Active Ingredient(s) of Cleaning Products
Active Ingredient(s) of Cleaning Products
Active Ingredient(s) of Cleaning Products
8038 1131
• In this time of pandemic, the
cleanliness of our home is very
important. Good housekeeping
requires high standard of
cleanliness or the absence of dirt
and its sanitation as well, or the
absence of disease-causing
organisms like bacteria.
• All housekeeping tasks need the use
of the right tool for the right job.
There are different kinds of cleaning products.
• laundry detergents
• bleaches
• dishwashing products
• mouthwash
• C11H26O
• (1) the hydrophobic, carbon-rich, fatty alcohol
• C15H33NO
• NH3
• Ammonia is a colorless, soluble alkali
gas that occurs naturally in the
environment. It is a chemical containing
one nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms
bonded together. It was traditionally used
in many household cleaners, though
today it's still found in glass cleaner, all-
purpose cleaners, and smelling salts.
• NaClO