Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
Business Operations
Identify daily work requirements
1 .Work Identification and Allocation
Every work role usually comes along with its job
description and person specification and this will
help you to identify the job requirements.
Job Description
1. Create an Outline
2. Set Realistic Deadlines
3. Start on Time
4. Set Reminders
5. Start with the most time-consuming
4.3 Performance Measures
Performance measures quantitatively tell us something
important about our products, services, and the processes
that produce them. They are a tool to help us understand,
manage, and improve what our organizations do.
Performance measures let us know:
How well we are doing
If we are meeting our goals
If our customers are satisfied
If and where improvements are necessary
If our processes are in statistical control
They provide us with the information necessary
to make intelligent decisions about what we do.
A performance measure is composed of a
number and a unit of measure. The number gives
us a magnitude (how much) and the unit gives
the number a meaning (what). Performance
measures are always tied to a goal or an
objective (the target).
Most performance measures can be grouped
into one of the following six general
The following reflect the attributes of an ideal unit of
◦ A battle, contest or opposing forces existing between
primitive desires and moral, religious or ethical ideas
(Webster’s Dictionary)
◦ A state of incompatibility of ideas between two or
more parties or individuals
Conflict management is the practice of identifying and
handling conflict in a sensible, fair and efficient manner.
General Causes of Conflicts
◦ Poorly defined goals
◦ Divergent personal values
◦ Lack of cooperation/trust
◦ Competition of scarce resources
◦ Unclear roles/lack of job description
Effects of Conflict in Organizations
◦ Stress
◦ Absenteeism
◦ Staff turnover
◦ De-motivation
◦ Non-productivity
How to prevent Conflicts?
Conflict reflects dynamics
Healthy responses to conflict:
◦The capacity to recognize and
respond to the things that matter to
the other person
◦Calm, non-defensive, and respectful
◦A readiness to forgive and forget,
and to move past the conflict without
holding resentments or anger
Unhealthy responses to conflict:
◦An inability to recognize and respond to
the things that matter to the other person
◦Explosive, angry, hurtful, and resentful
◦The withdrawal of love, resulting in
rejection, isolation, shaming, and fear of
◦An inability to compromise or see the
other person’s side
◦The fear and avoidance of
conflict; the expectation of bad
◦The ability to seek compromise
and avoid punishing
◦A belief that facing conflict head
on is the best thing for both sides
Problem Solving Techniques
the process of using a company’s resources in
the most efficient way possible. These
resources can include tangible resources such
as goods and equipment, financial resources,
and labor resources such as employees.
Resource management can
include ideas such as making sure one
has enough physical resources for one's
business, but not an overabundance so
that products won't get used, or making
sure that people
are assigned to tasks that will keep them
busy and not have too much downtime.
Develop effective work habits
Work Habits
We humans are creatures of habit, therefore to develop good
habits should be simple - right! Well, not always.
7 Seven Simple Steps to Develop Good Habits
◦Identify the habit.
◦Make the decision, and then the commitment to change
◦Discover your triggers and obstacles
◦Devise a plan
◦Employ visualization and affirmations
◦Enlist support from family and friends
◦Find healthy ways to reward yourself
10 Good Work Habits
1. Punctuality
2. Professionalism
3. Positive Attitude
4. Individuality
5. Diligence
6. Time Management
7. Organization
8. Energy
9. Communication
10. Creativity
Work Prioritization
Prioritize your work by urgency of the task
◦ Needs to be done now
◦ Should have been done yesterday
◦ Should be done today
◦ Can wait until tomorrow
◦ Can wait until time permits
After prioritizing your work by urgency, it should
then be prioritized by the date it was received.
Time Management Strategies
The term Time Management is a
misnomer. You cannot manage time;
you manage the events in your life in
relation to time. Much like money,
time is both valuable and limited: it
must be protected, used wisely, and
work team
Performance Evaluation ,,,
The primary goals of a performance
evaluation system are to provide an equitable
measurement of an employee’s contribution
to the workforce,
produce accurate appraisal documentation to
protect both the employee and employer, and
obtain a high level of quality and quantity in
the work produced. To create a performance
evaluation system in your practice, follow
these five steps
Steps in Work Performance Evaluation