Quantum Mechanics Basic Principle
Quantum Mechanics Basic Principle
Quantum Mechanics Basic Principle
The experimental evidence that led to the revision of two other basic
concepts concerning natural phenomena.
• The experiment shows that electromagnetic radiation, which classical
physics treats as wave-like, actually displays the characteristics of
• Another experiment shows that electrons—which classical physics treats
as particles—also display the characteristics of waves.
• Objects that are large in the absolute sense have the property that the
wavelengths associated with them are completely negligible compared to
their size. Therefore, large particles only manifest
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• V(x) is the potential energy of the particle at the point x. inextricably inextricable and needs to be
expressed in more words
• A principal tenet of quantum mechanics is that the wavefunction contains all the dynamical
information about the system it describes
• The interpretation of the wavefunction in terms of the location of the particle is based on a
suggestion made by Max Born.
• The Born interpretation of the wavefunction focuses on the square of the wavefunction (or
the square modulus, |ψ|2 = ψ*ψ, if ψ is complex)
• |ψ|2 is the probability density.
• The wavefunction ψ itself is called the probability amplitude
• An operator is something that carries out a mathematical operation on a function. The position
and momentum operators are ẋ=x × and ῤx = (ħ/i)d/dx, respectively.
• The hamiltonian operator is the operator for the total energy of a system, Ḣψ = Eψ and is the
sum of the operators for kinetic energy and potential energy.
• An eigenvalue equation is an equation of the form Ὧψ = ωψ. The eigenvalue is the constant
ω in the eigenvalue equation; the eigenfunction is the function ψ in the eigenvalue equation.
• The expectation value of an operator is _x0001_Ω = ∫ψ*Ὧψdτ.
• An hermitian operator is one for which ∫ψi*Ὧψjdx =(∫ψj*Ὧψidx)*. The eigenvalues of hermitian
operators are real and correspond to observables, measurable properties of a system. The
eigenfunctions of hermitian operations are orthogonal, meaning that ∫ψi*ψj dτ = 0.
• Two operators commute when [Ὧ1,Ὧ2] = Ὧ1Ὧ2 − Ὧ2Ὧ1 = 0.
• Complementary observables are observables corresponding to non-commuting operators.
• An acceptable wavefunction must be continuous, have a continuous first derivative, be single-
valued, and be square-integrable
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
• Classical physics is thus completely deterministic Δx.Δpx ≥ ћ /2
• If the x component of the momentum of a particle is measured with an uncertainty Δ px,
then its x position cannot, at the same time, be measured more accurately than Δx= ћ /
• Energy and time form a pair of complementary variable ΔE.Δt ≥ ћ /2
• Two measurements of the energy of a system and if these measurements are separated
by a time interval Δt , the measured energies will differ by an amount ΔE which can in no
way be smaller than ћ /( Δt)
• The general form of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is ∆Ω1∆Ω2 ≥ |[Ὧ1, Ὧ2]|.