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Conformal Mapping

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variables and
numerical method
Submitted by: Langaliya Kandarp (160123119016)
Roll Number: 12
Class & Batch: 3D1

Guided By: Prof. Nikita Gupta

Conformal Mapping
And its Applications

Conformal (Same form or shape)
mapping is an important technique used in
complex analysis and has many applications
in different physical situations.

◍ A conformal map is a
function which preserves
the angles.

◍ Conformal map preserves

both angles and shape of
infinitesimal small
figures but not
necessarily their size.
Magnification and Rotation

The transformation w = c*z, where c is a complex

constant that represents magnification and rotation.
Let, i
, z  re
i c   e i
w  Re ,

Rei  (  ei )(r ei )
This transformation maps
 (  rei (  ) ) the point (r, Ɵ) in the z-plane
Comparing both the sides, α
onto the point ρr, Ɵ+ ) in
R  r     the w-plane. The radius
vector r is magnified by ρ
and is rotated through an

The transformation w=1/z , represents inversion and reflection.

This transformation is conformal for all z≠0
w  Rei z  r ei Hence, this transformation maps the
Where, R=|w|, φ=arg(W), r=|Z|,
point (r, Ɵ) in the z- plane onto the
Ɵ=arg(Z), W=1/z
point (1/r , - Ɵ) in the w-plane. Thus
i 1
Re  i this transformation represents inversion
re with respect to the unit circle |z|=1
1 followed by the reflection in the real
Rei  e  i
r axis.
Comparing both the sides
R=1/r, φ=-Ɵ
If |z| <1 , |w| >1
|W| =1/ |z| , arg(w)=-arg(z) And |z| >1 , |w|<1
Bilinear Transformation

The transformation where a, b, c, d are complex or real

constants such that ad-bc ≠0 is known as bilinear
transformation, bilinear transformation is also known as
mobius transformation.

dw a (cz  d )  c(az  b)

dz (cz  d ) 2
ad  bc
(cz  d ) 2
≠ 0 [ ad-bc ≠
Thus, Bilinear Transformation is confirmed.
Special Cases

1) If c=0, a=d≠ 0. 2) If c=0, b=0, 3) If a=0, d=0,

b d≠0. a b=c≠0, 1
w z w z w
d d z
Which represents Which represents Which represents
translation. rotation and inversion and
magnification. reflection.
Fixed Point

A fixed point is a point z= x + iy which maps into itself in

the w- plane (i.e. W=z ) under the bilinear transformation.
az  b az  b
w z
cz  d cz  d
cz 2  z (d  a )  b  0

This is a quadratic equation if c ≠ 0. The roots

of this equation are the fixed point of the
bilinear transformation.
Cross Ratio

The cross ratio of four points (z1, z2, z3, z4).

A bilinear transformation preserves the cross- ratio of
four points, i.e., the cross ratio of four points is invariant
under a bilinear transformation.
( w  w1 )( w2  w3 ) ( z  z1 )( z2  z3 )

( w  w3 )(w 2  w1 ) ( z  z3 )( z2  z1 )

Question: Find the fixed Solution: The fixed points

points of the are obtained by pulling
6z  9
transformation w  w=z
z 6z  9
z2  6z  9  0
( z  3) 2  0
z  3.3

◍ Conformal Mapping has various

Applications in the field of Medical
For Example, Brain Surface Mapping

◍ It is also used in solving Scattering

and Diffraction Problems on Plane
Electromagnetic Waves.

◍ Also solves a large number of problems

in fluid mechanics, electrostatics,
heat conduction, and many others.

◍ There are large aspects ◍ These properties of ◍ However the conformal

of conformal mapping conformal mapping mapping approach is
that can be used for make it advantageous limited to problems
practical applications in complex that can be reduced to
though the essence situations, two dimensions and to
remains the same: it specifically problems with high
preserves the angle and electromagnetic symmetry. It is often
shape locally and potential problems impossible to apply
mappings of harmonic for general systems. this technique when
potentials remains the symmetry is
harmonic. broken.

ITS APPLICATION” – by Suman Ganguli,
Department of Physics, University of
Tennessee, TN 37996.

◍ The Second law by Peter Atkin.

Thanks! Any questions?
You can reach me @ LANGALIYA KANDARP
[email protected]
(+91) 9408-966-641

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