Instructional Software
Instructional Software
Instructional Software
Lesson outcomes
Identify and describe the five categories
of instructional software, in terms of their
features, characteristics and application
in teaching and learning.
Design a learning activity using the
appropriate instructional software.
Apply the use of instructional software in
other academic discipline.
Understanding System software,
operating software and function
System software is a type of computer
program that is designed to run a computer's
hardware and application programs.
The operating System (OS)I is an example of
system software. The OS manages All the
other program in a computer. Computers
cannot function without the Operating
Two types of software
Application software
System software
From the discussion about system software
and application software, we can readily
cite instructional software as an example
of application software.
Instructional Software is a computer
program designed to assist in the delivery
of instruction. The primary purpose of
instructional Software is to support
teaching and learning
Five categories of Instructional
In educational application, instructional
Software comes in five categories namely:
(Grabe & Grabe 1996)
drill and practice
educational games
exploratory environment
Traditionally, we think of tutorial as a
mode of instruction which involves a
teacher and one or two students. It is
personalized in approaching because the
pacing is based on the rate on the students
A high quality and well designed computer
based tutorial have the basic feature of
traditional tutorial approach.
It provides a controlled learning environment that
replicates the key element of the real world