Teaching Strategies
Teaching Strategies
Teaching Strategies
Pupils will do an activity.
3.Explain The students give details about the
science concepts being developed in the
task. Through readings and discussions, the
students develop understanding of the major
science concepts and verify answers to
questions or problems posed in the engage
Which of the household substances are acidic? Which substances are basic ?
You can answer the questions by comparing the color change of the
extract in solutions found in the second table with the color change
of extract in hydrochloric acid solution/sodium hydroxide solution.
From these two tables you can deduce that milk, tea, coffee and
agent are acids. Shampoo, detergent, baking soda and
toothpaste are bases.
4. Elaborate/Extend The students simplify
the science concept/s in the lesson, e.g.
stating the concepts in their own words,
and applying new found knowledge to a
different situation.
Present the situation below to the students
Some of us suffer from indigestion or stomach problem in
the morning. Our parents would tell us to drink milk,
coffee, or tea. Is this a good advice or practice? One
cause of indigestion or stomach problem in the
morning is hyperacidity. At first coffee, milk or tea
may help. In the long run, the problem will
worsen. Why? Tea, milk and coffee are acidic.
5. Evaluate The students take a test, quiz,
or any authentic assessment instrument to
determine how much they benefited from
the lesson or activity.
Evaluate Explore
5 E’s
Science Lesson
Extend Explain
Information ∙ Observes and listens to the students as they interact. ∙ Forms new predictions and hypotheses.
∙ Solve a Problem ∙ Asks probing questions to redirect the students’ ∙ Tries alternatives and discusses them with
∙ Construct a Model investigations when necessary. others.
∙ Provides time for students to puzzle through problems. ∙ Records observations and ideas.
∙ Suspends judgment.
Explain ∙ Student Analysis & Explanation ∙ Encourages the students to explain concepts and definitions in their ∙ Explains possible solutions or answers to
∙ Supporting Ideas with Evidence own words. others.
∙ Structured Questioning ∙ Asks for justification (evidence) and clarification ∙ Listens officially to others’
∙ Reading and Discussion from students. explanations.
∙ Teacher Explanation ∙ Formally provides definitions, explanations, and new labels. ∙ Questions others’ explanations.
∙ Thinking Skill ∙ Uses students’ previous experiences as basis for explaining ∙ Listens to and tries to comprehend explanations
Activities: compare, classify, error analysis concepts. the teacher offers.
∙ Refers to previous activities.