionality: Green box justification for subsidies

based on contributions to the environment
4 Pillars of Doha Round
(Reflects broader US goals in trade policy)

• Market access: Substantially reduce tariffs

and increase quantities in TRQs
• Export competition: Eliminate export
subsidies, variable export taxes, and exclusive
import rights by state trading importers
• Domestic support: Substantially reduce amber
box subsidies and simplify into exempt and
• Developing countries: Enhance input into
WTO and their benefits from international
Boxes of WTO
• Green box: Not trade distorting
• Blue box: Minimally distorting because
production is controlled
• Amber box: Trade distorting, subsidies
tied to either price and production
• Red Box: Subsidies that must be stopped
(empty box)
Amber Box Limits for U.S. and E.U.

U.S. Bill $ E.U. Bill $
WTO Classification

• These classifications are based on recent US notifications

to the WTO
• The fixed payments and conservation programs have been
classified as green box
−Direct payments on a fixed payment base are
considered as income support
−Conservation program payments are considered
exempt as long as the payments do not exceed the
actual cost of implying conservation efforts or the
opportunity cost from idling land or producing under
conservation production practices
WTO Classification
• The marketing loan benefits, dairy programs, and sugar
price support have been classified as commodity-specific
amber box.
− All of these programs require production of the
commodity to receive a payment and the size of the
payment is contingent on the amount of production.
− Price support programs (such as dairy) are also placed
here. Even though no payments flow out because of
the program, the amount of price protection is charged
against the WTO limit (calculated as the product of
production eligible for price support and the price gap
between the price support level and a reference price).
WTO Classification
• The countercyclical and crop insurance programs have
been classified as non-commodity-specific amber box.
− The countercyclical program falls into the amber box
because payments depend on current prices and into
the non-commodity-specific box because production is
not required to receive payments.
− Crop insurance has been placed here and reported in
aggregate (net indemnities across all crops). Given the
nature of crop insurance, it probably should be
classified as commodity-specific. Insurance at or under
70% coverage could be reported as green box, while
higher coverage could be reported as commodity-
specific amber.
De Minimis Rule
• The de minimis rule exempts “small” domestic support
• Whether payments are “small” or not is defined by the
product covered by the payment
• For the U.S., a five percent rule is applied for de minimis
• For commodity-specific support, payments are compared
to 5% of the value of production for the commodity
• For non-commodity-specific support, payments are
compared to 5% of the total value of U.S. agricultural
Why Classification Matters
• The classification of the new countercyclical program in the
non-commodity-specific amber box helps the U.S. in
meeting the domestic support limits
• Expenditures from programs in the non-commodity-specific
category are compared against the value of all agricultural
production in the country (as opposed to crop value for
commodity-specific programs)
• Given U.S. agricultural production values of $200 billion,
the non-commodity-specific amber box can hold up to $10
billion in support before reaching the de minimis mark and
counting against the domestic support limit
Where We Are in Doha Round?

• Most recent Ministerial in Cancun – failed

• Open rift when developed and developing
• Meetings came to abrupt end on Sept. 14th when
four African countries submitted a proposal to
eliminate the U.S. cotton program
• G-21 (group of 21 countries) unwilling to open
their markets in return
• Peace clause expires end of 2003
– Can’t challenge other members export and domestic
subsidies on agriculture

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