Seminar On Air Pollution: Submitted To: Submitted by
Seminar On Air Pollution: Submitted To: Submitted by
Seminar On Air Pollution: Submitted To: Submitted by
Air Pollution
Unhealthy 151-200
Active children and adults, and people
with respiratory disease, such as
asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor
exertion, everyone else, especially
children should limit prolonged outdoor
Very Unhealthy (Alert) 201-300 Active children and adults, and people
with respiratory disease, such as
asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor
exertion everyone else, especially
children, should limit outdoor exertion.
P o ll u ta n t s :
5 M a j o r
M o n o x id e
1..) Ca r b o n
D i o x i d e
2.) Sulfur
e n D i o x i d e
3.) N it r o g
la t e M a tt e r
4.) P a r ti c u
n d L e v e l
5.) Grou
Carbon Monoxide
• Colorless, odorless
• Produced when carbon does not burn
in fossil fuels
• Present in car exhaust
• Deprives body of O2 causing
headaches, fatigue, and impaired
Sulfur Dioxide
• Produced when coal and fuel
oil are burned
• Present in power plant exhaust
• Narrows the airway, causing
wheezing and shortness of
breath, especially in those with
Nitrogen Dioxide
• Reddish, brown gas
• Produced when nitric
oxide combines with
oxygen in the atmosphere
• Present in car exhaust and
power plants
• Affects lungs and causes
wheezing; increases
chance of respiratory
Particulate Matter
• Particles of different sizes and
structures that are released into the
• Present in many sources including
fossil fuels, dust, smoke, fog, etc.
• Can build up in respiratory system
• Aggravates heart and lung disease;
increases risk of respiratory
Ground Level Ozone
• At upper level, ozone shields Earth from
sun’s harmful UV rays
• At ground level, ozone is harmful
• Formed from car, power and chemical
plant exhaust
• Irritate respiratory system and asthma;
reduces lung function by inflaming and
damaging lining of lungs
• Combination of gases with water vapor
and dust
• Combination of words smoke and fog
• Forms when heat and sunlight react
gases (photochemical smog)
• Occurs often with heavy traffic,
high temperatures, and calm winds
• 1st smog related deaths were in London
in 1873; death toll 500 people; can you
imagine how much worse the
atmosphere is now?!
• Limits visibility
• Decreases UV radiation
• Yellow/black color over cities
• Causes respiratory problems and
bronchial related deaths
Indoor Air Pollution
Efficient insulation
Molds and mildews
animal dander and cat saliva
house dust
• Ride your bike