Management-22509: Unit No-1
Management-22509: Unit No-1
Management-22509: Unit No-1
Unit No-1
Introduction to Management Concept and
Managerial Skills.
Written by
1. Functions of management
1. Types of Planning .
2. Steps in Planning.
Functions of Management
► Planning
► Organizing
► Staffing
► Directing
► Controlling
“Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, where to do it and who is to do it.
Planning bridges the gap from where we want to go. It makes possible for things to occur while
would not otherwise happen.” – Koontz and o’ Donnell.
Features of Organizing
Organizing is the second function of management. It follows planning .
Organizing refers to the organizing people, work and resources .
Organizing is formation of structure and allocation of jobs .
Organizing refers to dividing the work into convenient tasks, and grouping them properly into departments .
Organizing means allotment of jobs to proper people with the necessary amount of authority and responsibility.
Organising is essential to get the benefit of specialization, for Optimum utilization of resources, for effective
administration, for expansion and growth.
Staffing is the function by which managers build an organisation through the recruitment, selection,
development, of individuals as capable employees.
Features of Staffing –
Staffing is a process of recruitment, selection & training of employees
It is a continuous process
It is necessary to procure right type of personnel for right jobs
It is necessary to train and develop human resources
4. Directing:
Directing is a process in which the managers instruct, guide and overview the performance of the workers to achieve
the company's goals.
Functions of Directing
► Leadership: It is the quality of the manager to inspire confidence and trust in his subordinates, get maximum
cooperation from them and guide their activities to create an organized effort.
► Communication: It is the process by which ideas are transmitted, received and understood by others for producing
desired results. It may be verbal or written orders, reports, instructions, etc. Ineffective communication leads to
confusion, misunderstanding and dissatisfaction.
► Motivation : Motivation means inspiring the subordinates to do
work or to achieve company objectives efficiently.
► Supervision: Supervision is necessary to ensure that work is going
on as per the established plan and the workers are doing work as
they were directed to.
5. Controlling
* It is a continuous process which measures the current performance and guides it towards the predetermined
* Controlling is a monitoring, comparing, correcting, performance and taking action to ensure desired results. It sees
that right things happen in right way and at right time.
desired results.