Spotters-Mlt: Dr.S.Rashmi Dept. of Biochemistry

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• 1.Identify the type of additive used in this tube

• Tube contains sodium heparin as an anticoagulant.

• 2.Name few tests done in samples collected in this tube

• This tube is used for preparing heparinized plasma, whole blood, and bone
marrow specimen-routine biochemical tests done in plasma
Tube cap color Additive Function of Additive Common laboratory tests

Light-blue Prevents blood from clotting by binding

3.2% Sodium citrate Coagulation

Red or gold (mottled or "tiger" top used with Clot activator promotes blood clotting with
Serum tube with or without clot activator or
some tubes is not shown) glass or silica particles. Gel separates serum Chemistry, serology, immunology
from cells.

Sodium or lithium heparin with or without Prevents clotting by inhibiting thrombin and
Stat and routine chemistry
gel thromboplastin

Lavender or pink
Potassium EDTA Prevents clotting by binding calcium Hematology and blood bank

Gray Sodium fluoride, and sodium or potassium Fluoride inhibits glycolysis, and oxalate Glucose (especially when testing will be
oxalate prevents clotting by precipitating calcium. delayed), blood alcohol, lactic acid

• 1.Identify the type of additive used in this tube

• EDTA Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid
• 2.Name few tests done in samples collected in this tube
• Complete Blood Count,blood bank testing,HbA1c
• EDTA has been recommended as the anticoagulant of choice for hematological
testing because it allows the best preservation of cellular components and
morphology of blood cells.

• 1.Identify the type of additive used in this tube

• Sodium fluoride, and sodium / potassium oxalate
• 2.Name few tests done in samples collected in this tube
• Glucose,Lactate,blood alcohol
• Glucose is unstable in whole blood . Fluoride-containing tubes are used to reduce
glycolysis, especially when very accurate glucose results are required.

• 1.Identify the type of additive used in this tube

• Sodium citrate-anticoagulant
• 2.Name tests done in samples collected in this tube
• Coagulation studies like PT,APTT

• 1.Identify the tube

• Plain tube with no additives
• 2.Name the tests done in samples,especially collected in this tube
• biochemistry, immunology and serology like LFT,RFT

• 1.Name 3 veins commonly involved in blood collection in antecubital area

• the median cubital, the cephalic and the basilic veins.

• 2.What blood tests we should avoid using tourniquet

• Calcium, potassium,lactate

• Identify the missing blood collection tube in the

order of draw of sample collection and its uses

• 1.Name the three popular types of blood collection methods

• Arterial Sampling.
• Venipuncture Sampling.
• Fingerstick Sampling

• 2.Name fre body fluids used in analysis

• Blood,urine,pleural fluid,ascItic fluid,pericardial fluid,CSF

• What is the difference between serum and plasma

• Serum” is the fluid obtained when whole blood clots.Plasma contains
anticoagulant so blood is not clotted
• 2.How to prepare serum and plasma?
• The clot is removed by centrifugation and the resulting supernatant, designated
serum, is carefully removed using a Pasteur pipette. Plasma is produced when
whole blood is collected in tubes that are treated with an anticoagulant. The
blood does not clot in the plasma tube. The cells are removed by centrifugation.

• What is the graph,mention its indication

• Glucose tolerance test –useful to diagnose diabetes mellitus in doubtful cases
• To rule out gestational diabetes

• 2.Contraindications for doing the above test

• Acutely ill patients

• Give the reference interval with units for:

• Glucose-70-110 mg/dl (fasting)
• 80-140mg/dl(2 hrs postprandial)
• BUN-Blood urea nitrogen-6-20mg/dl
• S.Creatinine-0.7-1.4 mg/dl
• Total proteins-6-8 g/dl
• Albumin-3.5-5 g/dl

• Give the reference interval with units for:

• HbA1c- <5.5%
• Calcium-8.6-10.2 mg/dl
• Total Bilirubin- 0.2-1.0 mg/dl
• S.Sodium-136-145mEq/L
• S.Potassium-3.5-5mEq/L

• What are the two types of quality control in the lab?

• Internal Quality Control
• External Quality control

• What are the 2 types of errors in QC analysis?

• Sytematic and random errors

• What is OSHA?
• Occupational and Safety Health Act of 1970

• Mention any 2 guidelines for regulation of lab hazards?

• Education and training of all lab personnel
• Hazard identification & assesment
• Biomedical waste disposal

• Identify the abnormal lab report and diagnose

• Fasating blood sugar-140 mg/dl
• Post prandial blood sugar-210 mg/dl

• Answer : Both values are increased. Diagnosis: Diabetes mellitus


• Identify the abnormal lab report and diagnose

• BUN-60 mg/dl
• S.Creatinine-2.4 mg/dl
• S.Albumin-3.8 g/dl
• S.calcium-7 mg/dl

• Ans:Elevated BUN & S.Creatinine /reduced S.Calcium.

• Diagnosis: Chronic Renal failure

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