Safety in Welding and Cutting
Safety in Welding and Cutting
Safety in Welding and Cutting
Welding is a material joining process used in
making welds. Weld is a localized “ coalescence ’’
of metals or non-metals produced by heating the
materials to suitable temperatures with or without
the application of pressure. ‘ Coalescence ’ means
a growing together or growing onto one body.
There are two types of welding :
1) Welding with pressure.
2) Welding without pressure or fusion welding.
This is further classified into :
a ) Gas welding and
b ) Arc welding .
Why do we have to go for welded connections ? Because,
welding has certain advantages over other processes
such as riveting as given below :
a) Welding is a better substitution for riveting works
because noise hazards is eliminated
b) A welded joint has same strength as the parent metal.
c) A welded structure has a better finish and appearance.
Gas welding
This is protective device supported on the
head and used to shield the face and throat
from injury during welding.
Protective Clothing
i. The clothing, preferably woolen rather than cotton
should be free from oil or grease.
ii. Sleeves and collar should be kept buttoned and pockets
eliminated from the front of overalls and aprons.
iii. High boots shall be used, lower cut-shoes with
unprotected tops shall not be used.
iv. Caps or shoulder covers made of leather or other
suitable material shall be worn during overhead welding
or cutting operations. Leather skull caps may be worn
under helmets to prevent head burns.
v. For overhead welding or welding in extremely confined
spaces, ear protection is also desirable.
Welding Check- Lists
i. Use the correct goggles, hand shield or
ii. Select the correct grade of filter glass for the
iii. Wear adequate protective clothing.
iv. Protect the eyes with goggles or by other
means when deslagging .
v. Make sure that the earthing and insulation of
arc-welding equipment is satisfactory.
vi. Make sure that the ventilation is adequate.
vii. Respect the warning notices posted during
radiographic inspection work.
viii. Turn off the gas cylinder valve when not in
ix. Release the regulator screw before turning on
the cylinder valve.
x. Open the cylinder valve slowly.
i. Don’t take risks.
ii. Don’t attempt to repair a tank or other vessel
that has held a combustible. Material until
proper precautions have been taken to ensure
iii. Don’t weld near inflammable material.
iv. Don’t use an engine- driver generator in a
closed , confined building unless the exhaust
gases are led outside.
v. Don’t use oxygen in place of compressed air.
vi. Don’t weld material cleaned with
trichlorothylene until it is absolutely dry.
vii. Don’t leave a blow pipe in a tank or vessel
when not actually in use.
viii. Don’t weld galvanized or other coated metals
without taking the correct precautions.
ix. Don’t use a compressed gas cylinder as a
work support.
x. Don’t allow a gas cylinder to become heated.
xi. Don’t look for a gas leak with a match or