Presentation 4

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    What do we mean • High bandwidth brainstorming is process where
by ‘high bandwidth leadership group of the company discuss about
brainstorming’ and strategic issues such as company expansion,
in which partnership, acquisition revenue growth and
business model.
stage/stages of the
typical consulting • It is a focussed approach to generate several ideas
which is further zeroed down to an acceptable
framework given solution.
by Freedman do
• By expressing ideas in a group that has agreed to
the Pay Zone defer judgment, ideas can be brought to light freely
consultants resort and without internal censorship.
to high bandwidth • Then the ideas generated can be reviewed for
brainstorming? feasibility and appropriateness in a later phase of the
decision making process.
• Pay Zone consultant’s high bandwidth brainstorming
primarily resort to Design Solution Options stage of
the typical consulting framework given by Freedman.
Under the • Analyze needs

design • Set objectives 

• Develop specifications
solutions • Perform ideation
options • Filter for feasibility
following • Select the solution
• Document the solution
steps are
Pay zone •             Worked with only 10% of potential
consultants clients- Ideas to expand the business.
have identified •             Long term continuation of the
company- ideas to have younger partners
certain issues
•             Chances of takeover from other big
and companies- ideas to tackle competition
brainstormed  o •             Virtual business model future-
n different Ideas to business continuity.
options to
mitigate such
What approach Pay Zone’s flexible business model and the
do you suggest effective way it employed collaboration
technologies, automation and the Internet
to promote enabled everyone working for the company
scalability of to pursue their own personal lifestyle
objectives. This was a core value of Pay Zone.
Pay Zone’s They offered what they described as “advanced
consulting information management thinking” as a
means of creating a competitive advantage
business, while for their clients. It included services such as:
continuing to • Information Management
remain a • Process Design
virtual • Software Solutions
Circumstances • PayZone has only worked with 10% of their
favouring potential clients.
• No substantial direct competition
scalability of • Impressive professional expertise.
PayZone’s • Profitable venture with steady cash flow,  minimal
consulting overheads and no debt.

business: • Changing industry employment patterns

Options available with PayZone to scale its
• Increasing their consulting capacity by expanding
the partnership.
• Expand its number of programmers and ramp up
software development.
• Employ consultants on a contract basis.
Increasing Merits:

their • Continue current lifestyle

• Significant increase in income
consulting • Fend off competition by reinforcing competitiveness

capacity by • Expand software development and consulting

expanding • Increased capacity for new clients
• Expand knowledge base
the Demerits: 
partnership. • Cultural & social integration
• Lack of people with skills and relevant background.
• Existing partner compensation issues
• Partnership agreement decisions
• Potential debt
Expand its • Software products were a major source of
number of income.
• Increased associated consulting
programmers opportunities.
and ramp up Demerits:
software • Difficult to identify new software
development. products
• Lack of time with principals
• Possibility of competition from major
software developer
Employ Merits:

consultants • No need for induct new partners.

• No compensation and partnership
on a agreement issues
contract Demerits:
• Lower stability for long term growth
basis • Lower likelihood of a person with cultural
• Increased salary burden
What IT
would you
recommend to
be provided to
the consultants
of Pay Zone to
Options available for PayZone:
Out of the • Scale the business
various options
• Sell software business
being considered
• Sell complete business
by Dart for the
future of Pay
Zone Consulting,
which one will
you recommend
and on what
Scale the
software Merits:
• Get maximum value from software assets
business • Potential future competition and erosion of
• Potential to generate even more revenue
from software by a big firm
• May not get the latent value lying with
software product
• A huge reduction in consulting assignments
• Potential loss of reputation and long term
complete Merits:
• Most effective mechanism to extract
business maximum value
• Straightforward with no future complications
• Future consultancy options open
• Less options for new consulting assignments
• No stake in future profits of company
• Relinquishing lifestyle

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