MQC Screw Threads
MQC Screw Threads
MQC Screw Threads
Prof.Md.Khaled khalil
Terminology of Screw Threads
2 Metrology
Important Elements of Screw Threads
3 Metrology
Effect of thread elements on Error
4 Metrology
Effect of thread elements on Error
Errors in the effective diameters determine the amount of
slackness or interference between the flanks of mating
With the major and minor diameters at their maximum
limits, if the effective diameter is small the thread will be
thin on an external screw and thick on an internal screw.
The reverse conditions prevail if the effective diameter is
above its basic value.
5 Metrology
Effect of thread elements on Error
6 Metrology
Periodic errors
Periodic errors are those which vary in magnitude along the length of
the thread and recur at regular interval. If they recur every revolution
the thread is called “drunken”.
7 Metrology
Periodic errors and their Possible sources
Periodic error are most frequently caused:
By lack of square-ness in the thrust bearing of the lead
screw used to produce the thread.
If the pitch of the screw being cut is not equal to that of
the lead screw.
8 Metrology
Periodic errors and their Possible sources
9 Metrology
Progressive errors and their Possible sources
If the pitch of the thread is uniform but is longer or shorter
than its nominal value, the error is called “progressive”. This
may be caused
By a change in length due to hardening.
10 Metrology
Erratic errors and their Possible sources
Erratic errors are those which vary in an irregular manner
along the length of the thread. Their causes are often
difficult to identify. Possible sources are
Faults in the machine
Irregular cutting action resulting from non-uniformity in the
material of the screw
11 Metrology
Floating Carriage Diameter Measuring Machine
12 Metrology
Measurement of Major Diameter
Major Diameter of Plug Gauge S ( B A)
Plug Gauge Standard Cylinder
Diameter of standard S
Reading over standard A B
Fudicial Indicator
13 Metrology
Measurement of Minor Diameter
Minor Diameter of Plug Gauge S ( B A)
Diameter of standard S
Reading over Plug Gauge B V-piece
14 Metrology
Measurement of effective diameter
Effective diameter E T P
15 Metrology
Measurement of effective diameter
In right angled triangle OAB
OA OB. cos ec . cos ec
2 2 2
AG OA OG (cos ec 1)
2 2
In right angled triangle AFD
AF DF . cot . cot
2 4 2
Fig.: Measurement of effective diameter
16 Metrology
Measurement of effective diameter contd.
p d
FG AF AG . cot (cos ec 1)
4 2 2 2
p d
E T 2 FG 2 . cot (cos ec 1).
4 2 2 2
i, e. P . cot d (cos ec 1)
2 2 2
17 Metrology
Measurement of effective diameter contd.
OG OB BD sec sec Dia.d
2 4 2 O
OD BD tan tan G
2 4 2 E
Fig.: Measurement of effective diameter
18 Metrology
Measurement of effective diameter contd.
p p
DG OG OD sec tan p
4 2 4 2
p Dia.d
sec tan
4 2 2 O
p B D
P 2 DG 2. sec tan
4 2 2 G
p E
sec tan T
2 2 2 θ/2
Fig.: Measurement of effective diameter
19 Metrology
Measurement of Included Angle by Wires
of Different Size
d 2 d1
2 2 d 2 d1
2 D2 D1 d1 d 2 D2 D1 d 2 d1
2 2 2 2
20 Metrology
Measurement of Included Angle
d 2 d1
2 D2 D1 d 2 d1
21 Metrology
Measurement of Error in the Angle
.r .c
r c
1 1 r
cos . . .r 2 .c
2 2 c c
1 r
2. sec . .r 2. sec . 2 .c
2 c 2 c
c.r r.c
c c r2 2
22 Metrology
Correction for Rake
cos cot
2 2 p 2
2 2
Rake correction c . . A 1 A. sin A . sin
2 2
d 2 2
Where A
p 2d T d
For 60 threads c 0.076
T d 2
p 2d
For Whitworth threads c 0.086
T d 2
p 2d
For BA threads c 0.105
T d 2
23 Metrology
Correction for Compression
A 3 A 3
Compression correction e 0.001 1 mm 0.00004 1 in
E3 E 3
24 Metrology
The End
Thank You !
25 Metrology