Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management : describes the coordination of all supply chain
activities, starting with raw materials and ending with a satisfied customer.
So, a supply chain includes suppliers; manufacturers ,service providers,
distributors, wholesalers, and retailers who deliver the product and service to
the final customer
Supply Chain Strategies
Distribution network
Make-or-buy decisions and outsourcing
There are two types of firms : A wholesaler or retailer buy everything they
sell. Manufacturers purchase supplies to assemble them and make a final
Outsourcing means transferring traditional internal activities and resources to
outside suppliers and vendors.
Six sourcing strategies
Large lots
Opportunities in managing the supply
Accurate pull data : are generated by sharing point-of-sales (POS) information
so that each member of the chain can schedule effectively. This implies using
POS systems that collect sales data and then adjusting that data for market
factors, inventory on hand, and outstanding orders. Then a net order is sent
directly to the supplier who is responsible for maintaining the finished-goods
Lot size reduction :
developing economical shipments of less than truckload lots
- providing discounts based on total annual volume rather than size of individual
- reducing the cost of ordering through techniques such as standing orders and
various forms of electronic purchasing
Building the supply base
Supplier evaluation
Supplier development
Logistics management