Grievance Procedure

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*Records of Proceeding

*Filing Motion,Prtition,Appeals and Other


*Effect of Pendency of an Adminstrative Case

Objections must be resolve during hearing by case of doubt he shall allow the
admission of evidence subject to the
objection interpose against its
admission.there shall be sufficient evidence
in case of objection
Markings of Documentary evidence shall be
properly marked by letters if presented by
complainant and numbers if presented by by
the respondent.
Subpeona refers to request of apearance.
subpeona ad testifiandum is to compel the attendance of
the witness
SUBPEONA DUCESTECUM-refers to the materials or

Subpeona issuancce must be at least three (3)days before

the sccheduled hearing.
Records of proceedings, records must be
taken during the investigation in any means
of recordings
Filing of Motions Petitions,Appeals and
other Pleadings sent by mail shall be
deemed filed on the the date shown by
the post mark on the envelope which shall
attached to the records of the case of
personal delivery
Effect of Pendenccy of an administrative case
shall not disqualify respondent for promotion
from cclaiming maternity paternity. For this
purpose , a pending administrative case shall
be construed as follows.
*formal charge by Desciplinary authority
*a prima facie case case found to exist

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