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What is Tree?
 Definition: A tree is a data structure which is a collection of
Zero or more nodes and finite set of directed lines called
branches that connects the nodes
 In tree data structure, every individual element is called
as Node.
 Node in a tree data structure stores the actual data of that
particular element and link to next element in hierarchical
 .

 In a tree data structure, we use the following terminology...

1. Root
 In a tree data structure, the first node is called as Root Node.
Every tree must have a root node.
 In any tree, there must be only one root node. We never have
multiple root nodes in a tree.
Left and Right subtree
 Left sub tree
◦ Tree which is connected to the left of the root.
 Right sub tree
◦ Tree which is connected to the right of the root.
2. Edge
 In a tree, the connecting link between any two
nodes is called as EDGE.

In a tree with 'N' number of nodes there

will be a maximum of 'N-1' number of
3. Parent

 The node which has a branch from it to any other node is

called a parent node.
 Parent node can also be defined as "The node which has
child / children".
4. Child

 The node which has a link from its parent node is called as
child node.
 In a tree, all the nodes except root are child nodes.
5. Siblings

 In a tree data structure, nodes which belong to same Parent

are called as SIBLINGS.
 In simple words, the nodes with the same parent are called
Sibling nodes.
6. Leaf

 In a tree data structure, the node which does not have a child
is called as LEAF Node.
 In simple words, a leaf is a node with no child.
 In a tree data structure, the leaf nodes are also called
as External Nodes. External node is also a node with no child.
In a tree, leaf node is also called as 'Terminal' node.
7. Internal Nodes

 In a tree data structure, the node which has at least one child
is called as INTERNAL Node. In simple words, an internal node
is a node with at least one child.
 External nodes
 Total number of children of a node is called as DEGREE of that Node.
 In simple words, the Degree of a node is total number of children it has.
 The highest degree of a node among all the nodes in a tree is called as
'Degree of Tree'
 In degree and Out degree
9. Level

 The distance of a node from the root is called

level of the node
10. Height

 Maximum level of any leaf in the tree

Binary tree
 A binary tree is a special type of tree data structure in which
every node can have a maximum of 2 children.
 One is known as a left child and the other is known as right
Not a binary tree
 Binary tree
Not a binary tree
 Types of binary trees 
1) Strictly Binary Tree
2) Complete Binary Tree
3) Almost Complete Binary Tree
4) Binary search tree
Strictly Binary Tree
 Strictly Binary Tree is a Binary Tree in which
every node has 0 or 2 children.
Complete Binary Tree

 A binary tree in which every internal node has

exactly two children and all leaf nodes are at same
level is called Complete Binary Tree.

 .
Almost Complete Binary Tree-
 An almost complete binary tree is a binary tree that
satisfies the following 2 properties-
◦ All the levels are completely filled except possibly the last
◦ The last level must be strictly filled from left to right.
A binary search tree
  A binary search tree should satisfy following
2 conditions:
◦ value of all the nodes in the left sub-tree should be
less than or equal to the vale of the root.
◦ The value of all the nodes in the right sub should
be greater than or equal to the value of the root.

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