Psychology CH 4

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CLASS 12th

Chapter 4
Topics :
Abnormal word means ‘away from the normal’.
Abnormal behaviour means deviation from some
clearly defined norms or standards of society.

Common features of abnormal behaviour:

• Deviance (different, extreme)
• Distress (unpleasant to the person and to others)
• Dysfunction (interfering in persons daily life activities)
• Dangerous (harmful to the person or to others)
Approaches of abnormal behaviour :

Deviation from social norms (behaviour deviant from

social expectations or norms)
Maladaptive behaviour (behaviour which does not
nourish well being of an individual or the group)
Psychological disorders should not be linked with
stigma (feeling of shame) rather it is failure in
Historical background of abnormal behaviour :
Supernatural approach operation of supernatural and
magical forces like evil spirit or the devil which is removed
through exorcism.
Biological or organic approach believe that individual
behave strangely because their bodies and brains are not
working properly.
Psychological approach believes that psychological
problems are caused by inadequacies in the way an
individual thinks, feels and perceives the world.
Organismic approach Hippocrates, Socrates etc. believed
that disturbed behaviour arises from conflicts between
emotion and reason.
✓ Galen believed that imbalance in four humors can I.e
yellow bile, red bile, blood, phlegm can cause disorders.
Middle age (5th – 15th century)
✓ Demonology & superstitions were used to explain abnormal
✓ Witch hunts were a common practice.
✓ St. Augustine wrote about feelings, mental anguish, conflicts
and moves the focus to western psychodynamic theories.
Renaissance period
✓ Increased humanism & curiosity about behaviour.
✓ Johann weyer said psychological conflict and disturbed
interpersonal relationships as causes of disorders.
Age of reason and enlightenment (17th & 18th century)
✓ Scientific methods were used for understanding abnormal
Reform movement
✓ Reforms of asylums were initiated in both Europe and
America. Deinstitutionalization began and provided
community care for recovered mentally ill individuals.
After that Interactional or bio – psycho – social
approach believe that all these three factors I.e biological,
psychological and social influence the expression and
outcomes of disorders.
Factors underlying abnormal behaviors:
Biological factors : such as faulty genes the affect
normal development and function. Behavior has a
bio – chemical and physiological bases. Abnormal
activities by neurotransmitters leads to specific
psychological disorder like;
➢ Anxiety disorder ( low activity of GABA gamma
aminobyric acid)
➢ Depression (low activity of serotonin)
➢ Schizophrenia (excess activity of dopamine)
Genetic factors believes that no single gene is
responsible for a particular behavior or disorder.
These factors have been linked to mood disorder,
Schizophrenia, MR etc. Biology alone is cannot
account for mental disorder.
Psychological model says that psychological and
interpersonal factors have a significant role to play
in abnormal behavior. These factors include
maternal deprivation, severe stress etc. It provides
a psychological explanation of mental disorder.
This model includes Psychodynamic model,
behavioural model, cognitive model,
Humanistic- existential model.
Psychodynamic model
➢ Abnormal symptoms in are viewed as the result of
conflicts between the psychological forces which we are
consciously unaware of.
➢ It is the expression of unconscious mental conflicts
that can be generally traced to early childhood or infancy.
Behavioral model
➢ Abnormal behavior are learned and psychological
disorder are the result of learning maladaptive behavior
of learning.
➢ It concentrates on behavior that are learned and can be
➢ Learning can be take place by classical, operant
conditioning and learning.
Cognitive model
➢ Problems can result from cognitive problems.
People may hold assumptions and attitude
about themselves that are irrational and
➢ People may also repeatedly think in illogical
ways and make over generalizations I.e they
may draw broad, negative conclusions on the
basis of a single insignificant level.
Humanistic—existential model
➢ Humanists believe that human beings are born
with a natural tendency to be friendly, cooperative &
constructive and are drawn to self-actualize I.e fulfill
this potential for goodness and growth.
➢ Existentialists believe that from birth we have
total freedom to give meaning to our existence or to
avoid that responsibility. Those who shirk from this
responsibility would live empty, inauthentic and
dysfunctional lives.
Socio cultural model
➢ As per this model, abnormal behavior is best
understood in light of social and cultural forces that
influence an individual.
➢ Family system is one of such factor. Social
network in which people operate also affect our
behavior. It is also influenced by societal labels and
roles assigned to trouble people. The person
generally learns to accept, internalize and behave in
disturbed manner.
Diathesis stress model
➢ Psychological disorder develops when a Diathesis
(biological predisposition to the disorder) is set off by a
stressful situations. This model has three components.
a) The first is the Diathesis or the presence of some
biological aberration which may be inherited.
b) The second component is that the Diathesis may
carry a vulnerability I.e he/she is ‘at risk’ or
‘predisposed’ to develop a disorder.
c) Third is to presence of pathogenic stressors that is
factor/ stressor that may lead to psychopathology.
Anxiety disorder
Anxiety is a vague, very unpleasant, diffuse feeling of
fear and
There are 5 types of anxiety disorder:
Somatoform disorder
Conditions in which there individual has
psychological difficulties and
complains of physical symptoms for which there is no
biological cause.
There are 4 types of Somatoform disorder:
Dissociative disorder
It involves feelings of unreality, estrangement and
sometimes a loss or
shift of identity.
There are 4 types of conditions included in this
Mood disorders
It refers to the disturbances in mood or prolonged
emotional state.
Among mood disorder, there is also a risk of suicide
which is lifetime risk.
Some of the symptoms are:
- Changes in habits of eating & sleeping
- Drug & alcohol abuse
- Lost of interest in pleasurable activities, etc.
Schizophrenic disorder
It is a group of psychotic disorders in which personal,
occupational & social life spoils. It is a debilitating
Patients as well as family also suffers from this.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia are grouped into three
1. Positive symptoms
2. Negative symptoms
3. Psychomotor symptoms

Above all symptoms are described through flowcharts.

Behavioral and developmental disorders
These disorders are specific to children and if
neglected can lead to serious consequences later in
But why children? Answer to this ‘why’ is that children
have less self understanding and they have not
developed a stable sense of identity. Nor do they have
adequate frame of reference regarding reality,
possibility and value. As a result they cannot cope with
the stressful events effectively and hence it reflects in
their behavior and impacts their development.
Internalizing disorders
Externalizing disorders
Substance use disorder
Substance Abuse :
- recurrent and significant
adverse consequences.
-damage to family, social
relationships, perform
poorly at work, and create
physical hazards.
Substance Dependence :
- Craving
- Tolerance, Withdrawal
symptoms and compulsive
Topic covered
Concepts of Abnormality and Psychological Disorders
Classification of Psychological Disorders
Factors Underlying Abnormal Behaviour
Major Psychological Disorders :
Anxiety Disorders
Somatoform disorder
Dissociative Disorders
Developmental Disorders
Substance use disorder

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