Profit Prior Incorporation
Profit Prior Incorporation
Profit Prior Incorporation
In many cases, a new company is formed exclusively to acquire an existing business
unit and take it over as a going concern, from a date prior to its own incorporation.
In such cases, the business unit is purchased first, and the registration of the
acquiring company takes place later.
For example, AB Pvt. Ltd. is incorporated on 1st April, 2011 to take over the
running business of Das Bros. from 1st January, 2011. The profit earned (or loss
suffered) during the pre incorporation period (in our example: 1st January to 1st
April, 2011) is called profit (loss) prior to incorporation.
Profit earned before incorporation is a capital profit and profit earned after
incorporation is a revenue profit.
It is a common practice that the date of incorporation should be taken as the basis
for calculation of pre-acquisition profit
Ascertainment of Profit Prior to Incorporation and
Profit after Incorporation
Three Ratios will be calculated :
Sales ratio
Time ratio
Vendor ratio
SALES RATIO: Sales ratio is calculated on the basis of sales made between date of
purchase to date of incorporation and date of incorporation to the date of balance sheet.
Sales from date of purchase to date of incorporation is Rs 120,000
Sales from date of incorporation to date of balance sheet is Rs. 480,000
Then sales ratio = sale in Pre incorporation period : ratio to post incorporation
= 120,000:480,000
= 1:4
It is calculated by taking into consideration the time from the date
of purchase of business to the date of incorporation and from date
from incorporation to the date of balance sheet.
Date of incorporation on 1st April,11 to take over the already
existing business from 1January,11. A ltd prepares its final accounts
on 31st December,11
A co. incorporated on 1st Jan,11 purchased a business running from 1.10.10 claim are
settled on 1st April, 11
Allocate gross profit /sales and expenses between pre- and post-incorporation period
on the basis of the following principles:
(i) Gross profit/sales is allocated in the ratio of sales of each period.
(ii) Fixed portion of an expenses is allocated on the basis of time.
(iii) Expenses related to sales, e.g., traveler's commission, discount allowed; on
the basis of sales.
(iv)Expenses related to time, e.g., rent, rates and taxes; insurance; depreciation,
salaries of general staff, to that period’s profit. Some example are:
(b)Partner’s salaries, interest on partners’ capital, etc are to be charged against the
profit of pre-incorporation period.
Net profit