Mmajor Project ppt-1
Mmajor Project ppt-1
Mmajor Project ppt-1
• Almost all of the present two wheelers use Air cooled engines, because Air-cooled
engines are the only option due to the impressive advantages like lighter weight and
lesser space requirement.
• This heat transfer is due to many fixed and variable constraints (fin array, fin
geometry and shape, fluid flow velocity, and material etc.).
• The effect of cooling of internal combustion engine cylinder in free air has been
studied and various results are noted and analyzed.
• After carrying Transient Thermal Analysis of model, heat flow analysis,
improvements are there in fin efficiency by changing fin geometry, fin material and
climate condition.
Maximum Temperature Minimum Temperature Maximum Heat Flux Minimum Heat Flux Mass
Al Alloy Mg Alloy
Maximum Minimum Temperature Maximum Heat Flux Minimum Heat Flux Mass
Al Alloy Mg Alloy
Maximum Minimum Temperature Maximum Heat Flux Minimum Heat Flux Mass
Thermal Flux G. Babu and Result by present work Result by the modification
(W/mm2) Lavakumar[2] in design
• This project has compared the materials Aluminum alloy 6061 and Magnesium alloy ZC63A with varying shapes
of engine cylinder. The fin geometry is modeled using the SOLIDWORKS 2018 and then thermal analysis is done
on ANSYS workbench.
• By simply changing the shape of the fins and also by changing the material of fin; the fin performance is increased
as well as the weight is reduced.
• It was observed the Total heat flux has a maximum value of 3.9887 W/mm2 within the Proposed model of fin
Shape of Aluminum alloy from by the flowing of air over the fin.
• Also, it was observed the Total heat flux has a maximum value of 3.558 W/mm2 for the Proposed model of fin
shape of Magnesium alloy. This clearly conclude that heat transfer hence the cooling is improved.
• When analyzed on software, the modified cylinder 3(proposed model) has shown better results than other two, as
surface area is increased that leads to increased heat rate. But manufacturing of this type fins will not be
economical because of the complexity of the design.
• Hence, conclude that using magnesium alloy material is better and fins shape should be longitudinal.
1. G. Babu, M. Lavakumar.: Heat Transfer Analysis and Optimization of Engine Cylinder Fins of Varying Geometry and Material. Research Paper- IOSR
Journal of Mechanical & Civil Engineering. E -ISSN 2278 -1684, p- ISSN 2320 - 334X, Vo l.7 Issue 4, pp.24- 29, July - Aug. (2013).
2. R.C.Sachdeva.: Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer. New Age International Publishers.
3. Prof. Arvind S. Sorathiya, Manankumar B. Joshi, Prof. (Dr.) Pravin P. Rathod.: Heat Transfer Augmentation of Air Cooled 4 stroke SI Engine through
Fins. International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology. ISSN 2347 – 6435, Volume 2, Issue 1, January (2014).
4. Raviulla, Ashish Muchrikar, M Tech Scholar, Corporate Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal (M.P.).: Heat Transfer Analysis of Engine
Cylinder Fins of Varying Geometry. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)ISSN (Online): 2319-7064Index Copernicus Value (2016):
79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391.
5. Ansys- Intro to Transient Thermal Analysis • DECEMBER 2019- Thermal Capacitance in Heat Transfer Analysis – Lesson 1(December 2019).
6. Polidas Varalakshmi , M. Lavakumar .: Steady State Thermal Analysis of Engine Cylinder Fin by Changing Geometry” ISSN NO. 2348-4845 (August