Seminar On 5g
Seminar On 5g
Seminar On 5g
• 5g network architecture
• 5g mobile architecture
• 5g Spectrum
• 5g working mechanism
• 5g working with 4g
• Hardware and software of 5g
• 5g applications
5g network architecture
• A mobile network has two main components, the ‘Radio Access Network’ and the
‘Core Network’.
• The Radio Access Network - consists of various types of facilities including small
cells, towers, masts and dedicated in-building and home systems that connect
mobile users and wireless devices to the main core network.
• The Core Network - is the mobile exchange and data network that manages all of
the mobile voice, data and internet connections. For 5G, the ‘core network’ is being
redesigned to better integrate with the internet and cloud based services and also
includes distributed servers across the network improving response times
(reducing latency).
5g network architecture
Many of the advanced features of 5G
including network function virtualization
and network slicing for different
applications and services, will be
managed in the core. The following
illustration shows examples of local cloud
servers providing faster content to users
(movie streaming) and low latency
applications for vehicle collision
avoidance systems.
5g mobile architecture
5g Spectrum
The increased spectrum in the
mmWave band will provide
localised coverage as they only
operate over short distances.
Future 5G deployments may
use mmW frequencies in
bands up to 86 GHz.
Mobile spectrum showing the
radio frequency range from 3-
100 GHz with new 5G
spectrum above 6GHz.
5g working mechanism
Wireless communications systems use
radio frequencies (also known as spectrum) to carry
information through the air.
5G operates in the same way, but uses higher radio
frequencies that are less cluttered. This allows for it to
carry more information at a much faster rate. These
higher bands are called 'millimeter waves' (mmwaves).
They were previously unused but have been opened up
for licensing by regulators. They had been largely
untouched by the public as the equipment to use them
was largely inaccessible and expensive.
5g working mechanism
5g working with 4g
When a 5G connection is established, the
User Equipment (or device) will connect to
both the 4G network to provide the control
signaling and to the 5G network to help
provide the fast data connection by adding
to the existing 4G capacity.
Where there is limited 5G coverage, the data
is carried on the 4G network providing the
continuous connection. Essentially with this
design, the 5G network is complementing
the existing 4G network
Hardware and software of 5g
5G Software:
5G Hardware: • 5G will be single unified standard of
• Uses UWB (Ultra Wide Band) networks different wireless networks, including
with higher Bandwidth at low energy LAN technologies, LAN/WAN, WWWW-
levels World Wide Wireless Web, unified IP &
• BW is of 4000 Mbps, which is 400 times seamless combination of broadband
faster than today’s wireless networks
• Software defined radio, encryption,
• Uses smart antenna flexibility, Anti-Virus
• Uses CDMA (Code Division Multiple
5g applications
• Improved Connectivity
• New Consumer Devices & Services
• New IoT solutions
• Smarter Infrastructure & public services
• Autonomous vehicle technology
• Cloud Robotics