Shakespeares Comedy
Shakespeares Comedy
Shakespeares Comedy
Shakespearean Comedy
About Shakespeare
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You must create 3 Shakespearian insults. They must be complete sentences. You must also include what the insult
Shakespeare’s Plays
◦ The plays of William Shakespeare were grouped into:
◦ Comedies
◦ Histories
◦ Tragedies
◦ Shakespeare’s Comedies are:
◦ As You Like It
◦ The Comedy of Errors ( believed to be Shakespeare’s earliest comedy, written around 1592)
◦ Cymbeline
◦ Love's Labour's Lost
◦ Measure for Measure
◦ The Merchant of Venice
◦ The Merry Wives of Windsor
◦ A Midsummer Night's Dream
◦ Much Ado About Nothing
◦ Pericles Prince of Tyre
◦ Taming of the Shrew
◦ The Tempest
◦ Twelfth Night
◦ The Two Gentlemen of Verona
◦ The Winter's Tale
◦ All's Well That Ends Well
Shakespeare Background
◦ Shakespeare’s comedies are accompanied by music and sometimes actors play music instruments by themselves
◦ Songs are often sung by a jester or a fool; parallel the events of the plot.
Motivation in Shakespearean Comedy
◦Romantic love
Other Common Features in Comedies
◦ A struggle of old haters to overcome difficulty, often presented by young
◦ Separation and re-unification
◦ Mistaken identities
◦ A clever servant
◦ Heightened tensions, often within a couple
◦ Complex, intertwining plot
◦ Use of puns