Trends in Nursing Education
Trends in Nursing Education
Trends in Nursing Education
Entry Requirements * righ School * righ School * can * 16 years old and
Graduate diploma communicate above
* The college or * Other both in oral * Must pass the
university may requirements set and written trainability /
stipulate forth by the form; aptitude test
admission tests school * physically and * Can
mentally fit; communicate
effectively both
* with good
orally and in
written form
character; and
* Physically,
* can perform emotionally and
basic mentally fit
mathematical * Can perform
computation. basic
Licensing Exam NLE Competency Competency Competency
Needed assessment by assessment by assessment by
accredited Competency accredited Competency accredited Competency
Assessors Assessors Assessors
Typical Skill Level * 'irect patient care * 'irect patient care * Provide care and * Prepare and
* Passing * Passing oral support to children maintain beds
medications medications * Foster physical, * Collect and
* Completing * Completing social, intellectual, maintain linen
treatments treatments creative and stocks at end-user
* More advanced emotional location
skills such as IV development of * Assist with patient
skills, IV medications children mobility
* Clean living room, * Assist in
dining room, transporting
bedrooms, toilet patient
and bathroom * Assist with bio-
* Wash and iron psychosocial care
clothes, linen and of patient
fabric * randle waste in a
* Prepare hot and health care
cold meals environment
Typical Places of * rospitals * Nursing romes * rospitals * rospitals
Employment * rome realth Care * 'octor͛s Offices * Nursing romes * Nursing romes
* Nursing romes * Clinics * rome realth Care * rome realth Care
* Clinics
* Insurance
Potential for May work in many Will probably work in a Will probably work in a Will probably work in a
Advancement settings͙ a nursing home with nursing home or home nursing home with
charge nurse in a elderly health care with elderly
nursing home or clients. May be a elderly clients.
hospital; the 'irector charge clients.
of a nursing nurse in a long term
home; a nurse care
manager. May need environment.
further education such
as a
bachelor͛s degree for
higher level
nursing careers.
m Ä
m Ä
m The number of Nursing schools in the Philippines has increased from 170 in
1999 to 470 by 2005 (Alvez Tan, 2006)
m One project which focuses on the quality of nursing education is the recently
formed Joint Task Force on Creating a Global Nursing Education Community.
This initiative is designed to share information and promote quality standards.
The goal is to initiate the development of global standards for basic nursing
and midwifery education and to address patient safety and quality care
issues that result from the large-scale migration of health care providers.
Major themes include the development of global standards for program
admission criteria, program development requirements, program content
components, faculty qualifications, and program graduate characteristics